Existing Souls

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Present : Chan

After my little conversation with hyunjin, it feels as if I've lost all my peace. Seeing him at such a point in his life where he's so lost, clueless, naive...

I have to find her, for the sake of him, I have to find y/n. I promised him I'll find her, and so I will keep this promise of mine.

~ 1 week later~

After a week of digging and digging I had found a girl who had moved to a small unknown town after graduating in 2016, just like y/n. Y/n was supposed to graduate in 2016 along with hyunjin.

After finding her address I decided to look into her, anything I found was valuable, and by the end of my searching I came across a recent picture of her. She was truly beautiful, hyunjin described her well.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell hyunjin about all this immediately and so I have decided I'll wait a week, he's already going through so much at the moment, I don't want to trouble him anymore.

Present : Hyunjin

For the past week chan hyung has been very silent, as if he's observing, hiding something. He won't let me in the gaming room because apparently he has "important" files opened on all the computers which are strictly not meant to be seen by anyone but him.

I didn't buy that lie, he made it too obvious that he was lying with all the stuttering, and so I decided to take matters into my own hands and go in that room when he's not around.

As I opened the door, several bright screens came in contact with my already weak eyes causing me to clench them shut and walk to one of the screens. I slowly opened my eyes due to how bright the screen was.


The name left my lips as my heart started beating crazily fast. I could feel the tingling in my throat as I saw the picture displayed in front of me, of y/n, my y/n?

As steamy tears filled my eyes I felt my breath hitched. She was here! So far yet so close to me. I silently sobbed going through her information.

She used to doubt herself so much in her studies yet she graduated the same year as me!

'Congrats y/n..'

Why was hyung hiding all this from me?

Just as I thought of him it was as if he heard my thoughts and appeared behind me with a smile of pure joy, a smile of accomplishment.

"I found her hyunjin! Look, y/n! Thats your y/n hyunjin!" He cheered happily, but the first instints i had were to push him hard.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?! You knew all this time yet you didn't open your mouth once!" I yelled to him, as a pained expression took over my face while a guilt one over his face.

"I didn't want to trouble you any more than you already were, hyunjin. All of this is alot to take in and especially after looking for her for 5 years, I didn't want to suddenly put such a big truth to you so I decided to wait a week but seems as if you've already found out."

Hyung confessed, Him and his caring self, I don't deserve such a person like hyung. A smile took over my face, as I ran into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Thank you so much... I-I don't know how to thank you enough for this hyung, thank you so much.."

I whispered as I felt him put his arms around me and hug me back, suddenly he pulled away.

"Wanna go and find her now?" He suggested with a bright smile, I couldn't help but let the big wide smile finally come out.


Present : Y/n

Before moving to this town, I made sure to have my pressence noticed from little to barely at all.

I didn't have any friends but I was glad, I was glad no one else would leave me nor would I leave them completely and utterly alone and dissapointed.

Although when hyunjin was around I displayed the perfect girl role, I truly wasn't. I was a mess, everyone I had ever known had done nothing but leave me.

I had seperation and attachment issues, when I first met hyunjin he completely filled my fantasies of someone who'll forever stick by my side. Who wouldn't ever part ways with me.

Stupid me..

And then after moving to this town, I didn't know what I felt? It was a feeling of something missing that made my heart hurt so much, a feeling of someone missing.

But I had to learn to live without the pressence of him, because in the end no matter what, i'd forever make it out alone.

If only I would have considered not letting my issues get in the way of my life, then maybe I would have been somewhere better than here.

5th chapter finished! Please don't forget to vote and comment

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