Chapter Five

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        As soon as the words left the Demons lips, Ama reached for his dark heart and ripped it out of his chest, and everyone watched as Dolosis' soul descended as the heart in Ama's hand turned into nothing but dust.

        The room was silent, too silent, and as Ama turned to face Gideon and Leonore, she saw that they were watching her with a burning, calculating and analysing gaze, that made her deeply uncomfortable.

        "Well, that was fun---" Ama started to say emotionlessly, when Leonore cut her off mid-sentence.

        "Why does Naberius want you, Ama?" Leonore asked demandingly, her trust and faith in Ama turning from little, to none.

        Ama's eyes flickered to Gideon's narrowed stare, to Leonore's hard eyes back and forth, till setting on Leonore, and shrugged, seeming uncaring of what the demon had just said, which unsettled Leonore and Gideon greatly. "I don't know." Ama lied, calmly.

        Gideon gritted his teeth, before glaring at Ama, not liking the fact that she was already hiding something from them, and spat out, "Lies aren't appreciated here. So I suggest you spit out any secrets you have right now, especially if it involves the damn Demon we're going up against!"

        Her eyes glowed red as she tried to contain her anger, her fists clenching and unclenching. "Listen here and listen good, pretty boy. I am helping you both because you," Ama snarled out, looking pointedly at Leonore as she emphasised the word 'you', "prayed for some damn help, and now I'm here. Whatever I tell you, or don't tell you, is either none of your damn business, or doesn't concern what our goal is. I don't want to be here just as much as all of you don't either, but I made a deal with God, and I'm not one to break promises or deals. Now be grateful I got you closer to finding Naberius and stop pestering me about rules you want me to follow, or things I'm not telling you. If I'm not telling you something, it's for a damn good reason." Ama snarled fiercely at them, and by the time she had finished, she noticed that items in the room began to elevate, except from Gideon and Leonore, and immediately concentrated on calming herself down, making the levitating items drop.

        Ama took one last deep breath before shifting back to her normal form, her wings folding and melting into her back. Gideon stepped forward, about to retort to Ama's long speech, but was stopped by Leonore's glare, telling him to stay put.

        Ama crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, "Now that we're done for today, can one of you show me to my room or do I have to go to a Hotel?" Ama asked, her previous raging anger completely vanishing.

        Leonore nodded, and turned to look at Gideon, "Gideon, show our guest to her room, and make sure to get her some clothes ready for her by the morning." Leonore ordered authoritatively, making Gideon nod reluctantly before turning to look at Ama, restraining himself from glaring.

        "Right this way, Ama." Gideon said emotionlessly, before opening the door for Ama like a gentleman. An emotionless, Demon-hating gentleman. Ama smiled at him sarcastically before walking through the doors, a sway in her hips.

        "Adiós, Leonore. Have a wonderful night." Ama said in a innocent voice, turning around to give her a little wave as Gideon walked up to her side.

        Gideon roughly grabbed Ama's arm and dragged her alongside him, before she ripped her arm from his grasp and followed him down various corridors that all looked the same.

        "Oh lighten up Gideon. Isn't anger one of the seven deadly sins?" Ama teased, a smirk plastering itself on her lips. Gideon stopped walking abruptly, his shoulders and back tense as he turned to look at Ama with dark eyes, not noticing their close proximity.

        "You've had your rant, now it's my turn. What you do, who you are, and what your past is, is our business. We need to know everything so we know we're not very well making a deal with the damn Devil, metaphorically speaking. I will find out what you're hiding from us, even if I have to force it out of you. I don't care if you're part Angel. In my eyes, you are still a worthless, pathetic Demon, and all Demons are known best for playing games to get what they want. So I hope for your sake that you aren't playing with us, because I don't like to be played with." Gideon growled out at her, breathing heavily as anger coursed through his veins, clearly unhappy with her presence here.

        Ama gave him a fake pout, a mischievous glint her eyes as she asked in an innocent voice, "You're not a fan on my games?"

        Gideon huffed in an annoyance, "Ama, I'm serious!" He yelled at her, attempting at intimidating her into complying, which didn't work. Not even in the slightest.

        A smirk replaced Ama's fake pout, "So, you don't like my games? Because I think they can be very fun." She said.

        Gideon eyes her suspiciously, wondering what game she was playing as he said, "No, I'm not a fan of your games, and I don't think it they're particularly fun, as you put it."

        Ama raised an eyebrow and said, "We'll see about that." Before turning away to walk down the corridor, a sway in her hips, making Gideon's eyes avert to her hips and arse, before scolding himself and looking away, just to see that Ama now leaned against the wall. "Careful there Gideon, if I remember correctly, Lust is one of the seven deadly sins too. I'm starting to wonder how you even got this job as Leonore's right hand man in the first place."

        Gideon glared at her even more harshly, his fists clenching, "I don't know what you're talking about." He spat out.

        "Ooh, this is going to be so fun." Ama teased, making Gideon march towards her till they were chest to chest, and nose to nose.

        "No, this isn't. I suggest you stop whatever plans of games you have forming in that skull of yours, or it'll end badly for you." Gideon warned, angry beyond words.

        As the words left his lips, Ama's piercing grey eyes began to glow, enchanting and captivating him instantly, as if he were in a trance. All of his anger immediately vanished as Ama leaned in slightly, stopping when her lips brushed his, her eyes never leaver his, as he became aware of her lips, so close to being on his.

        He didn't understand what had happened or why he suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to kiss her, but at the moment, he didn't care, he just wanted to kiss her. "I don't think you want me to stop." Ama whispered, her lips brushing against his as she spoke, and before he could press his lips against hers, Ama pulled away, her eyes no longer glowing and his desire, now vanishing.

        Gideon blinked a few times, slightly confused, till he recognised Ama's sly smirk, growled in anger, "Don't you ever cast me into a trance like that ever again." He growled, his anger coming back and hitting him full force.

        "Oh honey, next time, I don't think I'll need to." Ama said, making Gideon narrow his eyes at her as she stepped back. "Now are you going to show me where my room is or not?" She asked. Gideon stood there for a moment, before giving her a stiff nod and walked hurriedly to the location of her room, making Ama laugh under her breath.

        As soon as Gideon and Ama reached Ama's room, Gideon roughly grabbed Ama and shoved her inside, making her laugh, "Why so angry?" She laughed, knowing she was the reason for his anger, which amused her greatly.

        "You know why. Now get some sleep and be ready for tomorrow." Gideon growled, shutting the door but before he could, Ama's foot stopped it from closing completely, forcing him to open it in annoyance, "What now, Ama?" He asked annoyedly.

        Her expression had now turned serious, and what she said next confused him completely.

        "Remember this, Gideon: There are Demons inside us all, even you."

        She slammed the door shut.

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