Chapter 18

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I first saw the knights and thought this was it, but then I recognized my banner, Florence's banner, my people. They had gotten into the castle again, we could win this!

That's when I saw him, dark beard and shiny blue eyes, just like mines "D-Dad?" I muttered, standing up "I thought you were dead!" I stood in front of him, not knowing what to do, until he brought me into a short but tight hug

"Let's go, son" He stated and I looked back to Michael, I took his wirst and pulled him with me into the castle. I held a sword that one of the knights had given me in my hand

"Michael go, find the girls and stay safe, I love you" I joined our lips quickly and stared at his beautiful green irises "Go, I'll be right there, I promise" I smiled, letting his hand go and he ran away

I knew what I had to do, I needed to end this myself.

"Mikey" Ariana hugged me the moment she saw me, I hugged her back and kissed her head "Where's Lukey?"

"He's alright, sweetie" I said, looking in the crowd for some hints of Luke, but he was nowhere to be seen

"Michael, where is Luke?" Marina came to me, her hands protecting her belly which was starting to show her pregnancy

"I don't know" I yelled over the sound "He said he'll be right here, but-"

"IT'S OVER" Someone from the street yelled "WE WON!" Then some cheers followed, together with peasants chanting the Hemmings' name. I got out to the street, seeing all the different knights' bodies laying on the floor which was covered with blood

But I couldn't see Luke, he wasn't in the crowd, he wasn't with the troops, I needed to find him. The king passed by, he probably didn't recognise me but I heard him yelling something at the men with him

"Where is my son?!" He asked "Go! Find him!" But I had and idea of where he might be. I made my way into the castle, avoiding the frenetic crowd. I only had a small knife pressed against my belt, but I still entered the unknown, everything for my king

I stood in front of the wooden doors of the Throne's Hall, he had to be in here. I confirmed I was right when I heard voices coming from the other side

"It's alright Andrew, you lost, just surrender and we'll leave all this behind" Luke's voice said and I could finally breath, he was okay, he wasn't dead

I peeked through a small gap between the doors. I saw the back of Luke's head, he was still wearing the emaciated clothes he came with "Do you think I'm stupid?!" The other guy with dark black hair and brown eyes screamed "If I surrender then I'm dead!"

"No, no, no" Luke tried to calm him down "I promise, we'll let you go, you'll see your family again. That sounds nice, doesn't it? Luna, and little Darwen, you'll be with them, you just have to do what I say"

"A-Alright" Andrew stuttered, holding his hands up in defeat "I just wanna go home, I just..."

"Great" Luke smiled, every single white teeth showing, and I knew it was over as I allowed myself to smile too.

That's when Andrew pulled out a knife and ran towards Luke, stabbing the blade on his abdomen with an evil smirk. Luke's face lost it's shine as the man pulled out the knife. He held his stomach with his hands as he fell to his knees, a tear dropping from his eyes

I wasn't thinking, I was completely numb, the last thing I can remember was me holding my knife on my hands before running into the room and slitting Andrew's throat. He fell to the floor, I had blood in my hands, but I didn't have time for that, now my sunshine is my priority

Luke was laying on the palace's floor, he was weak, but he was alive. I knelt down next to him, holding his head on my hands as I cried my eyes out "Lukey, my lovely prince"

"Mikey... My sun and stars" His voice was forced, I knew he was in pain, but I couldn't do anything to stop it

"Prince, don't speak, we'll heal you, there's gotta be a way.." I said.

Luke only shook his head before speaking "You'll stay with me forever, my love for you is stronger than anyone, I'm really sorry for everything... I will always love you..."

I sobbed, running my fingers through his dirty blonde hair. Now there's no going back "Lukey, I will miss you forever, there won't be a day that I won't think of you, you are the sunshine of my life, my warrior of shiny armor and beautiful blue eyes, I'd give everything to spend another day with you and run away like we planned... I love you to the moon and back, please don't leave me"

I watched how his eyes lost their shine and his heartbeat became slower until turning off completely. I kissed his lips for last time, and it hurted so much knowing it'll be the last one. I knew I had to stop crying, but I couldn't, I just couldn't, it hurted so bad

Then everything got blurry, I remember the king and some men from the Royal's guard entering the room and taking Luke away from me, I also remember Marina and Ariana holding onto me and telling me stuff that now I can't remember

All I know is that I have a hole in my heart and I will never be able to fill it.



Thanks for reading this so fucking much I LOVE YOU MORE THAN I LOVE MICHAEL CLIFFORD

If you miss me read my other shit heheheh

Wait for the epilogue

Annie ♥

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