Chapter Three

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        Ama soured through the air gracefully, flapping her white feathery wings occasionally as Gideon and Leonore flew behind her, watching her cautiously and carefully.

        It didn't take long for Leonore to accept her help, even under Gideons protest but Leonore quickly reminded him who exactly he was speaking too.

        Once they arrived to the sanctuary, Gideon and Leonore quickly turned back to their humans, while Ama kept her wings open, as if it weighed nothing on her back. Which it probably did.

        She looked around at the old building, her face blank as she said, "Cool cast---" but she was immediately cut off by Ophir and Keziah bursting into the room.

        "We found someth---" Ophir started to say, when his eyes landed on Ama, his eyes widened as he almost yelled, "A Light Angel!"

        Ama scoffed, "Please, I met one of them before and believe me, they're more boring than listening to Opera." She said.

        Leonore frowned at Ama, not liking her behaviour and the way she spoke about the Light Angels of Heaven, "Ama, do not speak about the Light Angels like that. If you're going to stay here, we're going to have to put down some ground rules." She said sternly.

        Ama rolled her eyes rudely as she leaned on one leg and placed a hand on her hip as she said, "You sound like my mother."

        Gideon glared at her disrespect towards Leonore and said, "I never knew Demon mothers gave ground rules."


        Ama froze at the mention of her own mother. Sure, she was talking about mothers before, somewhat, but sarcastically. This however was serious. As Ama looked up, she was no longer an Angel, but had transformed to her Demon, her black leathery wings stretched as she hissed before vanishing in a heap of flames.

        "DEMON! Grab the holy water Ophir!" Keziah yelled, making Ophir hurriedly grab the bowl of holy water on his left and hand it Keziah just as Ama appeared once again in front of Gideon, with nail black as night and sharp as she scratched his face, making him wince as it burned like acid and pushed her away instantly, making her fly towards the wall, but before her back managed to make contact with the wall, her wings managed to stop her and make her land gracefully.

        As she looked up, she saw that Gideon had accidentally been drenched in holy water, which made her smirk. It was time to put her unique abilities into play, she thought as her red eyes started to glow.

        The holy water that once drenched him, all dripped down his leg and slithered it's way to the centre of the room, making them all look at the moving substance as it started to levitate, before taking the shake of three snakes with demonic red eyes in shock.

        They all snapped at Gideon, Ophir and Keziah as they all wielded their weapons, looking at the water snake cautiously.

        "ENOUGH!" Leonore yelled with authority, her voice booming and bouncing off the old walls, making the water snake drop completely and drench the floor as they all turned to face her. "Put away your weapons, she's our... guest." Leonore said, more calmly this time.

        Ama scoffed as she shifted back to her Angel, folding in her wings and letting it melt into her back as she said, "More like I'm going to be the person saving your asses."

        Leonore turned to her a glared at her, "No profanities in our sanctuary shall be rule number one." She said, making Ama burst out laughing.

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