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"Are you sure you want to go back so soon?" I internally rolled my eyes, stuffing my bag with the last of my clothes. It had been a week in a half since I was discharged from the hospital. Tom was rather hesitant about me going back to school so soon but I assured him that Flo would be there to help me and I would see him at the end of every school day. "I'm okay." I could still see the uncertainty in his eyes, making me walk over to the bed and climb on his lap, straddling him. "I promise, I'll be okay." He hummed, rubbing his hands up and down my thighs in a soothing motion. 

"And you'll call me if you need anything?"

"I will." I nodded, giving him a soft smile before leaning down to close the space in between our lips. The kiss escalated, heating both of our bodies as clothes seemed to disappear. Within a second I was nude, our chests rubbing against each other. 

Tom's hand dipped down, rubbing up and down my slit until two fingers settled on my clit, tracing circles. I threw my head back, letting a moan fall from my lips as he continued to bring me closer to the edge. His lips attached to my neck, sucking and biting as his hand moved fastly between us. 

"Fuck, Tom please." I whimpered, bucking more into his hand as he pulled back from my neck. 

"Please what? Tell me what you want." 

"Please don't stop."

I could hear him chuckle under his breath, pulling away from my clit. I whined, feeling the loss of pleasure. Yet before I could look down, two fingers were plunged deep inside me, making the wind get knocked from my chest. "You feel so good." Tom groaned, biting his lip as he took a soft grip on my face, making our eyes meet. 

"You're doing so good." I preened as his praise, feeling the way his thumb bumped my clit every time he trusted his fingers in and out. I raised myself up and down, making his groan. "That's it," Tom licked his lips, "Fuck yourself on my fingers like a good girl." I could feel it coming, I could feel the way his index and middle fingers were curling against my walls, hitting at just the right spot. "I can feel you close, so close." Tom spoke lowly, "Let go, Viviana. Come for me."

I stilled, my orgasm hitting me out of nowhere like a rush of wind shooting through my body. I fell limp in Tom's arms, his large hands holding my hips up as he gave me a soft kiss. 

"You're so beautiful, Viviana." I opened my eyes, seeing his blue ones gazing up at me. Letting out a quiet laugh, I grabbed my t-shirt, throwing it back on and climbing off of Tom. 

"And you are going to make me late." I could see him roll his eyes as I pulled my panties and jeans back on. Feeling his eyes on me, I turned back around watching him stare at me. "What?" Tom shrugged, "Just enjoying the view."

I chucked a pillow that had fallen to the ground at his head. Running from the room with my backpack as he followed. Bobby jumped on me, making me pick him up and pet him as Tom walked down in boxers. 

His arms enveloped me as we all three hugged in the foyer of his home. "Are you sure you have to go tonight?"

I nodded, "It's about time I talk to my brother." Tom didn't answer. He let the silence surround us, kissing the crown of my head. 

A loud honking noise pulled both of us back into reality. My cab was here. I placed Bobby down on the ground, making him wag his tail and whine as I picked up my bag. "Be safe." Tom pulled me to him, holding my head to his chest. "I uhm.." He trailed off. I looked up at him, seeing him staring off into nothing. "Tom?"

His gaze snapped down to mine. Pulling me away from his chest, he kissed me, holding both of his hands on my face. "Be safe..I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded, slightly confused about what had just happened. But I shook the thought from my head, opening his door and walking out to the cab. 

Throwing my bag in the back, I closed the door. 

"Where to?" The driver asked, yet I still didn't meet his eyes. 

"2801, Carlisle Blvd," I answered, keeping my gaze on Tom as the taxi drove away from his house. 


I pressed the button for the fifteenth floor, anxiety growing in my stomach as the levels kept rising. Aaron had called me earlier, wanting to talk about everything that had happened. I knew what he did was an accident. He didn't mean to hurt me. He meant to hurt Tom. Which of course doesn't make anything better. 

But as the steel doors opened and I made my way to his apartment door, the bile rose even more in my throat. I took a deep breath, lifting my hand to knock twice. I could hear shuffling coming around from inside, the door opening to reveal my brother only a moment later. 

I expected him to walk to the side and let me in but instead, he tackled my body with his, giving me a bear hug like when we were kids. "I'm so sorry, Viv. I didn't know what to do. Mom and Dad trusted me and I let you down. I know I didn't react the right way and I-"

Placing a hand on his chest, I pulled back. "Aaron." I could see the pain in his eyes. I'm his little sister. Even though we're adults this felt like when we were eight and Aaron hit me, I started wailing and he begged me not to tell mom. Just this time it resulted in an ICU stay, not a bandaid and popsicle. 

"I'm okay. We're okay." I smiled, breaking the tension as he let out a breath. "We're okay?"

I nodded, "We're okay."

"Okay." Aaron smiled, grabbing his coat from the rack and throwing it on. "What are you doing?" I questioned, watching him pull his car keys out. "Come on," He gestured back down the hall, "We're meeting Scarlett and Flo at this restaurant."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "Did Flo plan this?"

He smiled, "She knows you can't stay mad at me for too long." 

"Alright." I slowly walked past him, "But I get to drive!" Suddenly I snatched the keys from his hand and bolted down the hallway. 

"Hey!" He shouted, following me as I clicked the close button on the elevator doors. I caught my breath, watching the floors go down in anticipation. I knew he would take the stairs. But with fifteen floors, I'd win this one. 

The doors opened, making me bolt out the lobby and into the street. I spotted Aaron's car, hearing him yelling behind me. Crap, he caught up. 

"Viviana! You better not!!"

I laughed, looking back at him when suddenly my body slammed into a wall. No, not a wall. A person. I fell to the ground, giggling even though I had just run into someone. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized, grabbing Aaron's keys that had fallen. 

"It's quite alright, darlin'"

That voice. 

I looked up, feeling the horror wash over me as I recognized the man I had run right into. 

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