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Third Person's POV

Tzuyu always loved being around people even tho she doesn't talk to them much. She love hearing their story, laughing with them and watching their facial expressions. Just like mina, tzuyu's a very observant person. Sometimes, nayeon would catch her staring intensely so maybe she's a bit too much than the other introvert.

Because of her observant nature. Tzuyu noticed a lot of things changing on your daily routine. Things that many people wouldn't notice. Ofcourse you still eat breakfast outside with her every morning. Eat lunch with her and the girls every noon and come home with her every evening. But there's something different.

One example that Tzuyu could think of is how you started drinking chamomile tea more than coffee. If dahyun is to be asked, she'd say it's just a change of preference like how she's been loyal to dark chocolate but has been munching white chocolate for a month now.

However, Tzuyu brewed a hundred of chamomile tea for you when your restless, stress or down for her to turn a blind eye. And that's exactly why she's standing outside the academics headquarter holding an iron tumbler. Chaeryeong opens the door letting her in and as Tzuyu brows the room, she couldn't help but notice your unattended desk.

"Ah. Y/N-nim? She's sleeping at the lounging area sunbae. I don't know if I can wake her up now because she doesn't like being disturbed when resting. Uhm. Usually she would take 30mins break after reading a whole chapter of reviewer. But... She takes up to 1hour break now so... I-i don't know when to... Uhm.. " seeing the girl struggle, Tzuyu assured her it's fine and asked her if she could show her the way to the lounging area.

After entering a room consisted of a sala, kitchenette and bathroom, chaer left Tzuyu standing over your sleeping figure. Tzuyu crouched down to see your face better and she swears her heart stops for a second just by looking at your serene figure. I'm so happy to have you. Tzuyu leans brushing her nose to your cheeks.

And she did again after seeing your frown. And she did once more after hearing you grunt. "Have I not specified myself long ago about disturbing my leisure time?" Tzuyu could only smile at how timid you sound "So you're saying that there is someone else other me waking you up like this? I am ready just tell me who to fight miss ma'am"

The sudden replacement of frown to loopsided grin made Tzuyu laugh. With eyes closed you said "Maybe. You don't know. I might be pulling a minatozaki on you" Tzuyu laughs kissing your cheeks before pinching your nose "oh God that is messed up babi! Get up already. I brought your tea." You laugh finally opening your eyes to look at her.

"Hi pretty" Tzuyu smiles seeing your eyes sparkle. She's completely lovesick and she knows it. "Hi baobei" tzuyu's cheeks flushed red averting her eyes down to her hands cupping your cheeks. "Bab.. not that.." your smile widen at the sight and whispering "you're so precious you know that?" Tzuyu doesn't know it's possible to blush further.

"Y-you always say t-that duh." Tzuyu gets more embarrassed at her attempt to sound sarcastic. She loves hearing you call her baobei. She also loves hearing you say she's precious. She doesn't know why but she loves it the most even tho she's not gonna admit it.

"Lay with me Tzuyu" you pat the space beside you before looking at the glass door. "B-but someone might walk in on us. The door doesn't have a lock" you raise your brow at her "I asked you to lay with me. Not sleep with me. Should we be so naughty at a place like this?" Tzuyu buries her face at the sofa in embarrassment.

"Yah! I-i didn't mean like that. J-just that we don't uhmm. Flaunt our.. you know" deciding it's enough teasing, you pulled your girlfriend to lay down with you. "I know. Private but not a secret. Well if they happen to walk in then they do. I don't have any ounce of worry." You kissed the crown of her head "It's true that I don't like flaunting our relationship. But I also don't like denying you."

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