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It was ten in the morning. After having breakfast with Tom and some quite amazing shower sex, I was now walking up the stairs to my dorm. Tom had dropped me off a bit away, not wanting anyone to see me get out of his car. Pulling out the key, I pushed it into the lock and walked in. 

"Oh my god!" Hands wrapped around my neck, pulling me in. Florence. "Hey." I hugged her back, dropping my bag to the floor. She pulled away, pushing me on the shoulder. "Where the hell have you been?! I've been worried sick. As has Lizzie and Scarlett!!" I let out a nervous laugh, plopping down on my bed. 

Flo looked at me expectingly, "Well? What's going on. Aaron said you had some fight. I know Aaron brought up-"

I raised my hand, "Please don't." Shaking my head, I cut her off. "Please don't talk about him. That's partly why I ran out on Aaron." Flo nodded, sitting down beside me. 

All of a sudden the world's problems were back. Tom wasn't here to make me tea and fuck me into oblivion. Bobby wasn't resting his head on my thigh and I wasn't sleeping in my Professor's extremely warm and comfortable bed.

And that's exactly what he was... My Professor. 

I groaned, placing my head in my hands. Flo rubbed my back, soothing my nerves only slightly. "I'm worried about you, Viv. You can't just disappear like that." 

I shook my head, "I didn't." Looking over at her I tried to explain, "I mean I was safe." I could see she didn't understand or was waiting for me to elaborate. "Trust me when I say I'll tell you what's going on when it's the right time." The gears in her head were visibly turning, making me fully face her. "I know you're my best friend. The person I tell everything to."

"Then why can't you-"

"Because this could get a lot of people in trouble and I don't want to hurt anyone." She stayed silent, bobbing her head up and down in understanding. 

"Alright." Flo broke the silence after a couple of minutes. "But you better go see Aaron and Lizzie.  We've all been extremely worried." I jumped up, grabbing my phone from my bag. 

"Oh and Viv?" I turned to see Flo pointing. "You might want to change out of that before you go see your brother." Looking down, I was wearing Tom's white-collar shirt. 

"Whoever the guy is that you're too scared to tell anyone about." I listened to her continue, "Is it really such a good idea if you have to keep it a secret?"


Flo's words rang through my head over and over on my way to class. I had already missed a couple of hours but I was just in time for general math with Mr. Downey. Walking through the doors, Aaron stood in the front, talking to him. 

"Oh, crap," I mumbled, slipping into a seat right in the back. I watched as Aaron discussed something, nodding and chatting. I almost went unnoticed until he was walking up the aisle. "Where the hell have you been?!" My brother's voice caught the attention of other students, making me want to crawl into a hole and die. 

I let out a nervous laugh, "What are you talking about? I've been right here-"

I was yanked out of my seat before I could finish that sentence, being dragged into the hallway as the door shut behind us. "Hey!" I shouted, pulling my arm away from Aaron's grasp. "Don't fucking do that!!"

Aaron scoffed, "You wanna explain where you've been?" I internally thanked myself for changing before leaving my dorm. God knows Aaron would've noticed Tom's collared shirt with the attention to detail he had. 

"It's none of your business!" I argued back, crossing my arms. He shook his head, "It's my business when my baby sister runs away in the middle of New York City!" He paused, lowering his voice, "You don't know this place yet. You don't know what you're doing!! You could've gotten kidnapped. Or worse, killed-"

"Well, I didn't!" I snapped, cutting him off. He squinted, "Then where the hell we're you?"

"It's again, none of your business."

He scoffed again, "You are such a pain in the fucking ass sometimes Viviana." I felt tears spring to my eyes, however keeping my stance as he continued, "Next time you decide to go missing..At least pick up your goddamn phone so I know if you're dead or not." I looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes. 

"Don't you have anything to say for yourself?" 

I stood in silence, only speaking when he started to walk away. "You had no right to bring Chris into it." He turned back, dropping his head. "I know, Viv. And I'm sorry-"

"And I'm not a fucking baby!" I could tell he was about to speak as I cut him off, "I may only be 18 but I am more than capable of taking care of myself." Pulling down the sleeve of my sweater where he had gripped my arm, I gripped the handle of the classroom door, "God knows I did it all the years you were gone."

I left him, walking back into the room. Students looked at me, yet most of them were paying attention to whatever Mr. Downey was teaching. I pulled out my notebook from my now dry bag,  clicking my pen as his voice drowned out. 

I couldn't get Aaron and Flo's voices out of my head. 

 You don't know what you're doing!!

I'm worried about you, Viv.

You are such a pain in the fucking ass sometimes Viviana.

Is it really such a good idea if you have to keep it a secret?

I took a deep breath, at least attempting to focus on the math in front of me, and not on the demeaning words of my brother and best friend in my head. 


My last class was finally here. I would've been excited if it wasn't for the anxiety I had about seeing Tom. I had slept with this man. Kissed him. His dick had been inside of me. Yet I was nervous to even say hi to him. Thank you, Aaron and Florence. 

Taking very slow steps into the English wing, I opened the door and immediately saw Tom standing by his classroom, greeting his students. His eye caught mine, his smile widening until he saw the monotone expression on mine. 

"Hi, Viviana."

I cleared my throat, "Professor Hiddleston." Walking past him without another glace, I felt my heart breaking slightly. But I had to stay strong. Everything that happened, could never happen again. 


Should I be doing homework because I worked all day and had to deal with stupid people in retail? Yes. 

Am I going to write and make edits instead of doing homework because people in retail are stupid and I need a break? Yes. 

Like why do you need 60 packs of gardening seeds and 40 cans of cat food?

Anyways, I worked all day and am exhausted. 

I hope you guys are liking the book! Thank you for reading. 

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