S1, E1: Eye of the Beholder, Part 1

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Season 1, Episode 1: Eye of the Beholder, Part 1

The salty spray of the sea tickles my face as Vision and I race after Hiccup and Toothless. Saviour playfully nibbling on my ear as we chase my brother through a cloud of mist and into the clear air. We dodge past sea stacks, rolling out of the way of some of them.

"Okay, Bud, let's try the new move." Hiccup says to Toothless.

"Oh not this again." I say.

"Oh, please, that's the whole reason I asked you out here. Just off I call, catch me." Hiccup says, before Toothless starts flying up vertically.

"That's it, Toothless, push it!" Hiccup says as he leaves my ear shot. "You've got it! Climb higher."

We wait for a few moments, until Saviour and Vision call out in alarm and we start flying up.

"I told him this would happen! He owes me... I don't know, he owes me something!" I say as I get ready to catch Hiccup.

"So just plummet, or, uh... any ideas?" I hear Hiccup ask Toothless.

The dragon speeds towards me, before levelling off and catching my twin.

"I seriously have to get my own pair of wings." Hiccup says. Toothless grumbles. "Oh, quiet, you. Don't even start."

"Hiccup, you don't need wings, you need common sense." I say as we catch up to him. "Let's head back."

"Oh, does someone miss their girlfriend?" Hiccup mocks.

My face burns with embarrassment, so I flip Hiccup off and head back to Berk, with Hiccup, Toothless, Vision, and Saviour all laughing at my reaction.

"This is Berk." Hiccup says as we fly over the village.

"This is Berk too." I say as we fly through the construction of our dragon stables.

"And so is this." Hiccup says, flying over the feeding station.

"Oh, and this also." As I feel the gust of the windmill on my face.

"Yeah, it's been three whole years since the war with the Berserkers." Hiccup says.

"And Berk has changed a lot." I say ruefully. There's been more than one occasion where I forget where new things are and been saved by Vision, Saviour, or Astrid from a pillar or a wall.

"But then again, so have we." Hiccup agrees, snickering.

"Snotlout works at the armoury now." I say as we fly over him testing out a catapult with himself. "Gobber gave him the title of 'official weapons tester'."

We stop suddenly as Snotlout catapults himself. As he goes flying in front of us, he shouts, "Hahaha! It works!"

I hear the rolling of a cart as 2 people run, pushing a cart towards where Snotlout seems to be landing. "The twins, to absolutely no one's surprise, have decided to dedicate their lives to Loki." Hiccup says.

"Uh, Hookfang!" Snotlout shouts, before shrieking, "Hookfang!"

The Monstrous Nightmare grabs the flying Viking right before he hits whatever was in the cart the Twins put in his way.

"The god of pranks. Lucky us." Hiccup says.

"Aww, you're just sad that the Twins have solemnly vowed never to prank me." I say in a mocking voice to Hiccup.

"You just had to cut it that close, don't you?" Snotlout asks the Stoker Class dragon. Hookfang flings Snotlout up, before catching him in the saddle. "There will be repercussions for this. Repercussions!" Snotlout's yells down to the Twins who just laugh.

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