chapter 10~

205 10 1

3rd person pov

Sapnap started typing but not to much longer he stopped typing.
He had been having much fun with Dream, he didnt know if he was ready to accept Karl's apology yet.

Karl's pov

Sapnap started typing but then stopped.
he wont forgive you.
youre a fucking dumbass for leaving him
hes to good for you
he doesnt deserve someone like you
just shut the fuck up
I frantically thought to myself.

"I fucked up."
I says quietly sobbing.

"I'm gonna call Quackity, maybe he calms me down."
I say talking to myself.

Quackity screamed over the phone before taking a beter look at me.
"KARL? What happend? Are you okay? Hey, Karl talk to me."

Quackity seemed very worried about me, hes probably just lying about actually caring.

"I fucked um badly Quackity, there's no way im getting Sapnap back."
I say, clearly overthinking but not admiting.

"Karl, maybe give him some time? Hes probably still hurt and trying his best to get beter."
Quackity says, what he said didn't help me at all.

"I know you dont care!"
I yelled and hung up.

good fucking job karl ruining ur friendship after ruining ur relationship what kind of fucking person are you
why cant y just be dead everyone would be so happy
i couldnt get these thought away...

Quackitys pov (enjoy this bc i wont be using quackitys pov a lot)

Karl hung up on me..
He screamed at me.
Thats not like Karl, he hates screaming.
I need to go to wherever Sapnap is rn.
Hes probably with Dream where else would he be.

I take a 10 minutes drive to his house.

I ring the doorbell and Sapnap opens the door.
Sweatpants, hoodie and his hair is all messed up, with big eyebags and dried tairs. It looked like he hasnt slept in weeks.

"Woa are you okay Sapnap?"
I ask as kindly as possible.

"If it here for Karl, no u can leave."
He said with a weak voice.

"Sapnap please?"
I try to say before he shut the door in my face.

i ring again and he opens up.

"What do u want."
He lost his voice, he could barely talk.

"Let me taln to you about Karl, please? For 1 time."
I try to convince him.

"Fine, come in."
He rolled his eyes.

"Sapnap listen up, youre hurting Karl by not responding but i also understand that you need time urself to get beter, Karl is mad at me now because i tried to tell him everything would be okay. Bur whzt i got in return is him yelling at me and hanging up.
I dont know what happend to him he just seems to have a lot of regrets breaking up with you but it also felt good because he needed that. So please say something to him even if its just "First i need some space Karl." Just something i know otherwise he will do things to hurt himself again Sapnap, i want the best for both you and Karl."
I felt like breaking into tears at that moment but thank god i didnt.

Sapnap on the other hand started crying badly into my shoulder.
"Im sorry! Im sorry! Karl im sorry!"
He kept saying inbetween his sobs.
"I didnt mean to hurt Karl."
"I know you didnt Sapnap, Karl just overthinks a loy and suddenly thinks u just hate him."

Sapnap gave a light nod.

"How have you been handeling urself without Karl? If i may ask."
I tried to ask in a way to not make him more sad.

"Does it look like i have been good? Its fine when Dream in next to me but the moment hes gone i break into tears. Its hard without Karl, very hard."
Sapnap said pulling me into a hug, a hug that felt comforting to me aswel.

"U have someone as Dream by ur side, im glad Dream is here for you. I know Karl needs someone to help him like Dream but whenever i try he ignores me and starts crying in his bed, hes barely eating..
I want him to feel beter, I hate leaving him because im scared. But he always kicks me out."

a comfortable silence came between us

"I miss Karl's touch."
Sapnap says out of the dead corner.
"I really do."
He says staring at the ground.

me and sapnap talked for some while and when Dream came back i left.

Karl texted me several times, but i was with Sapnap so i didnr notice.

Karls pov

big Q

k: Quackity?
k: Im sorry.
k: Please forgive me.

k: Quackity dont ignore me, ur a fast at replying.

he always replied quickly what has gotten into him.
2 hours later i get a call from Quackity.

"QUACKITY, why have u been ignoring all my messages?"
i was about to cry.

"Im sorry Karl i uh. i was with.. my family. We were just having diner."

It sounded like he had something to hide, I just brushed it off not wanting to cause more problems.

"Text Sapnap right now!"
Quackity said like he was my boss.

"Quackity he doesnt car-."
I tried to say before he cut my off.

"He does okay? i talked with him today. I went to his house he told me everything. U both miss each other, hes afraid of texting u. He doesnt wanna make it worse, now tell him what u want to say. He didnt look good at all Karl and neither do u, He had dried tears, it looked like he hadnt slept in weeks. Go make him the happy boy he was before again Karl."
Wow his words hit me deep.
Maybe i do had to text him.

"I love you Quackity."
I said before i hung up to text Sapnap.


k: Hey Sapnap, have u thought about my second chance yet. Let me just be honest Sapnap,
I really care about you i promise youre the most handsome, loving, prettiest boy i have ever seen we instantly clicked, i imagine my future with you and i really miss you i thought i would be beter by breaking up with you but i just made it worse, and u probably hate me right now because i hurt you really bad. You dont have to accept me but at least show a sign to me that you have read this message. I really love you Sapnap and i always will, I hope Dream is taking good care of you and that u arent waiting ur tears on me. You are my soulmate Sapnap believe it or not, maybe we just needed a break. Ive had enough of the break now Sapnap i cant keep myself together do please let me know something.

Woa thats longer than i imagined.
I tried not to be obvious about what Quackity has told me.

Sapnaps pov

Karl send me something, i instantly clicked on the message.
Thats all what i could say, i was speachless
does he actually love me
or is he lying
to hurt me again
no karl wouldnt do that
but karl could have changed u never know

I didnt know what to reply at all

my cutie💗

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