Chapter 2

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"For how long I have to be like this?" Prince Lucas asked, for first time I noticed his deep accent, strange for an Italian royalty member, it was kinda like mine, but his voice sounded more.. pure?

"Very, now stand still" I said coldly, drawing his intricate yet too big for his head crown, decorated with small rubies and zaphires

"This thing is heavy" He whined referring to the sword in his hand

"Aww poor prince, do your pillow has too many feathers?" I said, hoping him to say something, or look offended, but he didn't, instead he smirked and raised an eyebrow

"In fact yes" He said and I rolled my eyes, even though he can't see me from behind the canvas

I didn't answer and continued drawing his profiled features, his plump bottom lip slightly bigger that the top one, a light stubble starting to grow across his chin and neck, and those big eyes of that specific shade of blue, it wasn't like any blue I've seen before, not like the sky or sea, not like any piece of jewelry or like lapis, they shined, all of him shined, and not because all of the precious metals he was wearing

His face lighted up whenever he smiled, showing an only dimple, which sank perfectly in his right cheek. He was a masterpiece, not perfect, but geniously made, everything on him had it's place, from his warrior's muscles to his god-like characteristics, even without all those trimmings and fancy clothing he'd be flawless

"Thinking something?" Luke suddenly spoke


"You look distant.. I don't know.."

"I'm supposed to"

"Oh.. alright.." he sighed "I.. liked your painting..."

"Great" I said finishing the last bit of pink of his lip "We're done" I stepped back admiring my painting, I've achieved on recreating someone so angelic like him...

"Wow.." Someone said and I noticed Luke standing beside me, his blue gaze looking at the canvas with amaze "This is.. incredible..."

I smiled shyly, not knowing why the situation is making me this uncomfortable

"Have you considered working here?" He spoke

"Excuse me?"

"You'd be great as the city engineer"

"Oh, sorry, I don't do that kind of stuff..." I apologized

"Ok, just, try it, if you don't like it you're free to leave"

"Ehmm I'm not sure..."

"You start tomorrow" he smiled and I felt a strange feeling bubbling in my belly, did he just winked at me?

*Author Note*

I'm so sorry this is so short but school is being a bitch and I'm having so little time to write (besides the fact that I don't have wifi..) I had to study for 5 exams and 2 paperworks, plus the chorus thingy and the dancing lessons... anyway... tomorrow I'm going to a road trip so.. 6 hours stucked in a car.. yay!.. at least I'll can write and listen music!

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