chapter 4~

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TW: mention of sh

Karl wakes up and immediately feels depressed, he doesn't know why. He's just sad. He feels like he doesn't have a reason to be sad because he has everything he's ever wanted, Sapnap. It starts really getting to him, to the point where he's sitting on the bathroom floor asking himself if he should relapse. He's sitting there and he gets a text from Quackity asking if he's up. Karl gets up and goes to his car. He's sitting in the car and he calls Quackity asking if he can come over. Quackity can tell something's wrong, so he says yes without hesitation.
Karl arrives and walks to the door.
Quackity was already waiting for Karl.
"KARL!!", Quackity said as soon as he saw Karl.
Karl replies, trying to match Quackity's energy.
"What's up Karl? How are u doing?"
"Not very good."
Karl said as he felt pressure his chest.
"Whats wrong? I know you came over here to talk to me, so please start whenever you're ready."
Quackity said worryingly.
"I don't know, today i just woke up and felt sad. No reason, i have no reason to be upset. I just dont know, what's wrong with me."
"Karl, its okay. I know its hard, but i promise everything will be okay. You just need to get out of your head for a while and try to stop thinking so much. You know you can always talk to me, and there's nothing wrong with you."
Quackity replied, to Karl's heartbreaking sentences.
Karl pulls Quackity into a deep hug, as Karl's phone is blowing up with messages.
Sapnap had woken up and Karl was gone, he had no idea what to do.

s:Hey Karl. Where are u?
s: I'm so confused. Please just tell me where you are. I don't care what you're doing or who you're with.
I just wanna know if you're okay.

Sapnap tried calling Karl a few times but never got a answer.

"Karl, i can hear ur phone going off, someone keeps texting, seems important."
"I'll look later, im sure it's just my mom."
Karl said with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Sapnap was bored and thinking of Karl, so he decided to go clean up Karl's room, knowing it hasn't been in a few months because Karl doesn't have the energy to do it himself.
Sapnap's cleaning, listening to his favorite playlist about Karl when he gets to Karl's bathroom.
Sapnap gets done with everything and decides to sort out his drawers. He opened one drawer and found 2 blades sitting there.
"No. Fuck dude."
Sapnap said with tears in his eyes.
"I figured he stopped. I guess not though. How did I not notice..."
Sapnap thought to himself throwing away the blades, so Karl can't hurt himself anymore. He went through every drawer in Karl's house yo make sure Karl didn't have any more.
He called Karl again after he finished cleaning.
"Karl, who keeps calling u?"
"It's probably my mom, I'll check."
"Oh shit, I forgot to tell Sapnap I was gonna leave. Now he's in my house, goddammit."
"Wait he's in ur house?"
"Yeah he slept over last night."
"You should probably go check on him before he gets even more worried."
Quackity says thoughtfully.
"I will see you Quackity. Thank you for letting me rant, talk to you later!"
Karl said with a smile, as he's running out of the house
Quackity said giggling.

Karl arrived at his house and opened the door.
He saw Sapnap sitting on the couch curled up and crying.
"Sapnap? Whats wrong? Why are you crying?"
Karl said with tears in his eyes, he can't look at Sapnap or he'll start crying and he's done enough of that.
"Karl?? Where we're you?!"
Sapnap sobbed as he ran up to Karl hugging him.
"I went to Quackity's house."
"Whos Quackity?"
Sapnap asked kind of jealously
what if he likes that boy and not me
im such a failure
he went to talk to someone else because he thought he couldn't talk to me
Sapnap frantically thought to himself.
"Oh, hes just a close friend."
"Oh okay."
Sapnap said with a big relief.
"Karl, honey can u please go wait on the bed, I have somethung i'd like to talk to you about."
Karl was confused but did as he was asked.
He went to his room and was suprised at how clean it was.
"Awh, he cleaned it all for me."
Sapnap came in, he wasn't crying anymore but his eyes we're still puffy from when he was.
Later Sapnap came back in.
"Okay, as u see i decided to clean your room. I knew you'd appreciate it and i came across something."
Karl could feel his heart start to sink, he knew exactly what Sapnap had found.
"Oh, you found them."
Karl said sadly.
"Yes, Karl."
Sapnap started crying again.
"You know i love you and only you, and that you can always talk to me. You never have to change, I love you for who you are not who you think I want you to be. I fell in love with the shy boy in my science class."
Karl was clearly about to cry.
"Karl, please dont cry. I'll start crying even more."
Sapnap says, laughing a little.
"Come here, beautiful"
Sapnap said as he pulled Karl into his lap kissing his forehead.
"If you need to cry let it all out, I'll be here to hold you."
Karl fell asleep crying in Sapnap's lap.

Sapnap scrolls through twitter and then decided to message Dream. Sapnap was stressed worrying about Karl, that he just needed someone who's not Karl to talk about it too.
He messages Dream.

s: Hey man, can we talk? I've had a stressful day.
d: Of course man. What happened?
s: Okay I'll start from the beginning, so first i woke up and Karl was gone. (btw i went to his place after you left) I text him, no response. I call him, no answer. I'm alone at his house i decide to clean his house as a small little surprise to cheer him up. Lets just say i find something that's a little personal and um very fucking sad to find in the bathroom of someone you love THAT much.
He finally shows up telling me that he forgot to tell me he was going to one of his friend's house. I decided to talk to him about it because why wouldn't I, I wanna help any way I can. We talk about it, both crying holding each other tightly until eventually, he falls askeep in my lap.
Anyway, that was my day!! He's asleep on me, he looks so cute and peaceful laying there.
d: Oh! I'm so sorry all of that happenf, you both don't deserve this, you're both great guys! I can tell you love him a lot man, hope everything works out between you two!
s: Thank you Dream, I hope you eventually find someone that'll love you as much as i love him!

Sapnap takes a picture of Karl sleeping and stares ar it for a while, he sends it to Dream with the caption.
"This boy will eventually be all mine! :)"
Dream replied "HAHAHAHA SAPNAP. You're already taking pictures of the poor guy sleeping LMFAOAO."
Sapnap laughed so hard he almost pissed himself and almost woke up Karl.
Sapnap got a notification from Dream later that night.

d: YOOO. Sap, i have a few questions about Karl.
HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT ASKING HIM OUT?! Or are you gonna be a pussy and wait for him to do it.
s: Stupid bitch, you love us. I'm thinking about asking Karl out at his favorite restaurant or a romantic park. I'm just scared that it's to early."
d: Oh well, do it when it feels right!
Sapnap falls askeep snuggled up next to Karl before responding to Dream.

short chapter i am hoping to make the next chapters quicker then i have made this one and also longer but i was just very busy with everything so yeah i hope you enjoyed

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