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H: Afternoon ;-)

S: Sup.

s H: Oh fuck what's wrong?

S: nothin

H: I know something's wrong, you can tell me.

S: I just don't want to talk about it. Leave it alone got it?

H: Why are you being so cold to me? I did nothing.

S: I'm not being mean, I'm just in a mood so I suggest that you stop talking to me, for a while.

H: What the hell?!

S: Just leave me the fuck alone!!

H: Stop being so damn bitchy and talk to me.

S: So now I'm the bitch? Fuck off.

H: I don't know why you're acting like a twat but text me when you've stopped the attitude.

S: Whatever Lucas go fuck somebody.

H: Screw you Claire I did fucking nothing!

S: Yes you did, you just don't have a fucking clue.

H: Of course I don't! Just fucking talk to me.

S: I don't open up, I never let down my guard.

H: But you fucking did and now you're bitchy because you regret it, too damn bad.

S: Thanks now goodbye.

H:Fuck Claire we're back in square zero just talk to me.

S: But I don't want to!

H: Give me one goddamned reason, just one.

S: I don't like to feel powerless and lately that's how I've been feeling. Cam is really getting on my nerves.

H: Dafuq did he do?

S: He started to say that I'm a slut and that we fucked but we didn't and now everybody is talking about me.

H: Let them.

S: I'm just so fucking tired...

H: Claire?...

S: I just want to fucking die Lucas that's how bad it is and nobody can change a fucking thing.

H: Oh fuck please don't say that.

S:It's so beautiful.

H:What is?!!!

S: Blood.

H: What?! No Claire please don't

S: Don't worry the cuts aren't deep enough to kill me...

H: Just fuccking stop please I'm crying. Don't hurt yourslef!!! He's not worth it.

S: You sure about that?

H: Please stop.

S: Don't worry I have, I still want to die but maybe later.

H: Don't you fucking dare Claire!

S: You're not even here to stop me!!

H: I'll get on a plane right now and make sure you're alive.

S: What if it's too late?

H: It's never too late.

S: You're always too late...

H: I won't be I promise. Why can't you trust me?

S: Have you ever tried to fix a broken person?

H:No, but I can do it, I know it.

S: No you can't, it's like fixing a shattered crystal.

H: You fixed me...

S: Lucas...

H: Just think about it.

S: Alright... bye.

H:Goodbye Claire.

Unknown ll Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now