Chapter twenty

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Oswald woke up to a phone call, it was 2am and Oswald just checked who is calling him at this time.

It was Felix, Oswald answered and said
"Yes love?"

Felix: "Oswald... I know it's 2am but I really want to come over... "

Oswald: "did something happen?"

Felix: "mhm... I just want to come over.... Could I just sneak in?"

Oswald: "no! I'm going to pick you up"

Felix: "you don't have to-"

Oswald: "it's my choice Felix and I really want to see if your okay"

Felix: "okay.. "


Felix was sitting in the living room.

He was alone since Sheba and Rosco went to sleep.

Sheba did tried on comforting him but Felix told her to fuck off. Same with Rosco.

Felix felt really guilty for saying that to them and didn't know how to confront them in the morning. So instead he thought of leaving him alone for a day and come back the next day.

Felix wrote down a note and noticed some lights.

He knew that Oswald was here.

Felix got up and ran to the door.

Oswald was about to knock and once Oswald saw him, he immediately hugged him.

Oswald: "I'm so glad that you're alright... I thought something bad happened to you"

Felix: "no nothing too bad... I just want to leave this place for a day and that's all... "

Oswald: "okay Felix, let's go"

Oswald took Felix's hand and walked away with him.


Once they got in the car, Felix started crying.

Oswald helded his hand and said
"If you want to tell me something... You can, I won't judge"

Felix was crying and also was staring at Oswald.

Oswald was smiling while grabbing his hand.

Felix soon started to sob. Oswald pulled Felix in for a hug. Felix hugged back and said
"I lost foxy! I was mad and! My rage got to me! I told him that I hated him! I called him an asshole... I was upset and- and I didn't know how to express my emotions to him! I just want to tell him, that I'm sorry... "

Oswald: "shhh, it's going to be okay and I bet that foxy would forgive you. So don't worry too much, you will become friends again. I just know it"

Felix was sobbing on Oswald's chest and then said
"Also.. I yelled at Sheba and Rosco... I didn't mean to! I was mad and crying! Foxy made me so mad! That-that.."

Oswald: "shhh, let's just go to my house and rest. Alright?"

Felix: "alright.."

Oswald then kissed him on the head and then let him go.

Oswald then turned on the car and drove back to his home. Felix was holding Oswald's hand while crying softly.


Once they got to Oswald's place, Oswald opened the front door and walked inside with Felix.

Felix just wanted to be alone with Oswald and that's all.

Oswald's POV:
Maybe I should go to the kitchen and bring some snacks. Since I'm sure, I'll stay up for Felix, why not get some snacks so I won't fall asleep.. Oh and some for Felix.

Oswald: "I will be right back hun! I just need to get some snacks and that's all"

Felix: "okay... I will be here, waiting"

Felix's POV:
Why is Oswald leaving? Is it because he's ashamed of me? No! Oswald wouldn't be ashamed of me... Right?
No he won't! I know Oswald and he would never be ashamed of me and embarrassed.
He is a kind man and a loving one.. He will never do anything to hurt me... Right?
I need to stop thinking like this...


Oswald then came back and had some snacks for him and Felix.

Oswald then grabbed Felix's hand and led him to his room.

Once they got there, Felix sat down and watched as Oswald put the snacks down.

Once Oswald putted them down, he sat right next to Felix and pulled him in.

Felix was now laying on oswald's chest and could hear his heartbeat.

Felix then lifted his head up and kissed him.

Oswald kissed back and rested his arms around his neck.

(Warning: Slightly suggestive)

Felix's POV:
Why do i want to kiss him a bit more rough? Ugh... All i want is to have some time with him.
Maybe I could?

Felix then bit his lip and then roughly grabbed oswald's waist.

Oswald was a bit shock by this, since Felix never acted like this before.

Felix then slipped his tounge in and started to make out with him.

Oswald was letting out some moans but waited when Felix was done with this session..

Felix didn't want to stop though.. Oswald then slightly pushed him as a sign for him to stop.

Felix noticed and stopped.

Oswald: "wow... Um.. May I ask why did you.. Kissed me like that?"

Oswald was wiping his saliva from his mouth while waiting for Felix's response

Felix's POV:
What did i do? Oh no... What if i made Oswald uncomfortable?! What if Oswald didn't like that!
Will Oswald hate me now?

Felix: "sorry! I didn't know what was I doing! Forgive me! "

Oswald: "Felix, it's fine. And I enjoyed it but I'm just curious on why? Did you just felt like it? Or was it a habit of yours?"

Felix: "I don't know.. Maybe I felt like it? I honestly don't know.."

Oswald: "well that's fine.. Maybe we should rest? Or do you want to continue?"

Felix: "continue on what?"

Oswald: "um never mind! Let's just sleep or cuddle"

Felix: "okay Ozzy"


Oswald was cuddling with Felix and Felix randomly got a urge to give Oswald some neck kisses. So Felix listened to his urges and gave him some.

Oswald jumped when Felix decided on giving him those. Oswald then holded him a bit more tighter and Felix then stopped. Oswald blushed and said
"Could we sleep Felix? I'm really tired and it's like 3:35am"

Felix: "okay ozzy"

Oswald then nuzzle against Felix and said
"Goodnight love"

Felix rested his head on top of Oswald's head and said
"Goodnight ozzy"

Then Felix kissed Oswald's head and closed his eyes.

Oswald then did the same.

Soon both of them fell asleep

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