Chapter Eight

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       Ama smirked as she took off her ring, laughing as Concupi struggled to get out of Gideon's hold from against the wall.

"Nice to see you again Concupi, quite the place you've built here. Extremely classy." She said sarcastically as she walked up to the demon. She trailed her hand up Concupi's chest, before resting her chin on his shoulder, a mischievous gleam in her eye as she grabbed Concupi's chin roughly to look at her. "You have some information I need." She sang at him, looking almost like a crazed woman.

Concupi growled lowly at her, hatred burning in his eyes, "Amaterasu. Always a pleasure to see you." He said sarcastically rolling his eyes. Ama laughed, before pouting, feigning being insulted.

Ama bopped his nose, like a woman would do to their child and said, "Don't anger me more than you already have, Concupi. Didn't particularly enjoy being touched by you, now stop stalling and tell me; where is Naberius?" At the mention of his masters name, his eyes flickered, fear swirling in his demonic eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He mumbled defiantly, making Ama roll her eyes and stand up straight, a hand on her hip. Gideon looked at her, raising an eyebrow as if asking permission to injure him, seeing as she looked like the had a plan.

Ama nodded, a smirk gracing her plump lips, internally enjoying Gideon being under her command for once. At that signal, Gideon clenched the hand around his neck, the sound of bones cracking filling their ears and in one swift movement, Gideon removed his hidden axe that had been strapped under his shirt and hacked it into the demons chest, leaving it stuck in his chest as the demon cried and wailed in pain.

"Don't bother lying Concupi, your little friend Dolosis already told us you knew. Now stop wasting my time and tell me where in God's name he is." Ama growled out, the smirk dropping from her face as frustration and impatience swirled in her eyes.

Concupi let out a loud, sickening laugh that pierced the air and made Ama wince from how disturbing it was. He looked down at Ama, a crazed smile on his lips as he said confidently, "You won't kill me. I'm the only one who know's where he is and without me, you'll never find him. You need me alive, not dead."

Ama gave him a crazed smile of her own as she took a step closer to him, "True, we do need you alive, but we can make you wish you were dead." She said with a sickeningly sweet voice.

Gideon glared at the demon, becoming more frustrated at Concupi as just looking at him made Gideon harbour more hate to the hate he already had brewing inside for Concupi. He turned to look at Ama and said, "I think he needs a little more convincing, Ama."

Ama smiled even wider as she shifted into her Demon form and stepping even closer to Concupi. "Last chance, big boy." She said as she lifted up her hand that started to emit a small, dark purple-ish mist from her fingertips, watching as Concupi's eyes shifted from Ama to her hand, trying to cover up the fear that swirled in his eyes.

       Ama shrugged, knowing soon that he would break and said, "Okay, have it your way." Her hands inched towards his chest, preparing to play, distort, deform and rip his soul, when suddenly Concupi spoke up.

       "WAIT! WAIT, OKAY! I'LL TELL YOU." He cried out, trying to push away from her, but with no such luck as Gideon held him firmly in place. Ama raised her eyebrows, backing off slightly as she waited for answers, "Naberius is everywhere. He's in no exact location, always shifting from one place to another to quick for anyone to catch him." He paused.

       Ama gave him a look that demanded he continue, "BUT?" She snapped, patience running extremely low.

       "But whenever a demon needs to contact him, we use a spell to summon him. It's a spell from the Book of Malus that remains hidden in the Angelus Cadaveribus cemetery. Tenebris and Malum guard the book, making sure no Angels or Gargoyles tries to steal it." Concupi said, looking down in shame for disobeying his master.

       Ama smiled, shifting back to her normal form before turning to Gideon and saying, "I'm going to make a call. Have a few of my friends try and scout the cemetery and find this Book of Malus, so, keep him hanging for a moment." With a nod from Gideon, Ama turned around and walked down the alleyway for more privacy as she made the calls she needed to make.

       Between Gideon and the demon, it remained silent until Concupi let out a breathy laugh, making Gideon's head snap to Concupi with a harsh glare, "What is it?" Gideon snapped, squeezing his neck a bit harder.

       Concupi looked down at him, a knowing look in his eyes, "She makes bad look so good and the darkness in our souls look so inviting, doesn't she? She's so toxic, it's addicting." He said, a grin on his face.

       Gideon glared even more harshly as he clenched his jaw, "I don't know what you're talking about." He growled through gritted teeth.

       Concupi raised a disbelieving eyebrow at him as his smile widened, "You're starting to like her, aren't you? A Gargoyle like you so used to order, you're starting to like the chaos she is, am I wrong?" He said, clicking his tongue, irritating Gideon to no end.

       "I suggest you shut your mouth." Gideon growled, pressing the axe in chest even more further in, making Concupi wince.

       "Come on Gideon, it's as clear as day. Since when did a high status Gargoyle like you, obey orders from a demon-blooded woman like her? It probably frustrates you, doesn't it? The fact that you want to act on these new feelings, see if it becomes anything more yet, you pledged your loyalty and swore an oath that forbids you from ever even touching her the way your starting to want to. Touch her like I can, because us demons are free." Concupi said tauntingly and teasingly, making Gideon growl and prepare to strike him, when Keziah and Ophir reached his side.

He had momentarily forgotten that before, when they were approaching the side exit that he had ordered them to leave and keep watch of the area while he and Ama took care of Concupi.

"The other Gargoyles are dead. Concupi's demons killed him. We found them behind the building, all of them." Ophir reported, making Gideon sigh and nod in understanding.

"We're almost done here. Grab them and start making your way back and give them a proper burial. Ama and I will follow in suit shortly." He ordered, making them both nod before leaving to carry out their orders.

Not long after, Ama returned and said, "Well, we won't know until in a few days if you were telling the truth or not so, lucky you, you get to live for an extra few days. We'll have a gargoyle keep watch of you so you don't start running your mouth to some Demon. Come on Gideon, let's go."

Reluctantly, Gideon pulled out his axe and let go of Concupi's neck, only to deliver a hard blow to the side of his face, effectively knocking the demon out. Gideon let out a small smile, before turning to Ama and saying, "Let's go."

It was then that he noticed that Ama was giving him a knowing grin, making him furrow his eyebrows as he asked, "What is it Ama?" Making her wink.

"You're hot when you're jealous."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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