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Tw: abuse, controlling, toxic relationship

Felix was a heartbreaker and didn't really care for

Felix didn't went by Felix" back then. He used to be Master Tom.

He would always run away from his responsibilities

He was a shitty person back then.

Felix soon realized his actions. And also noticed how much it affected his life.

People didn't like him. Girls would always run away when they saw him. Guys would give him a glare when he walks past them.

Felix then promised himself that he will change.

And he did

Soon enough, people started to notice. Felix then changed his name to Felix.

Felix was nice to everyone now.

One day, Felix met a girl

The girl's name is kitty Kat.

Kitty kat used to be sad all the time because she was insecure about her looks.

Felix helped her

Felix got her jewelry, a fur coat, and etc.

Felix soon enough fell in love with her. Not for her looks or anything. He just liked her.

In the end, Felix tried on asking her out. Kitty Kat rejected him.

But the way how kitty Kat rejected really triggered him.

Because she called herself a movie star and shamed Felix that he tried on asking her out.

Felix then left her alone and kitty Kat didn't care.

But one day kitty Kat came up to him and said
"I change my mind. You are a nice dude, so let's try"
Felix was still mad at her but he knew that he can't stay mad forever. Felix sighed and then said
"Okay, let's try then"

Soon enough both of them started to date.

Kitty kat would always get on Felix's nerves but Felix would always tell himself that he can't stay mad at her or that kitty kat was his girlfriend.

Kitty kat would always ask him for something and Felix would get it.

When Felix got her something like flowers or chocolates or try to set a nice date. Kitty Kat would always say
"I don't want that, I want something special or really pricey"
"I want to go to a nice restaurant where it's really fancy"

Kitty Kat then started to control Felix every move.

She made him think like oh this person might want something fancy. She made Felix into the rude person he used to be.

Kitty Kat would make sure that he wasn't nice to anyone expect by her.

Felix didn't realize because she made him thought that it's just love.

Kitty Kat used him, kitty Kat changed him.

But when Felix met Sheba, everything changed

Kitty Kat would always try to convince Felix that Sheba only wanted to be friends because she likes him or that she wanted to use him. Felix didn't believe her because Sheba told him that she was a lesbian.

Sheba never lie to Felix. And Felix knew that.

When Sheba told Felix that kitty Kat was a horrible girlfriend who was just using him. He believed her.

Maybe people can change (Felix x Oswald) Where stories live. Discover now