The Conjunction

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Now in our room all we could do was wait to be summoned for the conjunction. I was nervous as all, nervous that the plan I had talked about with Lynn was going to work. I prayed to the Galaxy that a miracle would happen and we could pull this off. I got so anxious that I stupidly told Charles. But I know he wouldst tell on me. He knew I would kill him of he even thought of it. 

Soon enough, a handmaid opened our bedroom door. The Queen had summoned the Princess Reilly Rene and the Princess Mary Lynn. The conjunction is mere minutes away."

I turned to look back at Charles. "I am just so worried about today and I don't know what's going to happen. What if something goes wrong, or I get hurt and what if-" Charles stopped my rambling worries. By kissing me. On the lips. Hard. I was in such a state of shock, I couldn't even move. When he pulled his lips away from mine, he caressed my face and looked me in the eyes. "I know you. I believe you'll do what's right, my lady. You'll do great."

"Reilly! Let's go! The conjunction is about to start!" Lynn shouted as she grabbed my arm and we both walked to the throne room. Some of the nobility were there and were scrambling to their places. Jupiter and Mercury could now be seen in the sky and they were aligning quickly.

"Less than a minute. This has to be perfect. We don't get a second chance" I heard my big sister say to the people. "We're here!" Lynn said. Natalia took a sigh of relief, rushed towards us and hugged us tightly. "Thank the Galaxy! I knew you wouldn't let me down!" Charles' eyes looked toward the sky and then back at Natalia with worry. "Your majesty, the planets." She nodded at him. "Yes, I'm well aware Charles."

Natalia placed us in the center of the throne room. The nobility were seated and it was about time for the conjunction. Amber's mirror was ten feet away from us. "It's time to destroy this evil once and for all." She then looked at us. "Are you alright?" Even thought Natalia was looking at both of us, I knew she was directing that question towards me. I nodded. "Yeah, just a little nervous." Natalia placed her hand on my cheek. Caressing it. "You're doing the right thing little sister." She said with a nod to me as she walked back.

Finally, the planet of Mercury and the planet of Jupiter aligned in a double conjunction. Lynn and I were lifted into the air and a force separated us. Our powers were about to come to us. A strong amount of energy flowed through me; it was almost as if the wind had picked me up. It was so liberating and free. Like I was one with the air. When I levitated down, I had turned to see Lynn with blue fire coming out of her hands and mouth. When she had come down, she smiled at me. We were finally at full power.

It was time for my plan to start in motion. I looked at Lynn and she nodded to me. She created a fireball in her hand; but wasn't aiming at the people. She was aiming it at the mirror!

"Lynn no!" I used my new power to defuse her fire and push her away from the mirror. She hit the wall and fell down. The people and my sister were in panic and confusion. When Lynn got up, I immediately held her back. "I have to do this, Reilly. Jax has to be stopped!"

"But it wasn't Jax! I'm not letting Allie die again!" I pushed Lynn away and grabbed the mirror.

"REILLY!" My sisters and Charles screamed as I picked up the mirror. I quickly flew down the throne room halls. I got to my room, placed the mirror down and locked the door. Knowing that my sisters and Charles would break it down.

"Hurry! Allie, you can't be afraid anymore! they're all coming for me and I won;t be bale to stop them! You need to show yourself in this mirror right now! Please Allie, I need to get you out!" As soon as I said that, Allie slowly appeared. Looking gaunt, pale and afraid. "Take my hand! I'm getting you out of there!"

She lifted her hand and it came out of the mirror. I grabbed her hand. "Reilly." She whispered in a grave tone. I smiled at her, knowing that she would be safe. I pulled her hand with all of my might. I lost my footing and fell and she landed on top of me.

The Zodiac Sisters (UNDER REEDIT)Where stories live. Discover now