A Royal Secret

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My mother's mirror was of grave importance. It was passed from family to family beginning with the first Queen of Zodious, Anetra. This mirror had a miraculous power. It held a realm of reflections. 

Legend says that Anetra was killed by a envious servant in front of the mirror. Some time later, her husband would see Anetra on the other side whenever he spoke her name. She was able to live on again behind the glass.     

When the king saw her, he reached forward, instead of a hard cold surface, his hand connected to hers. Their fingers intertwined and the king couldn't believe it. It was as if the mirror had become something of a portal. Trusting in the Galaxy to keep him safe, he stepped through. 

He was now on the other side. Now face to face with his beloved Anetra. They relished in thier time together. Talking, dancing and professing thier love. As the sun came up, he promised her he would return that night. As saddened as he was to leave, he rejoiced in the fact that his Anetra was still with him. 

They continued to be together every night. The only one who knew of this was the oldest daughter, Crown Princess Mirage. She knew how to keep a secret. A trait she got from Anetra.

Years later on his deathbed, he insisted that he pass on in front of the mirror. Just like Anetra, When the now Queen Mirage spoke her fathers name, he appeared. Almost like her never left. 

After some research, Mirage discovered that when of someone dies in front of the mirror, thier soul is transferred into thier reflection. It was ordered by Mirage that only the heirs of the crown would know of the realm. If that kind of power was known to to an enemy, it would be the end of it all. 

Some chose to become one with thier reflection on thier final day, some chose to go beyond the galaxy. Throughout the centuries, the mirror became a sacred secret and birthright knowledge of the future rulers of Zodious.  

Amber told Allie and I of the mirror once we got engaged. And after the tornado, when every fragile item in Amber's room was destroyed, the mirror stood tall and strong. Knowing what I know now, it pained me to remember that Amber had not died in front of it. 

But Allie did. A week after her funeral, I ran into the realm hoping to find her. I stayed there for days. Screaming her name. Begging her to show herself. Walking through the seemingly endless reflective void for hours. That nightly search went from weeks, to months. It had soon turned to a year. Three hundred and sixty five days, looking for the love of my life. 

The dread of believing that she died before she was in front of the mirror loomed over me. I didn't know if I wanted to except it or not. When she was in her coma, I never stopped believing she would wake up.  But now the only thing I see when I think of Allie is her dead body. I couldn't even remember her vows she had said to me hours before. 

But Allie wasn't the only one on my mind. Her killer. Her uncle. Jax. I didn't see him take his last breath and the guard took away his body after he had died. If he happened to die, no. That was impossible. I refused to believe it. 

Tonight was the night before the anniversary of Amber and Allie's death. I thought to myself. Just one more look. One last time before I'm reminded of that horrid day. I stepped through the mirror and began my walk. A minute after, a soft voice echoed.


I stooped in my tracks. "Is someone there?"

"Natalia." The voice whispered again and let out a laugh. I felt a presence right behind me. A dark, sinister one. I dared not to look back. I felt nothing but fear. That voice. That laugh. It belonged to a man. And I had heard it before. That's when I ran.  I looked only ahead as I rushed to the entrance. 

Now outside of the mirror, I felt safe enough to look back. "Natalia." The ominous whisper came again. I grabbed a black sheet and covered the mirror. Thinking of an idea. "Guards!" I yelled. In less than ten seconds, thee men came into my room and bowed deeply. I addressed them and pointed at the mirror. "Take this to the astrology room. Seal up all windows and entry points. I don't want anything to get in or out."

"Yes your majesty." They said in unison and moved quickly to get the mirror out of my sight.  Before I went to sleep, I prayed to the Galaxy. Hoping that voice I heard wasn't him

The Zodiac Sisters (UNDER REEDIT)Where stories live. Discover now