Chapter 2

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You immediately ran towards the address you gave to your one night stand

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You immediately ran towards the address you gave to your one night stand. Lunch break is only an hour long and in order to fully appreciate and enjoy your meal you absolutely must get your phone first things first and get the heck out of there.

Upon reaching the cafe near your workplace you quickly wiped your sweat with your handkerchief and fixed your hair.

You took a deep inhale in and in sync with your exhale you opened the door.

Stepping inside the cafe you looked around searching for your guy, but because your memory of last night is hazy, it was no use. All you could remember was those whispers of praises, the moans you tried to suppressed but ultimately failed to do, and his groans that sounded so, soo, delicious.

A man sitting near the window raised his hand, in his hand is a familiar looking phone. He waved the phone the moment you locked eyes with him. There, that's your guy.

All that effort into leaving his place and hopefully never seeing him again broke in one phonecall. You quickly made your way over to his table and sat down. Weirdly enough, this guy is wearing his sunglasses indoors, a mask, and even a baseball cap. Is he some kind of celebrity???

He looked around first and after concluding that there wasn't alot of people inside the cafe he pulled his mask down, took his sunglass off, and placed his cap beside him.

"Oh shit. I just had sex with a really hot guy!" Your mind immediately went wild, his unbuttoned shirt showed a little peek of the purplish marks that ran across his collarbones and another one on his neck!

He chuckled and leaned closer to you, the smell of his perfume lingered around your nose. You gulped a dry saliva down as your eyes travelled down and caught sight of his pecs.

"Do you want your phone or... Me?" He muttered in a low voice, making you immediately switch your attention from his pecs to his eyes. A mischievous smile tugged on his lips.

"D-don't be ridiculous!" You stammered. You clearly didn't expect that just seeing the hickeys you made, his scent, and hearing his voice that echoed in your mind all day would make you all worked up!

He raised his brow and placed his elbows on the table, he rested his chin on his hand and the way he stared at you made you all hot and nervous.

"We got time for round 4, so what do you say, hm?" The way this man would look at you sent shivers up your spine.

Your mind began to play all kinds of r-rated scenarios that you might've done to him last night! Ugh, curse this brain!

You glared at him and decided to ignore his remarks. "Give me my phone back." You calmly said. The male just pouted at you.

"You're not even gonna ask me how my day went." He sighed and took your phone and gave it to you.

But before you could even snatch it from him he immediately pulled back, "I'll give it to you if! We exchange numbers." He suggested. Your calm facade broke down and a frown was begining to form on your lips.

Your mind went on and on about how annoying you found him, how arrogant, a pest, but with a really handsome face! And how sore he made you, the marks he left on your body— stop! You scolded yourself for thinking of what happened last night.

You were never meant to see him again, but because of your rashness here we are, in front of the guy you were trying to escape from. What a failure, Y/n.

You sighed, you felt like you were dealing with a very stubborn child that won't let you go. After a few moments of heavy thinking and silence, you finally gave in to his request.

"Fine, give me your phone." Although you found him annoying, that you didn't want to meet him again, for some reason giving him your number felt like the right thing to do.

"Are you secretly a tsundere, Y/n?" Your inner thoughts never failed to lie. You could've just given him a fake number, but...

You typed in your number and he did the same to your phone after you unlocked it for him. Your eyes marveled at his features. How did your drunken self manage to have a one night stand with this whole ass meal! This is so frustrating.

He gave you your phone back and smiled.

Wow, he's so goddamn beautiful.

"You haven't eaten right?" He asked. You snapped out of your thoughts and felt your stomach begging you for some food!

"No, I'm leaving—."

"Stay, let's eat." He interrupted you. His eyes looked at you so earnestly, it felt so weird for someone to look at you with so much sincerity, especially after what just happened.

Usually, you liked eating alone. The silence is nice, makes you focused on the food and your thoughts. Whenever someone would invite you to eat out, you would usually decline and just say that you're busy, or that you already ate, or whatever excuse fits the situation.

Strangely enough, your mouth had no excuse to say. Instead of just leaving your body refused to stand up and leave him. Weird.

You rolled your eyes, "Then it better be your treat." The male just smiled at you and pulled out his wallet.

"Of course, anything to make you stay."

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