S1, E7: Reign of Fireworms

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S1, E7: Reign of Fireworms

The smog of smoke makes me cough as we fly over the burning forest.

"It began with one Fireworm, and as we were flying back, we kept seeing more and more." Fishlegs explained.

"Do you think they're migrating?" Astrid asks.

"If they were migrating, the whole island would be on fire." Hiccup says.

"Not necessarily." Fishlegs says.

"Here we go!" Snotlout scoffs.

"Don't Fireworms send scouts when they migrate?" I ask, ignoring Snotlout's attitude.

"Exactly. They send them to see if their migration route is safe." Fishlegs explains. "If this is a stop along that route—"

"An entire flock of Fireworms could be coming through here." Astrid says as the Twins finally join us.

"Well, I say bring 'em on!" Tuff jumps in. "I love those little scorchers."

"Are you still gonna love them when they all land here and burn our entire island to the ground?" I ask.

"Yes!" Tuff quickly reponds. "Wait, no. Wait, is that a trick question? Because it's pretty tricky."

"Fishlegs, how much time do we have?" Hiccuo asks.

"Uh, it's hard to say. If it's a full migration, the rest of them could be here as soon as next week."

"Huh! Good to know." Snotlout says, before stopping Hookfang. "It's been nice knowing you, island. Snotlout is outlout!"

"We're not abandoning the island, Snotlout." Hiccup and I say together as we swoop around to stop him.

"Uh, yeah, we are. Watch."

"Guys, we put too much hard work into this place to just leave." I say.

"Snotlout is not 'outlout'." Hiccup adds. "We're staying. Now let's get to work."

"Fine!" Snotlout relents. "But I still like my plan better."

We fly back to the Edge, Hiccup giving out orders as we arrive. We all break, doing what we can to prepare for the incoming migration of Fireworms.

We regroup in the clubhouse, aside from the Twins.

"Okay, Astrid, you and Fishlegs filled the watering troughs, right?" Hiccup asks.

"Yep! Topped off all the barrels too." says my amazing girlfriend.

"Ooh, I found a perfect cave for the Night Terrors." Fishlegs says. "High enough and desolate enough so the flames won't get near them."

"Perfect. Good job, guys." I say.

"Now if the twins would finally get back, we can find out what they've done." Hiccup adds.

"Oh, I can tell you what they've done." Snotlout says as the Twins approach, standing just outside the doorway. "Zero, zip, zilch. I'm forgetting something. Oh, yeah, goose egg!"

"Oh, contrary, my fine fellow." Tuff says. "We have done quite a lot, actually."

"Did you clear the brush?" I ask, hopefully.

"Uh, no."

Well, I did say hopefully.

"Build a fire break?" Hiccup asks.

"Nope, not that." Ruff answers.

"How about water? Did you bring any back?" Astrid asks.

"Couldn't. Too busy." Tuffnut says proudly.

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