Chapter 7

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You lied in bed with Taehyung this morning

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You lied in bed with Taehyung this morning. Your hands roamed his cheeks and brushed some of the stray hair away, tucking them to the back of his ear.

"Have you always been this handsome?" You whispered. You just couldn't help but admire his eyelashes this time, they're so long! It honestly made you a bit jealous.

You feasted your sights to the marks that you left on his body from last night. Even with all that purplish marks he's still beautiful.

You wrapped your arms around him and sighed. Your head rested on his chest while you thought about your strange feelings and attraction to the man in front of you.

He's just an annoying guy who would always ask you to eat, so why is your heart skipping a beat?

Honestly, your feelings are confusing as hell. This is a new feeling for you, your whole life you were sheltered, unable to explore different things, unable to be a kid, a teenager, an adult.

That newfound confidence and boldness you had last night surprised you now that you're thinking about it. You aren't usually that forward!

You sighed again. This is a bit frustrating.

You felt Taehyung tightening his hold on your waist. Everything is so silent this early in the morning, all you could hear is your thoughts, his light snores, and the beating of his heart. You looked up at him again.

Even when he's asleep he's still handsome. Really, he's doing such a good job of making you attracted to him.

"You don't have to hold me that tight," He suddenly muttered. His eyes fluttered open and a small smile replaced his emotionless lips. "I'll be here when you wake up." With his free arm he brought your chin up to meet his gaze, you would be lying if you said this doesn't make you feel anything.

You laughed at what he said, "I have a feeling you will be." The sincerity in his eyes as he stared into yours is a sight to behold! You were just mindlessly staring at him, getting lost in his eyes and admiration for him.

He suddenly lowered his head and placed a quick kiss on your forehead, another kiss on your cheeks, on the tip of your nose, "Have I ever told you that you look pretty?" He asked.

You shook your head, unable to say something because your mind is currently on overload from how sweet he's being to you!

"I haven't?" He paused and placed a kiss on your lips. He pulled away and smiled at you, "You're beautiful, Y/n."

You shifted your gaze away from him, your cheeks glowed in a pink hue from his comment about you. "Don't joke about stuff like that."

He pulled you close to him again and placed another kiss on your lips, this time it wasn't short, it wasn't that long either, it felt just right, it felt perfect.

This isn't good! If he keeps this up you'll really find yourself falling for an annoying guy like him.

"I'm not joking. You've always been beautiful, Y/n." He caressed your cheeks and massages his thumbs against your cheeks.

Ever since he got tangled up in your life he's always been making moves on you, flirting, and whatever. It didn't bother you at all actually but this is different!

You've always felt it... The way Taehyung would look at you. But this time his gaze feels so intense, like he's telling you something using his eyes.

You just buried yourself in Taehyung's chest, unable to look at him anymore. He laughed and hugged your body, "You're so cute!"

You just closed your eyes and asked yourself; Why are you being like this?


You didn't want to stay cooped up in his house so when Taehyung asked you what you wanted to do you immediately answered, "Let's go to the beach."

He looked at you and pondered. It is a bit unusual to go to the beach in this fall weather, especially when winters just around the corner.

That tiny spark of hope flickered inside you, hoping that he'll agree. You waited in anticipation for his answer, eyes locking into his with a look of eagerness for his answer.

He laughed a bit and patted your head, "Sure, I'll follow you wherever you go." This man is doing a complete 360 again! Last night he was so intimidating but today he's like a golden retriever! He's so cute and so thoughtful, and not to mention very sweet!

Taehyung then searched his wardrobe, "Let's get you something warm to wear, I don't want you to catch a cold, okay?" You just hummed in response, your eyes travelled all over the room.

Now that you're giving your attention to something else other than Taehyung, you just realized this does not look like his apartment at all! "Where did you bring me? This doesn't look like your apartment." You asked, staring at the paintings that hung on the wall.

He turned around and eyed two of the hoodies he picked for you, which color would fit you? After a moment he went for the white hoodie and pulled out another white hoodie.

"You're at my other home, this one is closer than the apartment that I have." He placed the hoodie on your lap, pointed at his own hoodie and smiled at you, "Look, we match!"

You couldn't help but giggle at how adorable he looks right now, seems like you'll have another memory to cherish other than from last night.

"We're gonna look like a couple with that." You piped in. He leaned down and kissed your lips once again, locking it with yours in a passion filled kiss.

You gladly kissed him back, pulling him closer to yours until your body fell into the bed. Your fingers tangled in his hair while he continued to kiss you.

A thin string of saliva appeared as he pulled away from the kiss. The urge to look away and avoid his gaze became null, because you just can't look away from this man. You just can't.

He placed the stray hairs that covered your face behind your ear. He lowered his head near your ear and whispered,

"If it's you then I don't mind at all."

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