teenage feelings(chapter 1)

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at 3 pm at school

Karl was sitting in his last class before school ended, Sapnap was in the same class.

god hes so beautiful Karl thought to himself
,zoning out on Sapnap.

The teacher calls on Karl. He was speechless, and starting to blush. After a long silence the teacher decided to finally harass somebody else.


at the end of class

Karl really wanted to get closer to sapnap.
should i ask his phone number?, should i go talk to him?
Karl questioned himself.
After debating weather or not he was gonna ask, he finally decided that he was gonna be brave and ask Sapnap for his phone number.

As soon as the bell ring, Karl walked up to the bou and said
"Hey man sorry to bother you. do you mind exchanging numbers? Maybe we can help eachother with the exams comming up!"
"Sure. ", Sapnap replies
"Cool, thanks Sapnap!", Karl felt so reliever. He knew from that moment forward that he had liked Sapnap more than just a classmate. He had just got home but he want to text Sapnap so badly, but is it to early ? what if i annoy him? does he think im weird? Karl thought deeply to himself.
To get his mind off Sapnap, he went to take a shower.
Karl turned the heat all the way up, grabber his towels, started his music, and got in.
His skin started burning but it felt so good he thought.


a few weeks later

Karl saw a message pop up on his phone.
he looked at it and it was sapnap, it made him so happy he almost forgot to answer.
The text said.
s: Yo Karl wanna hang out some time to get our minds of the exams?
Karl was suprised sapnap asked him to hang out but without thinking Karl replied
k: I'd love to!

Karl decided to change Sapnap's contact name .
Karl thought about changing it to"sapnap<3",what if he sees ut maybe i just keep it on as sapnap.
Karl finally decided to out his contact name as "sapnap:]"


a week after

Karl was pretty bored and was gonna ask Sapnap to maybe hang out.
Karl went to text sapnap and asked "Hey Sapnap!! Wanna come over to my house?"
Sapnap replied almost immediately, that made Karl's heart race, he loved this boy more than anything and anyone.
Hes never felt this way about anyone before, and definitely not with a guy.

s: Sure ill be there in 30:)
k: Okay, see you soon (:

30 minutes later

Karl heard knocking at his door.He went to open it, and there was Sapnap. he looks so beautiful Karl thought, zoning out on Sapnap "Karl? Kaarll! You okay?" Sapnap asked with a worried tone.
Karl snapped back in to realtiy and said "oh yeah, sorry. just thinking about someone."

"Well. What we do?" Sapnap asked
"how  about we watch something on netflix?", Karl suggested.
"Yeah i would like that."
Sapnap replied happily.

The two of them choose their movie and started watching, then neither of them said another word

Once it was over, Sapnap noticed Karl fell asleep in his lap.
He had no idea what to do, but he had to go back to his mom's house before she got pissed. He finally decided on a idea. He laid Karl's head down, putting a pillow under it, then gets him a blanket too.
He also decided to leave a thank you note to Karl.

teenage feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now