Chapter 1

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It was 4 in the morning when you pulled off that stealthy escape from a strangers apartment

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It was 4 in the morning when you pulled off that stealthy escape from a strangers apartment.

You fixed your shirt and exhaled, feeling yourself relax and lean into the pole supporting the roof on top of your head.

The road is quiet and you are the only one sitting at the waiting shed.

Your mind was still hazy from what happened last night. You don't really remember much to be honest except for the groans and the hushed moans that would grace your mind whenever you're trying to remember the events of last night.

You just arrived in Korea a week ago after being apart from your homeland for 12 years and the first thing you did after acing the job interview was to celebrate your victory with a few shots of tequila.

The fiery aftertaste of tequila still coated your throat along with the feeling of something sticky yet tasted bitter and salty.

You sighed and looked down on your palms, "Ah... I'm so tired but I need to work." The words you uttered came to an end and followed a deep sigh.

You pulled out your mirror and took a hard long look at your smudge eyeliner, falsies that were on the last strand of their life, and your red lipstick that lost most of its pigment.

Lowering the mirror down and shifting your hair to the other side to expose your neck, you winced at the purplish marks that trailed down your collarbone that continued to make it's way down.

You shuddered and immediately tried to cover it up with your hair.

Whenever you would close your eyes, all you could see was your body straddled on top of someone. The memory might be blurry but the sounds that you made, you heard, and sounds that you didn't even know your body could make would revolve around your head and stay there.

But the real cherry on top was that, you don't remember the face of your one night stand, you didn't even take a peek to see who was it!

The three condoms that were scattered on the floor gave you the idea that you and your one night stand had sex, 3 times. 3 TIMES!

You hustled to get your stuff and then used all the stealth skills you acquired from watching spy movies into leaving the apartment as quietly and quickly as possible.

And now this situation ended with you sitting on the waiting shed while regretting your decision to drink into oblivion. You sighed again and closed your eyes.

You were tired, you felt sore all over, your knees ached alot as well as your back.

You just wanted to go home right away!

So when the bus arrived, you immediately got in, sat down, and dozed off. Finally giving the much needed sleep your body needed.


The sun shined through the half closed curtains, softly illuminating the white walls with sunlight.

The male that slept on the bed grumbled, shifting in his bed in an attempt to block the light.

His hand reached over to the other side but he couldn't feel anything. The other side of the bed was empty. He fluttered his eyes open and stared at the pillow, where you were supposed to be.

He slowly sat himself up, the blanket slipping off his chest revealing his body. The mirror which is positioned right in front of the bed showed the male his body that were full of red lipstick marks.

His cheeks, lips, neck, his body had some sort of red lipstick. A mark. He stared at himself a bit longer and used his long fingers to trace where the marks were.

He stood up and let the blanket fall off his body. He examined the scene before him. His clothes were sprawled out on the floor, condoms were sloppily thrown around on the floor, the packets didn't even reach the trashcan.

He quickly took his clothes, a long id lace fell from the pile. The male picked it up, turned it around and your face bloomed into his sight. A tiny, very tiny smile graced his lipstick stained lips. His sharp gaze fell to the floor when he saw something shiny peeking out from under the bed.

The male quickly picked it up. A cellphone? "Did she leave this here?" He speculated. When he turned the phone on he immediately saw the plethora of several missed calls from you. He was about to toss it on his bed but the phone immediately began to vibrate.

[ Unknown number ] Hm? Who's this? The male coughed and answered the call. His eye caught a glimpse of his scratched up back. And also his butt.

Even more proof that last night wasn't a dream, a hallucination, or some kind of sleep paralysis demon!

[ Give me my phone back please! ]

His sharp gaze soften upon hearing your voice, back when they were kids,  her voice has always sounded so soothing to him.

"Not even a good morning?" He quipped. The voice on the other line sighed.

[ Good morning. Now please give me my phone. ]

The male chuckled, a small smile playing on his lips. "Why don't you come over? Last night you said you wanted morning sex, it's still 11 AM."

Last night... What happened last night was surreal to the male. He wasn't expecting to see her in Korea after 12 years since she first left their tiny village.

[ What! I said tha—, you know what, just give me my phone. I'll text you the address. You better show up. ]

The male hummed in response, a mischievous glint shined in his eyes. "See you, my dirty little girl." He heard a barrage of insults come from the other line. He immediately ended the call and tossed the phone on the bed.

He fixed his hair and laughed to himself, "All that hard work into leaving the apartment gone in one phone call." He chuckled and started making his way towards his bathroom.

𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲... 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤.

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