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Soft kisses ran up and down the nape of my neck as two strong arms surrounded my body. "Mmmm," I mumbled, "Good morning." Turning around, I was met with the beautiful sight of my fiance, the sun shining on his face; causing his brunette curls and bright blue eyes to glow like the sun itself. "Good morning, darling." Tom smiled, placing a hand on my cheek as he leaned forward, our lips collapsing in a soft embrace.

"You nervous for today?" He questioned, making me shake my head without hesitation. "I'm never nervous," I moved my gaze from his lips to his gorgeous eyes, "Especially when I'm marrying the love of my life." Tom was about to speak until the door slammed open, a body colliding in between us as a shouting roar echoed through the room. "Incoming!!"

"Flo!!" I screamed, moving just in time for her not to crush me into Mine and Tom's headboard. "What? It's time to get up." She pointed to the clock that displayed it was only ten after seven. "You know, the early bird gets the worm. Wakey, Wakey, Rise and shine."

"You and your pop culture references." Tom shook his head making Flo lift her arms in a defensive motion as she moved from our bed. "Not my fault I didn't have time to research breakfast sayings before I walked in here." I laughed, "You call that walking?"

Her face dropped before she looked back and forth between Tom and me, "Yep, both grumpy in the morning. Perfect for each other." I rolled my eyes, plopping back down between the crook of Tom's shoulder. "I don't want to get up," I mumbled into Tom's chest. He laughed lowly, rubbing his soft palm up and down my bare shoulder. "I don't want to either darling, but unfortunately we have to act like adults."

I lifted my head, "We are adults."

"Exactly." Kissing the tip of my nose, Tom rose from the bed and pulled out my dress. "It's one day my love, the only way to go is up from here." I smiled, looking up and down the dark emerald dress I had picked out a few days before. "Do I have to wear the dress?"

His eyes trailed up and down my body as I let the sheet fall from my bare form. "You can wear whatever you would like my love but.." He licked his lips, watching me walk up to him, "I do prefer this look."

Scoffing with a smile, I took the dress from his hands and reached up to press a soft kiss to his lips. "Think we could fit in a quickie?"

Tom groaned, "Possibly.." Looking over at the time he saw we still had almost forty-five minutes until we had to be out the door. "We can be late."

Without warning my legs were wrapped around his waist as he lifted me into the air, my back hitting the mattress. Our lips locked, tounges fighting as moans were lost in our throats. His hands roamed my body like it was a map. His hand soon found my clit, his destination.

I threw my head back in pleasure as he rounded tight circles against it, pulling throaty groans from my chest. I attempted to keep my legs open yet they started to close when he pushed two fingers into me without alarm. I cursed as I felt his thumb continuing to circle my clit like it was a pressure point. "Please!" I gasped, looking up at Tom with hooded eyes as he continued his work, his arm surely soon to give out.

"What love? Use your words."

I tried to push away from the overstimulation Tom was torturing me with. Yet his other arm wrapped around the back of my neck, keeping me in place.

"Use your words, sweet girl. What do you want?"

Looking up with tears in my eyes, curled toes, and nails digging into Tom's upper bicep I breathed out, "I wanna come. Please, make me come daddy."

Tom said nothing, rubbing my clit faster as his fingers corkscrewed inside of me making me grip his arm as my scream croaked out into a silent whine in his neck. Tom wiped the sweat from my forehead as he softly removed his fingers from inside me, instantly licking me off of his fingers. "Mmm," He moaned, taking it from his lips as he entered his thumb into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around, tasting myself and his spit as I swallowed.

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