a little girl

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I was sitting  on terrace and thinking about her while smoking . She was an angel , my angel , my jisoo. (Suga's Pov)


I was just 13 when I found a little girl by the road . Barely 3 years old . She looked so cute. I was sold by my dad to a rich businessman two years ago . He did not treat me that well but still I was never hungry. He was a little bit kind . Seeing her there I asked her where are her parents...she did not answer but started crying.  I was not used to such situations but still hugged her. The warmth and happiness  I felt.... I thought that I should hold onto her, protect her and keep her with me , but I wasn't so selfish to seprate her from her parents . I calmed her and then gave her a candy that I had brought from the money I had saved from my salary for buying a second hand T shirt. Her parents came looking for her . They thanked me.

One part of mine was sad that they came. After that she came to meet me everyday until the day  . I would buy her something . Her parents were so good that they had let me take scholarship in a police school whose principal was their friend . I was pretty happy. But everything came to an end . Her parents died . I went towards her house but found no one . I was crying mess. I didn't expect this.

While  I was trying to meet them my owner also said that if I do not report him he will let me go. I was shocked with change in his heart but found myself happier.  Now I could find her.

All this time I have directed myself to meet her . I have spent years in police just to take everyone's trust. I showed that I was selfless when I was searching for her in all police records . When I had finally found her and thought we will be happy I will try to make her forget evry pain, I come to know that taehyung also has some connections with her.

Author's pov:

Suga was drinking cigarette when Jisoo also came to terrace. Deep in thoughts , he didn't notice her.

"Icee , i want this"

"Ehh... No Jisoo this is not good."he said, startled

"Then why are you drinking." Jisoo said raising her eyebrow "Why aren't you sharing...come on... I want that" trying to reach it when suga was taking it away from the direction of her hands.

The thought of Jisoo drinking this poison saddened him . It also increased his anger that had been venting inside him for a long time because of Jimin and taehyung. It all came out on Jisoo.

"STOP BEING NOSY JISOO"  suga screamed instanly regretting it.


Please vote....and yeah that her in previous chapters in Jisoo only.....

Thanks for reding be safe and happy

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