Chapter One

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        "Sixteen more dead, we won't be able to carry one like this!" Gideon told Leonore angrily. Another battle had just finished between the Gargoyles and the Demons and they had just managed to win. This time.

        However, the Gargoyles numbers were decreasing, while the Demons numbers were increasing and their attacks were becoming more frequent.

        "I understand Gideon. There's nothing we can do accept pray that the lord will send us some help or reinforcements." Leonore told him, her voice just above a whisper.

        She was slowly losing hope in the Gargoyle order. She feared that it would soon be no more.

        "What are my orders?" Gideon asked Leonore, awaiting to be given something to do.

        Leonore turned away, looking through the window of her home, her eyes skimming over the quiet streets nearby.

        "Nothing. Get back to your position till further notice. Thank you for your hard battle Gideon, you may leave." Leonore said, quickly dismissing him.

        Gideon nodded before heading down the hall and quickly turned into his Gargoyle before flying and landing smoothly onto his position by Keziah and Ophir.

        "What does she plan to do?" Ophir asked Gideon, quickly glancing at him before turning his eyes back to watch the streets.

        Gideon stayed silent, before letting out a sigh, "Pray. It would do us good too." He said, his voice strong.

        "We're going to need help and fast." Keziah said.

        Gideon shut his eyes briefly, before opening them again and nodding in agreement. Gideon said, "I know, Keziah. I know."

+ + +

        Leonore kneeled in front of her cross before bringing her hands together and shutting her eyes, before praying to the lord after touching both her shoulders, her forehead and her chest briefly in the sign of the cross.

        "In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, Amen. Hear my prayer, Lord, listen to my cry for help; do not be deaf to my weeping. I dwell with you as a foreigner, a stranger, as all my ancestors were. Help the Gargoyle Order in our time of need to help vanquish the evil that dare disrupt the peace in the human world. Help us, dear lord, I beg of you. Amen." Leanore whispered, opening her eyes to give the cross one more look, before turning herself and flying out to her position.

        She could only hope that the lord would answer her prayers, but nothing could have prepared her, nor Gideon of what or who was to come their way.

+ + +

        "Keziah, Ophir! Demons in the forest, go! I'll take the ones in the cemetery!" Gideon ordered.

        Demons had been spotted feasting on humans in the East and the South. Gideon flew and dove smoothly but he couldn't help but notice the number of Human killings by Demons were increasing.

        They were feasting on them more and more as the days went by and their numbers were only increasing. Sure, they managed to stop most Demons but sometimes, they weren't so lucky.

        As Gideon landed on his feet he quickly shifted back to human and wielded his double-bladed axe in the middle of the cemetery and in no time, managed to kill the Demons before they feasted on ten year old and he watched as their souls descended to Hell.

        He gave out a long sigh, damn them Demons! He thought to himself. I pray to God that he will answer our prayers.

        He turned to the ten year old who has passed out and erased part of her memory before flying her to the nearest police station, and back to his position undetected.

        It wasn't long till Keziah and Ophir joined him, but their eyes were wide and alert. "Gideon, Leonore demands that you meet her in the abandoned church! It's urgent." Ophir said, a level of urgency in his voice.

        Immediately, Gideon feared the worst as he set off at an alarming speed down to the abandoned church, expecting the worst.

        He crashed through the window and immediately found Leonore standing in the middle of the church unharmed. He landed and turned back to human, before rushing over to Leonore.

        "Leonore! Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

        Leonore turned around with eyes wide, "Gideon, the Lord has answered my prayers." She said, her eyes slightly wide.

        Gideon eyebrows scrunched together in confusion until he managed to see what she meant.

        A bright blue light that shone from the heavens through the large broken stained glass window and landed right in front of Leonore.

        The light grew brighter and brighter, making them squint their eyes before a loud BOOM sounded, making them stumble back as the light slowly diminished.

        As Gideon and Leonore's eyes adjusted, they both gasped at what they saw.

        A woman with hair a red as blood that flowed in waves to her slim waist and wings whiter than snow appeared stood in front of them. Her eyes were a piercing grey, that looked deep into you. She had a small nose with full red lips and a white strapless dress that flowed down to her feet.

        She was beautiful beyond words, but of course, that was what people of her species would look like.

        A Light Angel, Leonore thought, her eyes still wide.

        "Hello Leonore, the Lord has sent me in your time of need." She said, her voice smooth and melodic.

        "What is your name?" Leonore asked.

        "My name is Amaterasu but call me Ama." She said as her wings folded and melted back into her body so she appeared to be a human.

        "Amaterasu. That's Japanese for shining over heaven, is it not? Also the name of a sun Japanese Goddess." Leonore said, fascinated by Ama.

        Gideon simply stood and watched, his posture straight and face stern as he watched the beautiful Angel in front of him, admiring her beauty.

        Ama let out a light laugh, "believe me, I am no Ruler of the Heavens. To be the Ruler of the Heavens, you must be pure." She said.

        Leonore and Gideon looked at her in confusion, wondering what she meant, "and you are not?" Leonore asked.

        Ama let out a smirk before her appearance started to change. Her blood red her started to change colour from the roots to a deathly black, a full fringe forming as it fell dead straight. He features sharpens as her eyes colour changed to red with slit pupils and her dress changed to the same deathly black as her hair.

        Her white wings suddenly flapped open making Leonore and Gideon jump slightly as they watched with confusion. Gideon stepped in front of Leonore, attempting to protect her from whatever Ama was.

        Her white wings started to sprout fire from the tip of her wings and slowly burn down to the middle of her back, black leathery wings replacing her white feathery ones.

        Gideon and Leonore watched in horror, making Ama let out a loud laugh before saying,

        "No, I'm not."

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