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"Darling?" I could hear his sweet, soft voice, echoing in the back of my mind. The way his hands cradled my face and his gentle touches up and down my arms. 

"Love?" Suddenly his voice was closer, making me squint as I started to wake up. The soft light from his lamp illuminated the room, making shadows. I stretched, turning over to look up at Tom who was sitting on the edge of the mattress. "There's those beautiful brown eyes." I let a smile curve my lips up, "Hi."

He rubbed circles on my arms, soothing me from my sleep. "Can you sit up for me, darling?" I complied, pushing myself so my back was pressed against the wooden headboard. Bobby was laying beside me, his head resting on my thigh.  "I made you some tea."

Tom raised a forest green mug. I took it, him embracing his hands around mine. He stirred it a little more with the small spoon inside. "What kind is it?"

"Earl Grey." He placed the silverware back onto the nightstand as it soaked into the napkin. "With a little bit of sugar."

I nodded, putting the cup to the edge of my lips. Sipping a little in, the steaming liquid flowed down, warming my throat. I hummed, "It's really good." Tom smiled, "I'm glad you like it. The teacher's lounge never has any. I always have to bring my own."

"They don't have tea?"

"Well, they do. Just usually regular and coffee though." I listened as he continued, "And I'm always like 'where is the Earl Grey tea?!" I grinned, hearing him talk about something so little as if it was a mission to save the world. 

"Oh, your phone has been ringing non-stop." My eyes went wide, realizing I hadn't told Aaron or anyone else where I was. "Crap." I dropped my head in between my bent knees. "Do you have it?" Tom nodded, standing from the bed to walk over to the door. He picked up my bag that had been...dried? I swear it was soaked from the rain. 

"Here you go." I softly took my bag, letting Tom take the half-drunken cup of tea from my hands. "My brother is probably just...." I trailed off, looking at the 56 missed calls, "Freaking out." Scrolling down more, Flo and Lizzie had attempted to call, text, and email me. Even Scarlett had called me. I looked up at the time. Eleven pm. 

Holy crap I had been gone six hours without letting anyone know. "I uhm.." Raising from the bed, I looked around the room for my discarded clothes. Bobby ran from the room, his cuddle spot being interrupted by my sudden departure from the mattress. I was suddenly aware that the only piece of clothing I was wearing was Tom's t-shirt and a pair of panties. 

Tugging the shirt down to right below my ass, I let out a nervous laugh. "I need to get back to my dorm." Tom's eyes went wide as mine had, "Yes, of course!" He stammered around as if he was looking for something. "You just...you looked so peaceful I didn't want to-"

I interrupted him, placing my index finger on his lips. "It's okay," I whispered, making him slip his hands under my t-shirt- his t-shirt, and squeeze my ass. Groaning, I lifted my body so his lips crashed into mine. His large hands slipped from my ass to my thighs, lifting them and making my legs wrap around his waist. "You are divine, my dear." Tom breathed out, pulling away as we fell onto the bed. 

My legs opened, making a perfect place for his hips as if we were meant for each other. Two pieces to a puzzle finally being fit together. 

Tom's right hand slipped from my hip, moving up to my neck as he squeezed. I whimpered, most of the sound getting caught in my throat from the lack of oxygen. "Fuck, darling." Tom looked down at me, his blue eyes turning darker. "Keep making those pretty little noises for me and I'm never taking you back to your dorm." 

Within a moment, I felt his hands pushing up the t-shirt. The material slipped over my chest, my nippled immediately hardening at the cool air. Tom wrapped his mouth around my left breast, keeping his right hand on my throat. I held my hands on his, making crescents with my nails whenever he would suck my skin a little hard. 

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