Crowned Victorious

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Two weeks after the conjunction, everything seemed to slightly go back to normal. I placed Lynn and Reilly back in their own rooms. I removed the heavy security from the castle. I apologized to the castle staff for my strictness. And finally, I consummated my marriage with Allie. Every night I could barely sleep. Fearing that if I closed my eyes she wouldn't be here. But after rereading Great grandmother Kerri's diary, and knowing that Sasha was fully herself after coming out of the mirror, it soothed my worries.

Donna and Stella were over the moon when they received the news. And just as Reilly saw, Allie was here in her coronation gown that Stella made for her. Sitting on the throne next to mine. "I crown thee Aliana Rose as Queen of Zodious." I spoke with pride as I placed the crown upon my beautiful wife's head. She was smiling from ear-to-ear. Everyone in the throne room was. Even the portrait of Amber. Her painted smile shined upon us.

Now everything was perfect. My wife was back. My zodiac gift returned to me. My relationship with Lynn and Reilly had grown even stronger. After the royal guard's salute, I stood up to give a speech to my people.

"When I became Queen, I thought I was so alone. Now I realize I never was. I want to dedicate this day to my family. Amber, you were my teacher, my mother, my Queen. You taught me how to use my power and guide my sisters as they grew up. You gave this crown to me and Allie and loved us all till your last breath. For all that you did, I am eternally grateful. Now, to my younger sister Lynn." Lynn looked at me with the happiest expression on her face.

"Lynn, we came from the same background as orphans. We held each other through good and bad times. You always stood up for me when I couldn't. And you were always brutally honest with me. You've saved my life more than once. I know that you will be a great Queen when Allie and I are no longer here." I started to tear up from happiness and Lynn came up and hugged me tightly. When I regained my composure, I walked towards Reilly and took her hand.

"To my youngest sister Reilly. Amber used to call you a butterfly because that is what you are. Beautiful, fearless and always searching for something. You told me what you saw in the future every day. You helped me think before I did anything. On the bad days, you helped me up. On the good days, you were along for the ride. Thanks to you, Allie is back with us. You saved my wife from dying a second time, Reilly. For that, I will be forever in your debt. And I am so happy for you and Charles. I knew when I met him, I found the perfect man. I love you little sis." Reilly got up from her chair and hugged me.

I returned to my throne and my face got serious. "And I would also like to thank Kiara." The throne room immediately went silent. My sisters looked confused and a bit disgusted. "Kiara, you took everything from me and gave me everything at the same time. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have relit the fire that was inside of me or be with Allie and be Queen. Even after all you've done and even though you thought we were never sisters, I'll always remember you as my first sister."

To my relief, everyone gave me a standing ovation at my speech. Allie stood next to me and pecked my cheeks. "You always have a way with words." she said. I smirked. "I know. That's because I write everything down."

Now is time for festivities. Everyone moved into the ballroom and the music started. Everyone was dancing. Me and Allie. Charles and Reilly. Even Lynn and her new guy friend Nathaniel. After a few songs, Charles addressed the crowd.

"Your majesty's, this past year has been an eventful one. A year I will never forget; but also a year that I met your sister. She radiates beauty, uniqueness, courage, kindness and intelligence. I have loved her from the first time you introduced me to her. That is why I am asking you for your blessing, to propose marriage to the Princess Reilly."

I walked toward him and took his hand. "I always knew I had the right one." I turned to Allie and she nodded. "I hereby give my blessing to you, Charles Xavier, to marry my little sister Reilly Réne." When the crowd heard that, they cheered loudly. Charles was a favorite in Zodious and now he had the chance to become a Prince.

Looking at Reilly's shocked face, he got down on one knee and brought forth an emerald ring. Reilly, will-" Poor Charles couldn't get the opportunity to finish his sentence before Reilly tackled him in an embrace. Her screams of happiness echoed throughout the halls of the castle. In my little sister's language, that was a yes.

After the ball was over, Everyone was asleep except for me. I walked out to the balcony and looked upon the stars. In that night sky, I saw our signs.







It was a beautiful sight to end such a beautiful day. And I guess you can say we all lived happily ever after.

Or did we?

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