Chapter 10

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Luke married a week ago, it's been only a week and his wife follows him wherever he goes, even saying that word sickens me. We barely have time together anymore, whenever we're alone that northern bitch appears and ruins everything

We have to be even more careful now that she knows everything about us, what if someone else finds out? We can't risk to that so we've been... hiding us more, Marina says she won't tell anyone but to be honest, I'm not sure if I trust her

Today's Luke's coronation, he sat in the throne with his magnificent red suit that fits him perfectly, his mesmerizing blue eyes scanning the people in the room, his gaze fixing on me for one moment in which I smiled at him and he looked front slightly grinning

They placed the crown in his head, his blonde hair shining on the different diamonds and emeralds encrusted on the gold, fitting him OhSoPerfectly, he looked so powerful, so capable, like a character of those sappy theater plays, I bit my lip as my mind ran through some pornograph images in the back of my brain and I just blushed at the realization of what I was thinking of

"We introduce you to the new kin-" BAM! The king's speaker was interrupted by a big explosion that made the whole castle rumble. People were scared, we didn't know what was happening and then, another explosion, and another, a whole rain of things exploding outside of the castle

The main door blasted open and I heard someone yell "IT'S AN ATTACK! THEY ARE TAKING THE CITY!" The commotion of the people grew quickly and the guards did everything they could to keep them under control

My heart beated against my chest, harder that it ever had, it beated with fear, cold blood ran through my veins and a knot was in my throat preventing any sound to come out

I moved into the crowd desperately, I needed to find Luke, I need to know what's happening, I have no idea of what went wrong, everything was going so good...

Without noticing tears sprouted in my eyes and I didn't had the nerve to retain them, they ran freely down my cheeks as I pressured myself to find Luke, my knight in shiny armor that will protect me from every danger.. That's what he said, right? So while he's near nothing can happen to me, right?  But he's not here, what if something happens to him? what if they want to kill him?

I felt an arm pulling me into a corridor away from the scared crowd and a pair of lips briefly placed on mines but with such a passion it drained all the mixed feelings out of my body and I just gave into the majestic lips kissing mines

"Michael" Luke breathed "Follow me" The blue eyes expressed fear but even then I did as he said and followed him to a isolated room of the castle, we entered the room closing the door behind, in the room were other 2 persons Marina and Ariana, they were terrified, snuggled in one corner, tears falling from their's eyes and sobs escaping Ari's mouth

"Lukey what's happening? Are we going to die?" Ariana cried

"No babe, everything is going to be fine" Luke said but his eyes said otherwise

"Luke, how can you be so sure of that" I said, low enough so only he'd hear me

"I'm not Mikey, I'm scared, please take care of her" His eyes started to water

"No Luke, don't say that, you're not leaving this room, you can't!" My sobs started to sound like pleads, he can't leave this place, he'd die, he can't die

"I have to Mikey, I'm so sorry" He placed a sword in my hand together with a small bottle "A drop of this will heal a pain, 3 drops can make you sleep, 5 drops can.. I think you know what they can do, if they enter the castle you know what to do"

"But Luke..-"

"No buts" he cleaned my tears with his thumbs "You have to be strong Mikey, this is only for an emergency, I will see you soon, I love you my king"

"I love you too Lukey" And our lips met for a last time before he exited the room and locked the door leaving me with tears in my eyes and poison in my hand

*Author Note*

Aaaand everything went south... idk why but I feel like singing Carry On My Wayward Son right now xD

Y'know I haven't even thinked of adding Ash and Cal to the story, I even thought the ending and they aren't there, meh I'll add them as goats or something

Goat ash and goat cal ♥♥♥♥♥

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