Chapter 8

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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☄. *. ⋆

Your feet became engulfed in the sandy waters of the ocean. The cool breeze of the wind flew past your body, making you shiver from the cold. Although you were already wearing a hoodie it became apparent to you that winter is just around the corner.

Taehyung stood behind you, watching you take in the sights with a small smile on your face. Of course he's curious why you suddenly wanted to go to the beach. It's cold and there's no one around here, it's not a good time to go swimming so why?

You took a step forward, the waves that come and go splashed your ankles. Your eyes wandered around, you looked everywhere around you, the stalls were closed and it's only you, Taehyung, and the ocean. It truly is peaceful here.

Nobody would judge you here, nobody to tell you what you can and can't do. In this very moment, you felt free. The smell of the salty sea water tickled your nose, is this what freedoms smells like?

You turned around to look at Taehyung and he was already seated on the sand with his phone is his hand. "Hey! Are you taking a photo of me?" You asked, running back to where he sat.

He just smiled and tucked his phone to his pockets, "Maybe." He smiled. You sighed and sat down besides him, pulling your knees to your chest as you continued to admire the scenery before you.

Clear blue skies with a few clouds here and there, trees swaying with the wind and the silent howl of the waves everytime it crashes with the sand. "This is the first time I've been to a beach."

Taehyung's ears perked up, he immediately fixed his sights to you, "Really? Why?" You turned to look at him. Ah, his stares really make you melt. All the walls you have, all the insecurities, all seems to melt away just because of this man's stare.

"I wasn't allowed to go anywhere." His eyes shined in curiosity, he urged for you to go on since he wanted to hear more of your stories in America.

"When I was young, I lived here in Korea with my mom and my dad. We were poor but had enough just to get by." You began recalling the events of your childhood. You don't even remember your father's face except for the fact that he lied in the middle of your living room in a coffin while your mother bawled her eyes out day in and day out.

"He died when I was a kid so it was just me and my mom then. My mom never let me knew that she was struggling, that there were days she wouldn't even eat anything just so I can have something to fill my belly with." You stared at Taehyung for a moment. He fell silent upon hearing your story. Then you turned your gaze back to the ocean.

"Then she told me her friend at work matched my mom with a foreign guy. She told me she liked him and just after 2 years they got married. And we moved to the US." You laughed a little when you remembered your mom telling you that you won't live in poverty anymore. "I don't like my stepdad but for my mom I went along. I didn't want to leave Korea but I was just a kid so I couldn't do anything."

Those memories of your days in America continue to haunt you, "Then he started treating us badly, he started hitting my mom and hitting me. My mom couldn't do anything, except console me when I cried from the pain. He never let me out, never let me attend school, never let me have friends, never let me be a kid. I didn't have any ounce of freedom at all." You tightened your grip to your knees. Now that you're thinking about it, you've never even had the chance to tell a friend about your situation back then.

You were a lonely child living in an unfamiliar place with a monster that calls itself your dad.

"Me and my mom were kinda like thropies he liked to keep and show off to his friends... Gosh, I hate my step dad. But if it weren't for him me and my mom would've surely died from starvation in Korea..." You trailed off, you turned your gaze to Taehyung again.

Why is he looking at you like that? He looks like he's about to cry from your story. "Are you okay?" You asked, you took his hand and intertwined your fingers with his.

He just looked at you with a sad look on his face, "I should be asking that instead, Y/n. Are you okay?"

The words 'Are you okay?' sounded so strange to you, you've never even had anyone except your mother ask you wether you're fine or not. The last time your mother asked you about your well being was 4 years ago, in her deathbed. You didn't know what to answer to that question.

You didn't know wether to say yes you're okay or no, you're extremely not okay. So all you just did was pull his arms and wrap them around your body while you leaned on his chest, completely covering your face from his sight.

You expected him to pull away but he didn't.

He patted your back in a gentle and comforting manner. Whispering in your ear, "It's okay to cry. I'll be here comforting you like this." With his words and reassurance, Taehyung was able to make your walls crumble down. The tears that you thought were all dried up came crashing like a broken dam.

That day, you sat on the sandy grains of the beach crying your eyes out to someone who's slowly making you fall for them.

*** A/N ***

I just wanted to hop on here and proudly say that I've passed the entrance exam to my dream college!!! I'm manifesting that everyone passes their exams!

I'm very happy✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ So in the next chapter I'll be including an artwork of a scene I drew. It'll be based on this chapter!

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