New Old Beginnings..

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Present : Hyunjin

"Hyunjin, hyunjin, now that the dating ban is officially off of stray kids, what are your plans? Would you be willing to date anyone? Anyone in particular?"

All the interviewers were asking, dating this, dating that. A slight smile made its way to my face, an unreadable smile which was hard to tell whether it was of embarrassment or sadness.

The only thing that ever came to mind when asked about my significant other were dreamy eyes, bright glowing dreamy eyes I would stare into for as long and never once get tired.

But with the dreamy eyes came the eyes of betrayal, how the glow left her eyes the day I said those few words I'll forever regret saying.

"I am not dating anyone at the moment, and nor do I know anything about the future."

I sighed, trying my best to get the interviewers to stop with these kinds of questions already. The rest of the group looked at me,already sensing the lost aura off me.

I felt this way a lot, alone, unheard, and of most, a traitor. I just wanted to move on already, forget her, forget everything from the past and move on.

But I had made a promise to her, I promised her that I'll always find my way back to her and her to me.

With a few last questions, we bid our goodbyes and left. Sitting in the car,I just stared out the window.

A blank expression on my face, on the inside I could feel my heart shattering into a trillion pieces, anywhere I went, I saw her. Her smile, her tears.

Although a small breakup between Y/n and me shouldn't be a big deal, it was. She was the first person I ever met who helped me so much in life, physically, mentally. She was one of the very few people my heart desired to stay with for as long as I lived.

Exactly five years ago was when I had to leave her behind, forever. If only I had known that one day I would be allowed to have a girlfriend, I would have never broken up with her.

And now I have no idea of where she is, whether she's okay or not. I tried checking in with my old classmates but everyone said the same thing.

"After you left, we barely saw her off campus and once she graduated, she left without a sign of where she went to."

Present : Y/n

"hyunjin" this "hyunjin" that, was all people in this small town ever talked about. He finally did achieve his dreams..

Exactly five years ago was when he left me, Promising me that no matter what, he'll always find his way back to me.

Yet there wasn't a sign of him being anywhere near.

The day he left, he took everything with him, his presence, his comfort, his memories, his everything. Leaving me nothing but the hate he created in my heart for him.

I decided to focus on my studies, and once graduating, I moved to a new small town, leaving my whole life behind and beginning a new one.

New friends, new neighbors, new place, new everything.

But even in this new town, there was no escaping him. His face was everywhere, everyone talked about him.

It bothered me so much, yet I kept quiet for the sake of my privacy. I wanted nothing to do with him any longer. Because either way it was too late now, I had already been long gone.

Chapter One completed! Thank you so much for choosing to read this book, Please dont forget to vote!

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