Chapter 3

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The whole situation is so weird

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The whole situation is so weird. You silently ate your favorite food. Although it tasted so damn good your appetite was nowhere to be seen. You looked at the scrumptious meal before you and heaved a sigh.

The male in front of you turned his head to look at you, barely eating you food. "What's wrong?" He asked. Your eyes darted around everywhere except for his eyes. Ugh, why are you feeling nervous right now?

The male leaned in closer, his hand cupping your chin as he tilted your head to face him. "My eyes are here, darling."

This is way too close! Too close! Has this man ever heard of personal space??? How about not being all touchy feely with a complete stranger!

You swatted his hand away, "Don't touch me." While you were issuing your warning you pointed your fork at him.

But instead of being alarmed, a big toothy grin graced his lips. "Hm, feisty! That's a complete change from your submissiveness last night."

Your eyes grew wide from what he said, submissive??? That has got to be a lie!

The man just giggled and went back to his meal. "But seriously, what's wrong?" He asked, bringing his cup of coffee near his lips.

The fact that you didn't remember anything from last night bothered you so much, didn't know his face, not even his name. It just didn't sit well with you. You decided to come clean.

"I... I don't remember anything from last night."

His eyes lingered for a bit, "Are you feeling okay?" He asked while chewing on his bread.

You nodded your head, looked down, and stabbed your favorite food with your fork.

He placed his utensils on his plate and stared at you, "Did I make you uncomfortable with what I was saying?" You immediately shooked your head. Heavens no! You weren't uncomfortable, you were just shocked at what he was saying, but not uncomfortable.

Eating with him right now didn't feel like eating with your one night stand but rather eating with a friend you've known for a long time. That was the kind of comfort you felt from him.

He placed his hand in front of you. You looked at it in confusion, unsure of what he was insinuating.

"I'm Taehyung." Ah right, you don't remember his name.

He has such a pretty name, it fits his pretty face— no! My god, Y/n, now's not the time to drool over his features!

You smiled at him and shook his hand. Now that you finally know his name, you felt a little better. "Y/n." You replied. You saw the veins on his hand, all the way to his arms and your mind suddenly imagined all the things he did to you with those hands.

Those really hot looking hands.

Taehyung pulled away and smiled at you, "Let's eat!"


Work ended and you are now on the way to get some soju with a few of your office buddies. A guy named Jungkook thought it would be a great idea to get everyone drunk as hell on a work week!

Not gonna lie, you liked the idea.

So here you are grilling some meat and doing bomb shots to start the night.

Jungkook maned the grill while a guy named Jimin was pouring everyone a glass. You were now on your 3rd shot, although you don't have good alcohol tolerance you can down a few drinks before getting blacked out drunk.

You needed this! Of course you deserve a drink after that weird interaction with Taehyung.

Jimin saw that your glass was empty and poured you a drink, you smiled and did the same to him.

The guy smiled at you, "Its a bit late but, welcome to K-Tech!" He downed his drink and you did the same. Feeling the alcohol work it's magic on you.

You took some meat that Jungkook grilled and thanked Jimin. He's your superior at work. While Jungkook is a new hire, like you.

"Hey, Jeon, stop grilling and drink! This team outing is to celebrate two new people in our team! Get Myeongbin to do that." A man named Myeongbin gave Jungkook a shot glass and took his tongs away.

He sat beside me and awkwardly smiled and bowed to everyone. Jimin poured soju on his glass. "I hope that you guys will love K-Tech."

When his small speech ended, Jimin and the rest of the team ended up getting ridiculously drunk. You just hoped that you would be able to get home and sleep on your bed. Not like what happened the last time you drank.

A few hours went by and some sober people were helping those who were too drunk to even stand up get home. Jungkook surprisingly never got drunk after drinking like 5 bottles of soju. What a beast!

You on the other hand...

You were holding onto his arm for dear life, afraid that because your sight is spinning you'll also end up spinning.

Before you ended up drunk as hell, you two chatted and ended up being the bestest of friends in that short time span and you also found out he lives in the same apartment as you!

Yay for friends! You and your new friend got to the apartment complex safely, he asked you where your room is but all you could see is a cute, very cute, adorable, very adorable, puppy at the end of the hall.

"Oh my, loOK AT THAT CUTE PUPPY." You exclaimed, pointing into the direction, you yanked your arms away from Jungkook and attempted to walk towards the puppy.

But, you ended up... Falling. Yikes. Good news though, the floor caught you!

You drunkenly grumbled and whined, your butt hurts, your pride hurts, and worst of all, you didn't even end up petting that cute puppy!

A person knelt in front of you, in their arms is the puppy you wished to pet. Your eyes grew wide and your smile beamed at everyone.

You looked up, only to find your landlord giving you the opportunity to pet his dog.

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