🧡Luke's crush🧡

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So here they're in 7th grade ok let's get on with it!

Type: idk? Tiny bit of fluff and angst ig?

Luke sat in his chair, glancing at the clock from time to time. He wanted class to be over so badly because he was going to Zander and Hailey's house after school. The end of the day was nearing, the brunette tapped his feet in anticipation, waiting to get out of the musky classroom. He wasn't usually like this, he actually quite enjoyed school, unlike many others, but he was just too excited. He was having a sleepover, and he'd get to spend lots of time with his crush. Finally the bell rang, echoing through the halls. Luke quickly jumped out of his chair and ran as fast as he could to Zander's locker. He turned the corner and saw he'd made it there before the grape. He leant against the sky blue lockers behind him. 'When should I tell Zander that I like him?' he thought, rubbing the back of his neck, 'I can't keep it a secret forever...' suddenly he saw a small figure walking towards him, it was Zander. "Hey Luke." He smiled sweetly at the brunette. This made his heart flutter. Zander's smile was one of his favourite things. "Oh, hey Zan." The smaller slightly blushed at the nickname, brushing his hair out of his face. "Are you excited for the sleepover?" He asked, opening his locker. Luke nodded, "Of course I am! I couldn't wait for class to finish!" He said excitedly. Zander noticed this and smiled at the younger's behaviour, "Well you seem pretty excited." He slightly chuckled. Luke felt his face burn. Zander's laugh. It was so cute to him. "Y-yeah, I am!" He messed with his hair anxiously. Recently he'd started getting more and more nervous around Zander. Whenever he was near, his face would go bright red, and he'd start fiddling with whatever he could get his hands on. His crush on Zander had gotten a lot bigger. He was having really strong, romantic feelings towards his childhood friend and he didn't know how to deal with it. "Well, I'm ready to go." Zander shut his locker and grabbed his bag. They caught up with Hailey and made their way to the stepsibling's house. "Welcome Luke! We're delighted to have you stay over!" A purple haired lady came over to him. "Thank you for having me!" Luke smiled at her sweetly. He'd always feel at home here, even more than at his actual home. His single mom worked a lot, and Luke would usually spend most of his time with Zander and Hailey's family, whom he was a lot more closer to. "I'll show you where you're sleeping!" Zander grabbed his arm and dragged him upstairs. Luke blushed at the action, but went with it, letting his childhood friend lead the way. The grape opened a door on the second floor and allowed Luke and himself inside. "You have this airbed thing." He pointed to a navy blue blow up bed that was in the middle of the now 'guest room'. "My mom said you should sleep in this room, but, i-if you wanted to, you could bring it to my room and sleep in there..." Zander explained, a rosy tint on his cheeks. "O-oh, are you sure?" Luke asked, fiddling with his sweaty palms. "Yeah. Of course." The older replied. The brunette smiled. "O-ok then." He stuttered slightly, though trying his hardest not to. "Boys! Dinner's ready!" A male voice called out. It was Hailey's dad. "Let's go." Zander grabbed Luke's arm once again and ran downstairs. Of course Luke resulted in a blushing mess by the time he got to the kitchen. The family was sat down at the table, with two empty seats for the childhood friends. They sat down next to eachother and started eating. "Mom." The grape started, a hand over his mouth while he chewed his food. Though he was still pretty young, he was quite mature for his age. "Yes, dear?" Shannon replied, stabbing her fork into her food. "I've decided that Luke's sleeping in my room." The purple haired lady raised a brow, "Alex, you're bed is not big enough for two." She replied. Zander's face went completely red, "MOM! that's not what I meant!" He scolded, embarrassed. Luke's face was also bright crimson. As much as he would've like it, he couldn't share a bed with Zander. Shannon giggled slightly. "I meant that he'd bring the airbed thingy into my room!" The grape explained. His mom nodded. "Ok, that's a reasonable idea. Are you ok with that, Luke?" She asked. The brunette nodded, "Yeah, that'd be great!" He smiled, his face still faintly red. After they'd finished eating, Shannon let this three kids go upstairs to play or do whatever they wanted, whilst she, Michael and her 2 year old daughter, Bethany, watched a film. The three made their way upstairs and decided to go in Zander's room to do whatever they were gonna do. "I know!" Hailey said, sinking into the fluffy purple beanbag, "Let's play truth or dare!" Zander scoffed sarcastically, "No, that game's stupid. It's too personal." Zander muttered the last part. "Ugh! You're such a drag, Zander!" Hailey groaned. "I'm happy to do whatever you guys want to." Luke said in a happy tone. "Well Zander's not gonna agree to anything I say!" Hailey sank even more into the beanbag. "Hey, it could be fun, Zander. You might enjoy it." Luke's words always managed to persuade the grape into practically anything. He grumbled, "Ok, whatever." He huffed, crossing his arms; a tint of blush could be seen hinted on his cheeks. "Yay!" Hailey threw her hands in the air, leaning back on the fluffy cushion. "So, Zander, truth or dare?" She asked slyly. The grape hesitated before replying with, "Truth." That's the answer Hailey was hoping for. She knew exactly what she was gonna ask him, "Ok. Who's your crush?" She smirked deviously. She already knew who Zander had been crushing on for ages. Although he never actually told her, she knew. And he knew that she knew. Zander gave his sister a death glare before saying, "No! I told you this game was too personal!" The stepsiblings started babbling on whilst Luke just sat there, wanting Zander to give his answer. He knew it wouldn't be himself like he hoped, but he didn't even know Zander had a crush. And he never told Luke. "Guys!" The brunette interrupted. The two turned their heads towards Luke's direction. "Why don't we play another game." He suggested. Hailey frowned, "But I wanted to play truth or dare!" She whined. "Well I don't!" Zander snapped, crossing his arms. "Why don't we play this?" Luke held up a board game. The other two sighed, "Ok." They agreed. After a few hours of playing games, chatting and being silly, the trio started getting tired. "I'm tired." Hailey yawned, trying to draw a picture which she was failing at miserably because of how tired she was. Zander sat up, "Me too." Luke was already half asleep before he awoke to the sound of the other two's voices. "Can we go to bed?" He asked, laying on Zander's silky purple bed. "Yeah. Night dorks." Hailey said quickly before exiting the bedroom, grabbing her drawing on the way. "Well that was fast." The grape rolled his eyes. "Let's go get your bed." Zander stood up and walked tiredly out of his room to retrieve Luke's air mattress. Zander tried pulling it on his own with no luck because of his rather weak arm strength. "Need some help?" The brunette walked over him. They both tugged on the bed and managed to move it with success. Luke was pretty strong for such a young person. "Time for bed-" Shannon walked up the stairs to find everyone had already gone to bed. She shrugged it off and went back downstairs. "Are you comfy there, Luke?" Zander asked, getting into bed. Luke nodded, "Mhm." He mumbled. He was overly tired at this point and fell asleep rather quickly. The next day at school didn't go the way Luke expected. "Hey." A magenta haired boy came up to the brunette. Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "Drew? Why are you talking to me?" He asked. "What? Can't I speak now?" Drew crossed his arms. "What's your biggest secret?" He asked. Luke's eyes widened. "Why would I tell you that?" He asked, looking down at the cold, hard floor. "Just tell me. Otherwise I'll punch you in the face." The shorter boy laughed. "N-no you won't." Luke protested. "Try me." He smirked. "Ok, ok fine." The brunette whimpered. He took a deep breath. He knew exactly what he was gonna say. His biggest secret was his massive crush on Zander. "Um..." He started, fiddling with his hands once again. "Hurry up you freak!" The brown eyed boy slammed his hand on the locker behind them. "I-I uh, I..." Luke panicked, he didn't want to be hit, but he also didn't want to tell his bully his biggest secret. "Well?" Drew asked again, more harshly this time. "I have a crush on Zander." Luke said finally. Drew laughed, "Seriously, that's your biggest secret? A crush on that nerd?" He grunted. Luke nodded, looking down, blush covering his face out of embarrassment. Drew walked away, smirking, "See ya, freak." Luke sighed. He couldn't believe he just told Drew of all people, about his crush on Zander. A few hours later, Luke noticed that everyone was staring at him as he walked down the halls. They all started whispering things, things Luke couldn't hear because of how quiet the tone was. "Wait. You're in love with that purple haired freak?" A blonde girl came up to the brunette, startling him. "W-what?!" His face went dark red. People knew? Drew. DREW. He had told everyone about Luke's secret and now Zander was going to find out! He could not let that happen. He ran away from the girl, hearing different people call him out for liking Zander on the way. The grape opened his locker, putting books inside as he heard people talking about Luke? He tried listening to several people's conversations before hearing 'Luke likes Zander.' and 'That Luke guy has a crush on the purple haired guy.' and things very similar. His face went red, he was in disbelief. No way did Luke love him. Suddenly someone walked up to the purple haired boy. "Luke's in love with you of all people?" A ginger haired girl said as she walked past him, "You're so lucky." She flipped her hair. Zander shook his head. No. Someone had obviously made up a rumour about Luke. Suddenly the brunette ran up to Zander. "Hey, Luke?" The grape asked, before Luke got a chance to speak. "Y-yeah?" The taller replied. "Um, I-I've heard a lot of people talking about you." Luke's face went red very quickly. "W-what?!" He asked, although he already knew what he meant. "And they said that, um, th-that you were in love with me..." His voice trailed off. Luke's face went even more red if that was possible, "WHAT?! N-no... Nope, no way, I-I'm not in love with you! Hahahaha..." The brunette let out a fake laugh. This shot Zander right in the heart. He got his hopes up for nothing. He frowned, sharp tears stung his eyes, he looked down. "Oh, ok." He sighed. Luke tilted his head. "You ok?" He asked. Zander's head shot up. Luke couldn't see him sad about this. He'd get suspicious. Plastering a fake smile onto his lips he said, "Yeah, I'm fine." The two stood there in awkward silence. I guess Luke's crush would be kept a secret for a little while longer.

SO.. I really like this one. I am pretty proud of it! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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