Chapter 14

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I was so excited to see Jack. After all we have been through. It was amazing how much we clicked. I was reading a book when he came in. I put down my book, ran toward him and gave him a hug. When he hugged me back he hugged me so tight like he never wanted me to let go. When we drew apart I looked into his eyes and looked for their usual sparkle. Right now his eyes were dull and sad. "Is something wrong?" I asked, concerned. "No nothing is wrong." He replied as he forced a smile on his face. I didn't believe him but I just brushed it off. I didn't want to waste the night worrying about it. He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. He looked on my bed and saw the book. He walked over and picked it up. "Oh what's this? Romeo and Juliet." He opened and started to read: "Romeo, Romeo where art thou Romeo?" I reached to grab it but he flew up out of my reach. "Give it back! It's for English!" I jumped up trying to get it and he kept moving out of my way. He kept flipping the pages and reading parts out loud. "Who makes you read these dumb things anyway. If I were in charge of school it would be all fun and no work." I laughed, "That is exactly why you are not in charge of school." He started flipping through pages of the book again. So he wasn't paying any attention to me. I went on my bed quickly jumped up grabbed him and we both fell down on the floor. When we landed I was on top of him. So it didn't hurt when I fell. We looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Is everything okay in there Mira?" My mom asked. "Yeah!" I yelled back. "Everything's fine I just dropped some textbooks." We looked at each other and kept laughing. When the laughter died down we were still staring into each others eyes. He pulled me down on top of him and we started kissing. He was very good at it. I wondered how many girls he had kissed before. Our kiss started slow at first. Then I bit his lip and it started to get rough. We were trying to feel every inch of each others body. It was like we couldn't get enough of each other. When we pulled away we were out of breath my lips felt swollen and bruised. His probably did too. We stood up and he bent over to grab the long forgotten book off the floor. "Oh," Jack winked, "Here is your book back." He threw it too me and I put it back on my shelf. "Wanna go somewhere?" He asked. "Sure! Just let me get my stuff on." Jack reached for a bandana lying on my dresser. "Come here. I don't want you to peak. I obeyed and walked towards him and he carefully tied the bandana around my eyes. "One second." I said as I felt my way around my room crashing into every possible thing until I came to my door. "Mom I'm going to sleep! Goodnight!" I tired to feel my way to Jack when I felt his strong muscular arms lift me up. "Ready?" He asked. "Yep." He opened my window and he hopped out. I just let myself relax and leaned my head against his chest.


She was just so beautiful in the moonlight. He had no idea how he was going to tell her that he had to leave. They arrived at the place where they first hung out, the pond. He sat her down on the bench he made and put on the skates he also made for her. Then he carefully untied the bandana. When she opened her eyes her mouth dropped in amazement. Hanging on the trees he put ice decorations. All around the pound were ice sculptures of animals, people, plants, and just everything. Jack almost forgot the special surprise. "Wait here for one second." He said. He rushed towards an ice table and picked up the ice roses he made for her. He hid them behind his back and slowly approached her. When he got to her he held them out and she gasped. "This is so beautiful! You made all this for me? This is the best gift I have ever gotten from any. Thank you." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Your welcome. By the way these roses will never melt." Her beautiful eyes widened in awe. "Really? What about all the decorations?" He took her hand and pulled her up. "Sadly those will melt when the winter is over." He pulled her towards the pond and started showing her all the decorations. "Only you and I can see these though. So you can come here and you won't forget me. Those roses will also remind you of me hopefully." Mira looked confused. "W-what do you mean?" He went in front of her and grasped both of her hands into his. "Mira. I have to go." She looked confused. "Now?" He swallowed hard. "I have to go for awhile." She looked a little relieved. "Okay for how long? Two months?" He sighed. "I don't know probably more then that. It could be one month or two years for all I know." All she did was nod her head. He pulled her in close. "I'm so sorry." He whispered in her hair. "I am so, so sorry." The he took her hand and led her around the pond. They skated together in silence. Finally she spoke. "Jack I would like to go home now." He picked her up and flew her to her house. "Stay here tonight please." She said when they arrived to her house. "I promise I'll stay." He said as he sat down on her bed. She smiled meekly and put the ice roses in a vase beside her bed. "I'm just going to go have a shower." She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. She went into her bathroom and left the door opened so from the reflection of the mirror he could see her. He picked up a book and pretended he couldn't see her. He kept taking peeks at her. I guess I shouldn't be doing this he thought but he couldn't help it. He could see her beautiful body perfectly from where he was sitting. After 10 minutes of staring the water shut off and he pretended to keep reading. She came out with just a towel wrapped around her and sat beside him. She smelt so good like fruits and vanilla. "What are you reading? Romeo and Juliet. I thought you didn't like this book." She laughed got up and turned so her back was towards him and she dropped her towel. All she put on was a tiny tank top and underwear. She turned off the main light and turned on her lamp. "Come here." She motioned for him to get into her bed. He was about to get under the covers when she grabbed his sweater and took it off. "You don't need it." Then she took off his pants so he was just in his boxers." You don't need those either." Jack just shrugged and went under the covers. Mira turned off the lamp and went under too.

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