chapter 6~

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TW: mention sh, ed

"I'd love to Sapnap."
Karl said smiling, blushing intensely.

"So Karl, you have liked me all this time?"
Sapnap asked.

"Sapnap I've loved you since I first saw you."
Karl said calmly.
"Also I guess you weren't lying when you said I'd be all yours."
Karl said as he laughed.

Sapnap said, panicking.
"I did, and I liked it."

Karl said, he was still holding Karl's hand.

"Do you wanna go to our house?"
Karl said knowing what Sapnap's reaction would be.
Sapnap asked.
"Yes, our house!"
Karl said confidently.

They finally decided to leave, they paid and left.
"Karl, I think you should meet my mom, I was planning on coming out to her tomorrow.."
"Are you okay with that?"
Sapnap said.
"That's a good idea, love."
Karl was honestly scared for him and Sapnap both.

They arrived home and Sapnap grabbed Karl tossing him over his shoulder, walking him to their bedroom. Karl started giggling and kicking his feet.

Karl fell onto the bed, he was so tired.
"Karl you're gonna have to change."

"Can you do it for me?? Please, sweetheart?"
Karl asked.
"Of course beautiful."
Sapnap pulled Karl to the edge of the bed and changed Karl's clothes.

Sapnap could tell Karl hasn't been eating as much as he should have been, he decided not to bring it up since they were both exhausted.

Karl was almost asleep when he felt Sapnap crawl onto the bed. He laid his head on Sapnap's chest and started to doze off. He thought Karl was asleep and said.

"Hey, Karl. I know you're sleeping, but I love you so much."

Karl was still asleep, and he could feel a smile grow on his face.

at the morning

Sapnap was awake before Karl per usual.
"Good morning sleepyhead."
Sapnap said as Karl woke up.
"We've got to get up and get ready. We have to go to my mom's later."

Karl hugged Sapnap tightly, as Sapnap pulled him out of bed.
"Karl, I hate to bring this up, especially on a day that's already gonna be difficult, but I've noticed.."
Karl was confused because he hadn't self-harmed in a while. Until he realized he's been forgetting to eat.
Karl began to cry.

"Hey, hey. Karl, we don't have to talk about it right now. I'll start your shower. Karl got in the showers and he started to sob, he was feeling so guilty about everything. He feels horrible about what he puts Sapnap through. Karl was exhausted, but he still got out of the shower and got ready to go see Sapnap's mother.

Karl came out of the bathroom and saw Sapnap making him breakfast.
Sapnap smiled.

"Come eat."
Karl shook his head
"I'm not hungry."
"Karl, please. Can you at least promise me to eat something later?"
Karl nodded and went to the couch.

Sapnap picked up his phone to text Dream.
s: Thank you, brother :) He's also not eating again, I wish he would talk to me.
d: He'll be okay. I hope he gets better soon. I know he'll talk to you if it gets bad enough."

Sapnap walked up to his boyfriend, he went to lay on Karl's chest. It was usually the other way around but Sapnap just wanted to hold him.

"Can we walk to my mom's? I think it'll be fun, and it's not that far away."
Sapnap asked.

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