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Who knew tri-semestral colleges fuck people hard? bro all I can do is moan.

Persons POV

Y/N anticipated Tzuyu to ran towards her direction. To crawl her bed and snuggle on her neck as long as she could. You prepared yourself to reach up her face and dry her tears. You wanted to kiss her so bad. Hug her so tight. After learning everything that happened during the time you were unconscious. Especially after learning how much tzuyu suffered during the time you werent there.

But Tzuyu didn't move from the sofa bed as fast as you wanted her too. Tzuyu took her time approaching you. Her light movements to cross the floor made you drop your hands on your lap. Tzuyu disregarded the space you left on your bed and sat down on the chair beside your bed.

She didn't even hold your hand as tight as you needed her to hold you. Tzuyus feather kiss felt like a wind passed through the back of your hand. "How are y-" "Please don't treat me differently" tzuyu is caught off guard with the tears immediately welling up your eyes. Her silence made you face away and cover yourself with a blanket.

"N-no bab. I-I'm sorry!"  tzuyu frantically stood up but couldnt get herself to hold and turn you around. Tzuyu's worried her silence offended you. "I'm all up here."  You mumble holding your head. You're all up there. You have a present mind. You're okay. Normal. No matter what they say.

You've read the articles. You've watched the news. They were digging up old documentaries. Broadcasting to the world how young you were when you first talked to a psychiatrist. How odd you were when you started doing unusual things normal kids couldn't do.

You read someone commented "bro have the cheat code in life"  "bro is the favorite child: Gods edition"  "bro  is the personified library." Its all a joke to this people. It feels like they disregarded all the traumas you've experienced because of a disorder you never wished for just because they think its a power and not an illness.

Multiple content creators even made a video on you totally overlooking your past and focusing on commenting on your "cheating allegations"  saying you took advantage of your capability to milk money from the international competitions and they are spreading awareness to "cancel this behavior".

You're spiraling into webs of negativity second by second until you felt a dip on the space behind you and warmth enveloped your body. "I didn't watch your competition from the very first start. Are you going to cuff me in this bed frame?" Tzuyu joined you under the covers, kissing your shoulder blades.

You sniff and shake your head "No there are multiple nurses outside. Not today, maybe tomorrow" tzuyu laughs still kissing your shoulder blades but this supposed sweet moment still feels blue when every peck she puts in your shoulder is accompanied with every tear she drops in your skin.

Tzuyu gently turns you around to wrap your small figure in her embrace. You bury yourself in the comfort of the corner in her neck because its the safest place on earth for you. Tzuyu started rubbing your back and caressing your hair. The longer she did, the heavier your breathing gets. The pain wont fade away. Instead, it hurts more. But strange enough, like every time tzuyu comforts you, you calm down. No matter how painful it gets, tzuyu keeps your head above water.

This feels odd. No one ever comforted you as loving as Tzuyu does. But every time she does make you feel loved, the pain creates larger knots in your throat and it gets harder to swallow the hicks you dare not to release to stop crying. You can't hold it longer and you start sobbing hard in tzuyus arms. Tears are falling nonstop and your soft hums of wailing filled the silence of your hospital room.

Before, you wondered why it hurts when she comforts you. But now you realize why. Tzuyu, just like everyone, does not know your past. Does not know your traumas. Does not know your pain. But out of every single one of them, tzuyu is the only one who tried to take away your pain even though she doesnt know its causes. Tzuyu loved you selflessly.

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