Charles Xavier

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My name is Charles Xavier. I was born September twenty-fourth in the year 3007. I am a Libra. As the scales of the zodiac, I believe in balance and justice. I am patient, understanding, book smart and street-smart. I had to be when my parents were killed when I was only nine. They were not rich, so I had to take whatever odd job I could to keep me from starving at night. Most of my work was a manual labor, it gave me muscles which I had used to defend my home and myself.

When I turned thirteen, I became enthralled with the royal guard. How disciplined they were and ready to protect the kingdom with their lives. I dreamed that I would be just as strong as them mentally and physically. And when I turned seventeen, little did I know I was going to do just that.

I heard the story of Queen Amber and Lady Allie's murder. It shook the whole Kingdom like never before. When our now Queen Natalia rose to power, everyone knew but never said out loud that she had lost her fire. Seeing the ones you love most lying dead can destroy you inside. And although her face was stern and brave, on the inside she was breaking. I was exactly the same when I buried my mother and father. 

One day, she was in the village where Allie had grown up. A few scoundrels recognized her and in their drunken state, held her down and tried to sodomize her. Not even a second after she was pushed to the ground, I came out of my hiding place and attacked those detergents. Beating them unconscious.

The queen looked upon me, she saw something in me that let her to take me in her carriage, then to the Palace, where she told me I had the opportunity to become a very important part of the royal security staff. 

After one month of hard, back breaking training, the Queen knighted me. 

"Are you serious Natalia?"

"I've never been more serious little sister."

"No. No I don't need this. No!" She exclaimed as she stormed out of the throne room.

To young and naive to understand. I turned to look into Charles' eyes. "Go after her." I said. "She may give you orders but I will always have the final word. Watch over her Sir Charles. Your duties begin now" 

 From that day on, I never left her side. I even guarded her bedroom at night when she slept. She didn't like me at first, but after she became ill, I made her my mother's cabbage and beef stew. We conversed over the tops of literature, art and our favorite places to be alone on Zodious. 

Over time, our bond grew. She even told me she prefers my cooking over the royal chefs. And I also had the opportunity to learn the future events of the day.

I had to ward off the flirts with bad intentions at almost every event. Not only would the queen have my head on a spike, if her baby sister ever got hurt, but also I was developing feelings for her as well. Reilly was so energetic and full of joy. She had made each day brighter. She brought a sense of euphoria to my life. It's as if she almost brought back the light that was stolen from me when I was young. There was no denying it. I was in love with her. 

I knew if I asked for the Queens blessing, she would have me exiled or executed. She was just as brutal as her mother when it came to love. But I could live my life loving Reilly in secret. I do not care if she were to not love me back. The only thing I cared about was her safety, her happiness, her heart and pure spirit.

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