Chapter 4

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On top of a hill overlooking the small village you and your friend resided in you felt the soft cries of the rain drop on your head

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On top of a hill overlooking the small village you and your friend resided in you felt the soft cries of the rain drop on your head.

"It's raining." The boy sitting beside you said. "We should get down, Y/n." He stood up but you weren't about to let this moment go.

"I have to tell you something." Your ten year old self took a deep breath in. The rain cried a bit louder this time.

The boy turned to look at you, his eyes scanned your face. He squeezed your hand and smiled. "I heard what the adults said. You're leaving, aren't you?"

Ah, whenever you would dream of this moment it never hurts to make you miss that friend, even when you forgot his face.

You nodded your head. The words that wanted to come out of your mouth didn't. You didn't think this through, you didn't think about the part where it'll hurt to never see a friend again.

The boy quickly pulled you and lead you to the trees for shelter against the rain. The sky looked so sad, so gray, so dull, and devoid of life.

But compared to the boys face, although you don't remember his features anymore you know it deep in your being that the brilliance of the sky could never compare.

So when your 10 year old self looked deep in his eyes, all you could see was the same state with the sky. Dull, gray, and devoid of life.

"I have something to tell you."


He smiled at me. A cheeky and mischievous smile emerged from his lips. "I won't tell you right now!"

You frowed, you pinched his hand in annoyance.

"Why! Don't be mean!"

He wiped the raindrops that stained your face. He smiled at you. His hand that encased your own felt warm, you looked at his eyes and suddenly, the same warmth coated your cheeks.

"So that you'll have a reason to come back."


You don't remember anything from the team dinner, all you know is that you woke up with dog fur all over you. Now, you're at work with your head rested on your table and your hangover feels worst.

The others are kinda like you, while those that didn't drink or are extremely blessed have their smiles beaming from ear to ear. Someone slid a bottle of water and hangover pills on your table and knocked on the wood to alert you.

"Here." You looked up to see Jungkook smiling at you, "For your hangover." Then he left and continued his work.

You muttered your thanks and took the pill. All you wanted to do today was just to stay home and be lazy but no, you're a hardworking woman who is in dire need of money! You need to do this!

"I wish lunch would come soon." You said while your eyes burned holes through the clock.


Lunch time, YES!

Your mood has gotten better because of the pills Jungkook gave you and now you're ready to eat some delicious grub. You grabbed your phone and bag and headed outside. While you were making your way outside, your phone rang. You immediately took it out from your pockets and answered. "Hello?"

[Let's eat lunch together.]

You furrowed your brows, you checked the caller ID only to see that you never saved the number, or some random person just called you.


You sighed, "Wrong number." You were about to end the call when the person on the other line exclaimed for you to wait. Like shouted really loud and in a hurry. You hummed, not really paying attention to what this person was saying.

[It's Taehyung. Darling, just put my name on your contacts.]

You scoffed, thinking to yourself that no man can ever boss you around.


Ah... Shit.

And here you were being a boss bitch in your head, you still ended up following his order and saving his contacts.

[Let's get lunch—]

"I'll pass."

[Its my treat!]


A week passed and here you are waiting for Taehyung to arrive at the cafe. Somehow, you became lunch buddies. He would often call you whenever the clock strikes 12 PM and ask if you'd want to go to lunch, at first you refused, but when he said that it's his treat you couldn't resist free food!

Your favorite meal always taste delicious but it could never compare when it's free! The more you ate lunch with him the one night stand that happened between you both kind of dissipated. He would often joke around with you, tease you with nicknames that couples use, or say something completely ridiculous!

As days passed and you spent more time with him, he didn't even need to call you anymore to have lunch because you're already there waiting for him. Sometimes, you would eat at different restaurants, try something new or stick to the basics.

One thing led to another, and you were regularly having lunch with him. But today... Taehyung is running late.

It's been lunch time is almost over and he still hasn't arrived. Just 5 more minutes to go and your precious break time is gone!

You sighed and took a sip of your milkshake. You felt annoyed and rightly so! You haven't even eaten anything! You've already gone through 3 milkshakes just to ease the hunger you felt.

You glanced at your phone and watched the minutes go by. 1 PM.

Lunch time has ended.

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