Chapter 9

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You pulled away and composed yourself. You wiped your tears and dried your cheeks before looking up at Taehyung.

The male pushed a strand of your hair  behind your ear, he pulled a handkerchief out from his pockets and wiped the sides of your eye.

"Thank you." He said. You tilted your head in confusion, thank you? For what? In fact you should be thanking him for the company! Before you could even say anything he cupped both of your cheeks and brought his forehead to yours, "It must've been hard for you. So thank you for telling me your worries."

He pulled away and smiled at you, "If things get unbearable, call me. I'll be with you in a heartbeat."

You could feel your cheeks heating up, the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Kim Taehyung why do you have such a way with words? He is making you hope that if you ever really call him he'll find a way to be with you.

He should stop saying things like this! You haven't figured yourself out, you're just currently making questionable decisions to compensate for the lack of freedom you have in your childhood.

Currently, you're an adult chasing after your none existent childhood. Filling your body with bad decisions in hopes that someone would scold you because they love you. The current you is just filling in the large gap you have in your heart.

Catching feelings for Taehyung and feeling all these sensations, is this really alright for somebody like you? Someone incomplete, someone who doesn't even have a complete grasp of themselves.

You're just a child in an adult body wanting to be loved. So is it alright for you to give love?

While you were battling inside your head, Taehyung could see the frustration in your eyes. He doesn't really know what you've been through in America, he had such an idealistic thought that you're alright wherever you are. That you'll always be happy.

Even in his childhood he thought that you were living the life, he thought that you didn't have any problems.

He wasn't even aware that your dad died and that the reason for your departure was for survival.

He felt like a dick who only worried about wether you remember him or not.

He gently tapped your shoulder, breaking you from your train of thought. "Let's go somewhere!"

He smiled at you. Your thoughts from just moments ago resurfaced your mind, "Is it alright for you to be spending time with somebody like him?" Honestly... You don't know that answer to that question and all the other questions you had earlier.

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