Chapter 10

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You spent your whole day at the arcade with Taehyung.

It felt soo good to finally open up to someone about your feelings, your pain, and the things you've endured.

Like telling him whatever it was that plagued your mind wasn't hard at all, it flowed out so easily. Like opening up to an old friend you often read online.

Now that you're thinking about it... You remembered that kid you met when you were 10. You couldn't remember much from your time in Korea as a child, your brain probably hid that part of your life under lock and key.

You were currently at home, sitting on your couch. You tried so hard to remember his face, his name, or vague conversations with him.

After a few minutes of scourging through your memory all you could remember was that he had something to tell you. You sighed and stood up, making a quick beeline to the kitchen to drink a cup of water.

This won't do, you wore your shoes again, grabbed your phone and wore the hoodie Taehyung gave you earlier that day. You took the keys to your place, stepped out of the apartment and locked the door.

"Oh? You're not at work?" A voice spoke from behind you. You quickly turned around and smiled, it's your landlord taking his dog out for a walk.

"Good afternoon sir, um... I took a sick leave." You awkwardly smiled at him. Your landlord often makes small talk with you, he also has his dog with him usually.

He laughed at what you said, "Sir? Am I that old? Please, just call me Hoseok." He smiled at you. You remembered Jungkook telling you the other day that he has made friends with the landlord, he said that he's a goofy guy and that they're already on first name basis.

It didn't feel right to be calling your landlord by his first name but since he insisted it would be soo impolite for you to refuse!

"Okay... Hoseok." You smiled at locked your door. "Then I'm going now-"

He quickly interrupted you and smiled, "Are you going somewhere?" He asked. You nodded your head and he pointed to his dog, "Well since we're both going out let's go out together." He smiled so brightly at you. Feeling defeated, you cracked a smile out and agreed.

The journey towards the door with your landlord wasn't all that bad, he stayed silent and you started to drown in your thoughts.

You even thought that what if your landlord was the childhood friend you had? This curiosity is killing you, the feeling of wanting to know who he is devoured your soul and became rampant in your mind.

"Y/n, aren't you gonna take that call?" Hoseok spoke. You immediately broke your train of thought and mindlessly answered the call.

"Hello?" You spoke, you looked at Hoseok and pointed your thumbs to a corner and he just smiled at you in response.

You walked over and waited for the recipient to answer. "Hey! It's Jungkook, where are you?" You remembered that you told your boss you took a sick leave, you immediately lied and said,

"I'm at home, still sick." You hoped that Jungkook would quickly drop the topic, fingers crossed! You suddenly heard a 'ding!' come from your phone, a text message?

"Then this isn't you?" He asked.

Your heart dropped to your stomach, what could this be? You asked Jungkook to wait a minute and you immediately went to your text messages and checked the photo he sent.

You tapped your feet, impatient yet anxious as to what he could've sent. Have your lies been uncovered? You dreaded having to go to the HR and talk your way out of this one.


As soon as you saw the photo, being caught lying about being sick wasn't the worst thing possible anymore.


You were now the subject of an internet witch hunt, the quest to find out who the girl Kim Taehyung was with.

You returned to Jungkook's call, your voice sounded shaky, shocked at what you just saw. "It is you." You gulped your saliva and quickly made your way to Hoseok who was waiting for you with a wide smile.

"Let's go?" You looked at his dog and a sad smile weaved into your face. You shook your head. It seems like that walk you had planned today isn't happening.

"Something came up, I'm really sorry about this Hoseok." But before he could say anything in return you were running at full speed back to your apartment door.

Along the way, between your heavy panting and the large puffs of air you breathed back into your system you managed to ask, no... That was wrong, you managed to force Jungkook, your poor coworker to send you the link to the post right away.

You ended the call with him without even a thank you for dropping everything in his day and send you the link, you were worried about what this post was about and what is going to happen to you.

You patted your hoodie, your pants, your pockets, but you couldn't find your key. You let out a small shriek in frustration and rested your head to your door.

The overwhelming feeling of stress and anxiety is filling your body to the brim, you could overflow and spill.

You took long, deep breaths in hopes of calming yourself and having another go at finding your keys.

You sighed, and suddenly flinched at the cold feeling being pressed on your cheeks. You looked to your side and saw Hoseok holding a bottle of cold water and your keys.

"You dropped this." You just looked at him absentmindedly, nothing was flowing in your head anymore, you were in shock, tired, worried, heck you were even scared.

You weren't responding so he calmly took your hand, and with his soft fingers he opened your palm and placed the cold water, and the key to your house.

He carefully placed your hand back to your side smiled and left with his dog following closely behind.

You just stood there for a moment. Feeling the coldness of the water, how it encased your hand and dripped to the floor. It was like a wake up call that signaled your thoughts to return to your head.

And with that return, you also seemed to remember the fact that Kim Taehyung is a celebrity.

Someone who you can't reach even if you stretched your whole body.


Hello! Author here, sorry for taking a while to update. I've been super busy with college lately and it's been a very tough and such a rollercoaster like journey. Thank you for understanding and waiting for my update, and thank you for sticking around to those old and new.


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