chapter 3~

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They arrived in the spare bedroom.
Karl looks deeply in Sapnaps eyes, Sapnap could feel his face turn red. They we're both very tired, they kissed each other goodnight . Karl left before Sapnap could even wake up, he left a note for Sapnap telling him that he had to go home so that his mother would know he's okay.

Later that day Dream messaged Sapnap telling him that he was coming home for awhile, and he would be at Sapnap's house shortly. Dream had been Sapnap's best friend since kindergarten. They used to hang out everyday, that was until Dream moved to Florida temporarily. He was in Florida for a few years, but today he finally decided to come back to see Sapnap. Sapnap was sp excited to see Dream, mainly because they grew up together and it's bren what feels like forever since they've seen each other.
When dream arriged he excitedly said,
Sapnap immediately went to hug Dream.
Sapnap says jokingly.

"Dream, i have something important to tell you."
Sapnap said quietly.
"Yeah, whats up?"
Dream said questionably.
"i fell in love.. with a boy."
Sapnap said as he felt his heart drop out of fear, scared that Dream would judge him even though he knew he would never do that.
"Hey man, im so proud of you!"
Dream quickly replied.
"Tell me about him."
Dream asked curiously.
"His hair is so soft? it's so calming to mess up and play with. The way he looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes. He gives the best cuddles, he always makes me feel so safe. I hate leaving him alone for to long, scared that he'll do something that'll hurt the both of us."
Sapnap said, clearly imagining Karl in his mind.
"Wow, man. I'm so proud of you, seems like you're really happy."
Dream told Sapnap with a proud tone.
"Anyways. should we watch the football game?"
Sapnap asked, wanting less attention on him.
Dream said happily.

The time went by pretty fast before they knew it the game was over and Dream was already leaving to stay in his hotel he rented for a few months.
"See you later man."
"See you Sap."
Once Dream left Sapnap immediately grabbed his phone to check up on Karl.


s: Hey Karl! How are you?
s: You normally reply quickly, so i'm just worried.

s: You could be busy.
s: Karl?? Are you okay? Please answer me Karl.

s: Karl please. I care about you and im really worried.

s: Karl, did anything happen?
s: Karl. Please. Before i come over there.

Karl hadn't replied to Sapnap in a few days, that's why Sapnap was so worried

TW: mention of sh, ed

Karl decides to self isolate again, refusing to eat anything but a little snack every once in awhile
He hated how he looked himself, he couldn't even look in the mirror without hatred
He took his blade out of his drawer, feeling empty.
"Only once."
Karl told himself but that one turned into five then to seven.
He sat on the bathroom floor, crying for hours.
Holding himself wishing Sapnap was there.
Salnap couldn't stop worrying, he finally decided he was gonna go over there.
Not caring what his mom would say, all he wanted was to make sure that his boy was okay.

Sapnap arrived and kept knocking, nobody answered.
He did remember that Karl once told him he left a extra key under his doormat if anything ever happend.
Sapnap took the key and went in.
Sapnap said as he searcher everywhere for Karl.
Then he opened the bathroom and saw Karl just laying on the floor crying, Karl didn't even wanna look up.
"oh no, Karl"
Sapnap said with a sad tone.
"Karl what did you do? Please talk to me."
Karl didn't reply.
Sapnap quickly grabbed Karl into his chest hugging him deeply.
He noticed that Karl wasn't eating again but decided not to tell Karl, he didn't wanna pressure the boy.
"C'mon Karl.. Go take a shower and get urself ready."
Sapnap said whispering as he made the shower all ready for Karl.
Karl still hadn't moved from the same spot.
"Karl can you please do this for me, i have a suprise for you after."
As Karl was showering Sapnap could hear Karl whine in pain because of the soap in his fresh cuts.
Sapnap knocked on the door and asked Karl if he could come in.
Karl just replied with "mhm."
Sapnap went in a tried comforting Karl
"Karl. Honey, you don't need to use soap.
I know it hurts, do the best for you."
Sapnap said as he walked out.
After some while Karl was done.
He went to go out clothes on.
Then Sapnap came in with a full outfit with his clothes.
"Here u go Karl, try that."
As Sapnap handed him the clothes.
Sapnap had a much different style then him.
he always smells so good and his clothes exactly like him
Karl always thought.
"Where are we going?"
Karl asked.
"You'll see."
Sapnap said confidently.
They put their jackets and shoes on and went outside.
Sapnap heard Karl shiver.
Sapnap asked.
Karl replied.
Sapnap held Karl's hand, which was freezing cold and held him closer by.
"Almost there."
Sapnap told Karl.
They arrived
"Chick fil a? How do you know i love this?"
Karl asked confused.
"I know everything."
Sapnap said jokingly.
As they sat down and waited for their food to arrive, Karl deeply thought to himself
what am i actually with Sapnap
is it obvious that i like him but he doesn't wanna hurt my feelings

Their food came and Sapnap began with eating.
"This is ur earned reward Karl, enjoy im paying."
Karl only played with his food avoiding to eat anything, as much as he appreciated Sapnap's offer,

"Whats wrong Karl? You've barley touched ur food. Is something wrong with it?"
"Oh uh, no no nothing wrong. Just thinking about stuff, yk."
"Karl, you seem stressed. Please font think about bad things at this moment.

after some time Karl ate half of his plate
"Im full."
Karl said
"Okay, lets get the bill and then we can go."
They walk home and quickly go to bed.
Karl lays his head on Sapnap's chest and ends up dozing off quickly.
"Ur so adorable when ur asleep."
Sapnap said with a big smile.

Karl woke up pretty early and gave Sapnap a good morning kiss.
He didn't know Sapnap was awake.
"I wanna be woken up like this everyday cutie."
Karl started blushing and quickly ran away, to make breakfast for Sapnap.
Since Sanap always have done it for him.
As he was making toast he felt two arms sneak around his waist.
It was Sapnap.
Sapnap put his head on Karls shoulder, and helped him to make breakfast.
after they ate Sapnap watcher the dishes so Karl didn't have to worry.

"What u wanna do today?"
Karl asked with a big smile.
"How about i let u meet my kindergarten bestfriend, Dream. He had to move to Florida a couple years ago but he came back to visit me."
"Sure! That'll be fun."
Karl said excitedly.

Sapnap calls dream if he can come over.
"Hey Dream, wanna come over? U can meet my other friend and we call all hang out!"
"Ofcourse, i'd like that. Whats the address?"
Sapnap gives the address and they wait for Dream to arrive

a few minutes later

There was a knock at the front door.
Sapnap opened the door there was Dream.
"Hello Dream, come in."
This is Karl say hello to each other.
"Hello Karl! So nice to meet you."
"Hello Dream, yeah you to."
Karl said shyly.
"Was this the guy you were talking about Sapnap? He also has blue eyes."
Sapnap yellend jokingly.
"Guy you talked about?.."
Karl said with tears.
No no Karl, dont cry. Dream was talkinr about someone else."
Karl wiped his tears away and went upstairs to his room.
"Im sorry Sapnap to assume that."
Well it is him, but he doesn't know."
"Oh i see i see"
Dream replied.

Karl started crying in his bed again
is he talking bad about me?
does he think im ugly?
am i not good enough for him
he will never like me

"Hey dream i'm gonna check on Karl rq"
Dream agreed and stayed downstairs.

Sapnaps heart broke as he saw Karl like that.
Karl immediately hugged Sapnap and looked up at him
"Do you think im ugly?"
Karl said with tears streaming down his cheeks.
"No honey, ur beautiful.

They both end up cuddling forgetting about Dream who is still downstairs.

Dream was gonna check up on them.
"Hey Sapnap, Is everything ok-?"
"Okay sorry for ruining ur time together, ill head to my hotel."
"Bye Dream."
Sapnap said laughingly.
As Dream walked off.

Before Sapnap went to sleep he told Karl "I love you." to make sure Karl would forget that hes loved...


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