Party Foul

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The ballroom was decorated to the ninths. Purple, white and gold were everywhere. The scene was set and my sisters and I were ready to be announced.

"The Crown Princess Natalia Rose of Zodious and her fiance, the Lady Alliana Black of Zodious." The doors opened slowly. Arm in arm, Allie and I walked through. Everyone bowed to us as we made our way to Amber, she smiled at us as we stood next to her throne.

"The Princess Kiara Rose of Zodious." Kiara walked out in her classic black. In my option the gown was a bit over the top. Obviously trying to upstage me but I paid no mind to it. Everyone immediately bowed their heads and were practically on their knees as she walked forward. I guess intimidation can go a long way.

"The Princess Mary Lynn Rose of Zodious." Lynn walked out in a beautiful royal blue gown and gloves. I knew she would have some part of her outfit to match with me. We smiled at each other as she stood next to Amber. 

"The Princess Reilly Réne Rose of Zodious." And last but not least, Reilly came out in a beautiful hand-sewn flower gown. Looking as beautiful as ever. She was given smiles from the court as she stood next to Kiara. Everyone, even Kiara agreed that Reilly was such a breath of fresh air whenever she entered a room.

Amber stood up from her throne and addressed the people. "My friends, I humbly welcome you to the Palace. Tonight is all about my daughter and the love of her life. But I have made a decision that will change the Planet of Zodious forever. After my daughter and her fiance are married, I shall step down and Crown Princess Natalia and Lady Allie will inherit the throne. In one month, they will be your new Queens!" 

There was a thunderous applause from the people. Allie and I smiled at each other. Kiara was fuming. Barley containing her anger. But before she could do anything, Lynn grabbed her wrist and glared at her in warning. 

"May we celebrate their love for each other as we dance under the moonlight." The court applauded again and the music started up. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to Allie. "Shall we dance my love?" I gave her a warm smile. "We shall." She dragged me to the dance floor as we began a soothing waltz. Allie looked into my eyes. "When was the last time I told you that I loved you my lioness?" I smirked at her. "An hour ago my light." I said as I spun her around. "I bet if I say it three more times, you'll stay in my room tonight."

"I'm planning on it." Allie said with a smirk.

It was half an hour into the ball and I approached Reilly. "So, what is going to happen tonight Reilly?" She turned to me with an unhappy look on her face. "Unfortunately tonight, you are going to have a bit of an altercation with Kiara" I sighed. This was the fourth time Reilly told me about an argument Kiara and I would have. I was getting bored of it. "Doesn't sound like anything new. Have you seen her? Maybe I can deescalate the situation before it happens."

"Where is she? Oh, I pray to the galaxy that she's here. Has anyone seen my daughter?" An older blonde woman walked into the ballroom. I turned to Reilly "Is this what you saw?" I asked. Reilly shook her head. "No. I woke up before she came in." Allie turned to the woman as if she recognized the voice. Her mouth was agape. "Mama?" She said aloud. The woman faced Allie with the same shocked expression. "Jenni." She whispered somberly. 

"Mama!" Allie yelled as she raced to her. The woman rushed towards Allie and they tightly embraced. Tears were in both of thier eyes. The court had gone silent. So did Reilly and I. This was impossible. Allie told me her mother was dead. But her mother was the only one who knew her real name. Jenni was Allie's past name in the village. She chose to name herself Allie to honor her mother's middle name. 

"I can't believe it. You're here. You're alive!" Allie sobbed. Said woman wiped Allie's tears away. "And I'm not leaving. We're going home dear." She took Allie's hand and started walking to the front doors, Allie stopped her in her tracks. Everyone in the ballroom was looking at them.

"Mother, you don't understand. This is my home. The Crown Princess." Allie turned to me and took my hand, bringing me forward. "She's my fiance. I have to stay." Allie's mother shook her head and took her hands.

"No dear, it's you who doesn't understand. You belong with me. Not here. Your presence has caused the Queen to make an irrational decision. I know you don't really love her. I won't allow you to take the crown." Allie let go of her hands and gave her a look of confusion. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are coming into my home making such accusations?" I said aloud. How could her mother accuse her own daughter of something like that?

"You have already taken advantage of the Queen's kindness, you have seduced the Crown Princess. I think it's time for you to know your place." Allie slowly moved away from her in disgust. "You're not my mother." 

"Then who am I, Jenni?" The woman taunted. With scorn in her voice. As I scanned my eyes around the ballroom, I noticed one person was missing in action. "I think I know." I said as I created a ball of fire and threw it at the woman. Before the fire hit her, she was transformed into a bird and flew above the oncoming flame. I crossed my arms and looked up at the bird, who turned into my younger sister.

"Well Kiara, did you have a good laugh?" I asked her. Allie was shaking in anger and sadness. Before she could break down, she ran out the ballroom in tears and I quickly followed her.

 Amber stumbled toward Kiara, already in a drunken state. "Yeah Kiara, was it funny tricking your sister's fiance into believing her mother was alive? And calling her by her past name? The name that reminds her of her past? Her painful, horrifying past!? I've had enough tonight. Get out and go to your room."

"Amber, we need to talk." Kiara said with a glare. "How dare you have the nerve to speak to me after you've ruined this night for Allie? We've had this conversation a million times and it always ends the same! Guards, take her back to her room!" The guards grabbed at Kiara's arms but she pushed them away. 

"I'm your daughter and you won't speak to me!? You're giving the crown to someone you've adopted instead of me!? I came out of you! I'm your child! Natalia's and Jenni are nothing but worthless, flea infested street rats!"

Amber, having enough of Kiara's attitude, took off her shoe and threw it at her. Kiara, nearly avoiding the blow to her head. Still furious, Amber got closer to Kiara and slapped her hard across the face. The court gasped in shock. "If you ever disrespect your sister and her fiance again, I swear to the Galaxy, you will be disowned and exiled!" She yelled. Kiara held her now reddening face.

"I hope you're happy Kiara. You've just embarrassed yourself in front of the whole court! Don't you see that you are clearly unfit to rule!? Even if I never adopted Natalia, you still wouldn't have been my heir." They were some in the ballroom that gasped at Amber's statement. The atmosphere was tense. Kiara said nothing, instead she turned away from Amber and walked out of the ballroom. 

"She's never hit Kiara before." Reilly whispered. "Well Kiara's never insulted Natalia so harshly before. That was low even for her." Lynn said. Reilly nodded. "I guess it's what she deserves." 

"It's honestly pathetic at this point. She needs to get over it." Reilly nodded in agreement. After Amber made an apology to the people, the party slowly continued. Due to her stress and fury, Amber went through en entire bottle of brandy and had to carried out by Lynn and Reilly. What was supposed to be a triumphant celebration turned into a chaotic disaster. All thanks to Kiara.

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