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"Alright students!" I kept my head down, not meeting Tom's eyes. I could tell he was only looking at me though, as he had been the whole class. "Read five chapters and we'll..reconvene tomorrow." He trailed off, his voice drowning in the sea of students rushing from their last class to enjoy the rest of the day. 

"Miss Johnson." I turned around from leaving, seeing his gesture, "My office." No other students bothered to stop or either look in our direction. 

I walked slowly down the asile and past Tom. His office smelt the same as it had two days ago. Pine and sandalwood. An upgraded version of old spice. 

"Yes, Professor Hiddleston?"

"Tell me," He leaned against his desk. "Did I do something?" 

I shook my head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

He scoffed, "Then what's with the cold shoulder, Viviana?" I stood still for a moment, a single tear slipping down my face with the storm slowly unraveling in my head. 

"It's nothing." I hastily wiped my cheek with the end of my sweater, instantly feeling Tom's hand cradling my face with his palm. "If it's nothing then why are you crying."

I looked up at the man, seeing his blue eyes deepen in concern. "Is this wrong?" Tom's brows furrowed in confusion, "Is what wrong, my love?"

"This." I placed my hand on his chest, not having the strength to push him away. "Us." Visibly, I could see the hesitation, however, he shook his head. "I know I like you. And hopefully, you like me..." I let a soft smile curve up my lips, silently agreeing. "Then we have nothing to fear, darling."

I bobbed my head up and down, accepting. "You are such the charmer." He laughed, "I'm glad someone thinks so.."

"What do you mean?" I let out a breathy laugh. "Oh." Tom shook his head once again, "Nothing."

"Okay," I mumbled, standing on my tiptoes to press our lips together. The kiss became more heated, Tom turning the two of us so I was backed up against his wooden desk. His hands roamed down my body, pulling at my sweater until we broke apart so he could pull it from my body. 

I held back a moan, feeling his large palm knead my breast. "Fuck." I whimpered, pulling away as Tom started to place kisses down my neck. "Such bad language, darling." I turned us around, Tom now leaning against the table. "Bite me." Pushing him down onto the surface, his back hit the wood. 

I unclasped my bra, throwing it to the ground haphazardly. "Darling, you are quite the spectacle," I smirked, running my hand up Tom's leg until I reached his clothed crotch. I could feel him getting hard beneath my touch. "Oh, I know."

Unbuckling his belt, I pulled it through the loops and from his waist. Unzipping his pants, he bent forward. "One minute, darling. I forgot to-"

I placed my finger on his lips, shushing him. "Just relax, Professor..."

He placed a soft hand on my cheek, his eyes radiating dominance. However, relenting at this moment. Lying back down, I pulled his khakis and boxers down enough as his cock sprung free. It looked bigger next to my head than it did inside of me. 

Keeping eye contact with Tom, I wrapped my hand around it, placing kitten licks on the tip as I could hear him hiss. "Don't tease, my love."

"Alright," I whispered, wrapping my mouth fully around his length, making him buck his hips as his cock was shoved further down my throat. I gagged, yet kept my composure and let my jaw relax. "Fuck, darling." Tom's head went back as one of his hands wrapped around my hair. I could feel the slick in my panties, but only wanting to please Tom at this moment. Pulling my mouth all the way up, I kept the tip in, sucking and then pushing down until my nose was at his pubic bone. 

"Oh, fuck..." Tom moaned the last word,  bunching his fist on the edge of the desk as I continued to bob my head up and down. Rubbing my hand on the part I couldn't push into my throat. I let my other hand trail upwards, interlocking with Tom's as he continued to thrust his hips up, fucking my mouth. I took my other hand off his cock, letting my mouth do all the work as my palm wondered. 

Slipping down the front of my jeans, I pulled my black lace thong to the side, rubbing harshly at my clit. I moaned at the feeling, the vibrations making Tom do the same. I could tell he was close, his stomach muscles contracting with every pump of my head. 

"Your such a good girl." Tom groaned, the veins in his hand flexing as he clenched his fist. "Such a good..." Suddenly a warm stream shot into my mouth, making Tom groan rather loudly from the release. "Girl.." He finished, wiping the tears from my cheeks as we kept eye contact. 

"Be a good girl and swallow, baby." I did as he said, feeling it slide down my throat. Tom sat up, pulling me into his lap. I smashed my lips into his, making him taste himself. He groaned, shoving a hand down my jeans to feel how wet I was. "Now it's time for me to return the favor." 

He placed me down on the desk, unbuttoning my jeans and slipping them down my legs, my thong included. Without warning I was situated in Tom's lap once again, fully naked. My hands rested on his shoulders, hands interlocked behind his neck. His were wrapped around my waist, securing me onto his lap. I could feel his bulge on my pussy, edging just at the entrance. 

His blue eyes gazed into mine, "Tell me to stop, we stop." I nodded, consenting. "I never want to stop when I'm with you."

Tom spread my legs with his, pushing up as his cock breached more of my pussy, stretching painfully. "Fuck..." I muttered, holding onto Tom's neck tighter as he ground up into me with one stroke. I attempted to jump up, only being anchored down with Tom's arms. He gave me a minute to adjust, pulling me up and down as he fucked me. 

"Oh.." I threw my head back, his lips instantly finding my neck. "Fuck!" I cried, feeling him trail down as his lips sucked my right breast.

 "You." Thrust. "Are. Thrust. "Fucking." Thrust. "Amazing." 

Tom's hand found my clit, rubbing in circles as the coil in my stomach tightened. "Fuck..fuck..fuck..Tom." I chanted like a prayer, "I'm gonna cum!" I mumbled in his ear, feeling his tongue soothe the hickey he had sucked on my collarbone. "As am I, love."

My body exploded in a tingly ecstasy, making me cry out as Tom came deep inside me. "Oh fuck! Viviana..." 

We both took deep breaths, suddenly startled by his office door swinging open. "Oh my god!" I jumped off of Tom hiding under my sweater I quickly grabbed it from the chair. Tom quickly shuffled, pulling his boxers back up. 

"What the fuck, Viv?!"

"Oh, shit," I mumbled, seeing my brother standing there with the angriest expression I had ever seen on his face. 

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