Who are you?

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HEMMO: Hello.


H: How are you babe? ;-)

S: Fine but I'm not your babe.

H: Then what should I call you sassy girl?

S: Nothing because I don't want to talk to you goodbye.

H: Wait please. I'm sorry. I'm Lucas. You are?

S: Claire.

H: That's such a pretty name. Where do you live?

S: How do I know you're not a perv?

H: I'm not I swear. I'm 18 years-old and I'm from Australia.

S: I'm 18 too and from France.

H: That's so cool. Paris? :-)

S: Em yeah. Why do you make the smiles like that?

H: That's how I like to do them.

S: The nose part is so weird in texts. Looks like a penis in the middle of the face ahahahah.

H: How do you know I don't have a dick for a nose? Lol xD

S: Just tell me when you have a cold because I don't want to be pregnant because of your sneezes xD

H: You're hilarious. Ahahahahaha

S: Tell me something I don't know.

H:You're so sassy I love it. :-D

S: I've never done something like this before

H: Do what? :-s

S: I'm never so sassy. I'm just the shy girl in the back of the class.

H: Yeah me too. But it's actually nice. I feel like I can be the real me.

S: And how's the real you?

H: I'm the funny guy. :-D

S: Tell me a joke funny guy. xp

H: What did the baby corn say to the mom corn?

S: What?

H: Where's pop corn? Ahahahaha

S: ahahahahah omfg. I'm laughing so hard

H: I'm literally shitting myself right now

S: Like in the bathroom?

H: *poop drop*

S: Ewww that's gross Lucas.

H: You do it too but you just don't admit it. But the way. Call me penguin.

S: I do poop. Penguin is my favourite animal. That's so cute ♥

H: It's mine too. You'll be my Mrs. Penguin and I'll be Mr. Penguin. You're already sending hearts. Girl you're whipped ahahaha

S: careful dude. You don't want me angry at you.

H: try me.

H: babe?

H: Claire

H: Please answer

S: Calm down. I was just eating dinner jeez.

H: dinner?

S: yeah, remember the time difference.

H: Oh right. Do you play any instruments?

S: yeah. Bass, drums and piano but I always wanted to learn how to play guitar.

H: I'm in a garage band. We're pretty cool and I play guitar. If you want I can teach you.

S: really? OMG that'd be amazing.

H: my pleasure. Is your outside as beautiful as your inside?

S: I Dunno... I'm a brunette, I have a really pale skin and greenish eyes. I'm really tall tho 5'8.

H: trade pics?


H: Why not?

S: I'm not trading nudes with you perv.

H: I'm talking about normal pics. Damn what's up with you and pervs? I'm starting to think that you want me to be one.

S: Oh right sorry. Tell me about your band.

H: Really? You're gonns change subject just like that?

S: yup.

H: Fine. I'm in a band with my best friends.

S: How are they?

H: They're dicks but funny.

S: I'd like to meet them.

H: Can you send me a normal picture of you?

S: Here. *picture* Now you.

H: Fuck. I can't.

S: I told you I'm nothing special... Why not?

H: Are you kidding me? Your freaking beautiful. You got me hard right now. ;-) and it's complicated

S: Go read smut and take care of that ahahah and it's okay as long as you're not catfishing me.

H: What's smut? I just have insecurities, someday I'll tell you about it.

S: Go to tumblr and search for Luke Hemmings smut. It'll be easier for you like that cuz you have the same name.

H: holy moley. This is so naughty. You read this?

S: Maybe... xD

H: you bad girl. You're naughty ahahah

S: Yeah. I am. At least I admit it.

H: Don't worry I am too.

S: it's really late I should go to sleep.

H: noo babe :-(

S: good night Lucas

H: Night Claire. Dream of me.

S: You wish. :p

H: by the way. Thank you for the smut I just came.

S: Ewwwww Lucas!

H: You love it

Hello guys. I hope you like it. This will have many naughty parts. Luke hasn't really told her who he is. When will he say?

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