Chapter 9

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                             Sasukes Pov

"And since Isshiki is no more, there's no downside..." Amado said. "So it's our only chance, especially  considering the impending threat in Code."

"Is that really all of it?" I asked. 

"I promise..." Amado said. "The only reason I did this is because he has that power inside of him..."

"How are you going to tell Naruto and the others about this?" I asked. "They won't agree with this..."

"Well, when the time is right I guess.." Amado said. "I'm still not done reconstructing him."

"And if you are wondering..." Amado continued. "He won't remember anything but his emotions and thinking will be the same."

"I don't agree with this one bit..." I said, Irritated by his actions. 

"Seems like I'm not going to win this battle..." Amado sighed. "But the moment we have our backs pressed against the wall by Code, I'll have no choice but to do so, do we have a deal on that?"
                          Codes Pov



Damn, Uchiha Sasuke is back....

"Well, what did you hear?" Delta asked.

"Seems like Uchiha Sasuke and Amado made a deal." I said taking my hand that was marked with my claws out of my ear. "I didn't get to hear what it was about though."

"Damn it Code, you should've done it earlier!" Delta complained.

"I would've done it earlier if you weren't wasting my time by ranting when you first woke up!" I shouted back.

"I needed to, I have so much anger built up!" Delta yelled. "I need to let it out somehow!"

"You act like a child..." I crossed my arms.

"Aren't you the one that always tried to get Jigens attention and acknowledgment?" Delta questioned. "You are just like that Boruto kid."

"Don't compare me to that loser!" I screamed. "And aren't you the one that threw a fit when the Hokage completely whooped your ass!?"

"Shut up code!" Delta pointed at me. "You got beat up by a weakened Hokage and a little girl, I would never!"

"What!?" I yelled back and held my fist up towards her. "You had to get resurrected twice!"

"Shut up will ya!?" A flustered Delta yelled. "Let's just execute this plan you submissive loser."

"Hmph, don't let me down then." I teased.

"Yeah yeah whatever.." Delta said. "So what are we going to do about Uchiha Sasuke..."

"Once I get my Limiters off, I'll be able to kill him," I explained. "With ease..."

"So all I gotta do is run a muck in the village?" Delta asked.

"Yep!" I shouted. "I know how much you love to do that."

"You know me well." Delta smirked.

"Shall we get going then?" I asked.

"Let's do it..."

                              Narutos Pov

"Mom is almost done making dinner, so come down when you're ready...."

Hima nodded, still staring deeply into the glass framed picture. I left her room and walked back to the kitchen... I choked, I don't know what to say to her.... As I got closer I heard quiet sobs coming from the Kitchen, I run towards the sounds of the sobs... Hinata was on her knees, both hands on her face with tears flowing furiously...

"Hinata!" I yelled as I go to comfort her. "Hinata..."

"It's all my fault!" Hinata cried out. "If I paid more attention, if I noticed he left the house earlier, m-maybe he'd still be here right now!"

"No no no, it's not.." I said while pulling Hinata into my arms. "We did everything we can...."

"You sacrificed everything to get him back," Hinata sobbed. "All I had to do was watch him, but I...."

"I put him in that situation..." I cut her off. "If I had just acknowledge him, or just be present in his or Himas birthdays, or just did the bare minimum as a parent....He wouldn't have to go through this."

"I feel like, we failed him..." Hinata sobbed as she squeezed her arms around me tighter.

"I'll avenge him..." I whispered. "The person who pushed Boruto to the edge is now attacking the village..."


"I can't let him get away with this..."




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