chapter 2~

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They both start slowly leaning in.
Sapnap is kissed Karl so passionately that Karl would never forget that night
Karl start to unbutton his shirt, while Sapnap starts making little marks down his body one by one, first to his jawline then his collarbone.
Sapnap knew he had found Karl's soft spot.
Karl ends up giving a little groan, covering his mouth swiftly out of embarrassment , Sapnap takes Karl's hand off and says "Don't worry nobody's here, be as loud as you want sweetheart."
Sapnap continued, knowing Karl liked it.
Sapnap ended up giving Karl bruised spots all around his neck. Sapnap stops and Karl pulls back.
by the end of the night they're in Karl's bed holding each other as one sleeps peacfully.

Sapnap wakes up first so he decided on making Karl breakfast, then leaving another note saying he had to home and study.

Katl wakes up with the memories from last night flooding his brain. There was no chnacr that he'd ever forget that night. He missed Sapnap.

a few days later


s: Hey Karl, I need to some time away from you. we should not have done that i was cleary drunk and you accepted it u shouldn't have done that!

k: Wait what, please dont do this sapnap i need you. im so sorry. please dont be upset:(

s: Karl! ofcourse im upset! i didnt expect such a thing from you Karl. Why did you do it?! U should have declined, I was cleary drunk! im disappointed in you Karl.
read 2:50 pm

Karl's heart shattered into a million pieces.
Why would he do this to me.
I love him so much!
Why the fuck did i do that anyway.
i fucking hate myself so much!
i lost him and now myself..
Karl thought aggressively to himself.

The weeks went by much faster, but also much harder.
its been a month since he has last talked to sapnap, out of no where he get a text from Sapnap..


s:Hey sorry

s: Ive finally accepted what had happend.
s: Please answer me
s: I need to know that you are atleast alivr!
s: Please, Karl
s: Im so sorry for hurting you i didnt mean to at all

Karl reads these messaged quietly to himself, thinking about answering. He doesnt know what to say, so he sits in silence trying to think of something to say.
When he hears someone knock. He thinks its just someone delivering mail or something so he doesnt move.
But the knocking gets louder and more aggressive, he gets up to open the door. Its Sapnap, and he's crying..
He lets out a sith of relief.
"You're okay."
"Sapnap, im sorry for not answering."
Karl starts to get teary eyed
"I missed you, a lot"
Karl said as he began to cry.
"I've missed you to Karl."
Sapnap said as he pulled Karl into his arms,

TW: mention of sh, ed.

Sapnap trued comforting Karl.
When he realised he could feel Karl's rib cage.
He wasn't t able to before, which worried Sapnap because if he hadn't been eating it would be all his fault.
As their hug came to a end he held Karl by the wrist to kiss his soft hands, but when did he noticed Karl let out a small whine. Sapnap stipped immediately,
feeling intense guilt
"Karl, are you okay?"
Sapnap says in a worried tone
"Yeah im fine, especially now that you're back."
"But how were you when i was away. Be honest."
Sapnap says much stricter then before.
"It was hard, but it was okay."
Karl sats worryingly wondering if he knows.
"Karl. For fuck sake, how much did you eat when i was gone?"
Sapnap said seriously, as he holds back tears.
"You noticed?"
Karl said, somewhat happily but also with a little bit of guilt.
"Yes, Karl. I noticed"
Sapnap said calmly as he pulled karl into another hug.
"Well, i guess i havent been eating as much as I should've. My mind was also to focused on you."
Karl said as he squeezed Sapnap a little tighter.
"Karl. Im so sorry. iI should've never left. and its all my fault."
"Since we're on topic, can you please show me ur wrists sweetheart. I'm sorry but we have to talk about it"
Sapnap asks
Karl pulls away from Sapnap as he hesitates"Karl, Honey. I wont judge you. I just wanna know how bad it is"
Karl slowly pulls his sleeves up, now crying as he feels loved for once but also very guilty because of what he had done to himself.
"I'm so sorry."
Sapnap says before kissing every single one of the bleeding cuts on Karl's arm.
"I'm sorry to. i should've done this,"
"Its okay honey. Don't worry. I'm here. I just wanna know why you did it. Please talk to me Karl, you clearly need someone to talk to."
Sapnap askee with Karl in his arms.
"I did it because there is no reason to be here without you, and i lost you"
Karl says as he breaks down in sapnap's chest, gripping onto Sapnap harder then before.
"You'll never lose me again, I promise. Not until the day we die."
Sapnap carries Karl upstairs to his bedroom, which is messier then usual but Sapnap doesn't mind. He's just happy to be back with Karl.
They both lay down and Karl lays his head on Sapnap's chest,while Sapnap rubs his back until he falls asleep. Karl quickly falls asleep to the soulf of his soulmates loud heartbeat.


in the morning

Karl wakes up to the sound of Sapnap getting out of bed.
"Good morning beautiful."
Sapnao said happily
Karl started vlushing immediately
"blushing for me?",Sapnap said teasingly

"Yes blushing for you.", Karl replied playfully

"You have my phone number, you can always message me. I'm always here for you, rvrn when you need cuddles."
Sapnap said with a soft voice.

"you don't like that kinda stuff though, right?"
Karl replied, confused.
"I'm not good with most people, but you Karl, It's different."
Sapnap said calmly.
"We can skip the exams today. Your mental health is much more important to me."
"Sapnap, i love you."
Karl says in awe.
"I love you to, Karl. You get to choose what we do today!"
Sapnap says excitedly.
"Let's watch cartoons!"
Karl yelled out excitement.
They both go over to the couch, and Karl lays his head on Sapnap's lap, while they watch the cartoon.
Karl starts to doze off as Sapnap plays with his hair
hes so fucking adorable
Sapnap slowly starts to fall asleep too.


in the morning

Sapnap started to make pancakes for Karl, because he know Karl loved them.
"What do you wanna do today Sapnap?"
Karl asked.
"Wanna come to one of my friend's birthday party? Ug not that's completely okay, I'll tell him im busy."
Sapnap asked
"No its okay ill go, I need to get out of this house anyway."

They get ready and head to the party.


at the party

There was alot of alcohol at the party, like there usually is at sapnap's friends parties.
It didnt take long for them both to get drunk. Karl was on his 5th drink, when out if nowhere Sapnap pinned him against the wall
"I know you want this Karl"
Sapnap said confidently.
Karl grabber Sapnap's head and kissed him, he never wanted this to end.
The feeling of Sapnap's soft lips agaisnt his own, quickly became one of his favorite feelings.
Sapnap grabbed Karl's hand him to the spare bedroom.

im so sorry for the very short chapter im getting tired right now sorry for some typos or something and enjoy

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