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"Hi," I breathed out, gripping the phone like a lifeline. The crisp air felt like a smack to the face everytime a draft of wind blew through. "I'm sorry for calling so late I.." Trailing off, I could hear Chris sigh before replying, "Are you okay?" 

I shook my head as if he could see me. "No, I just..can you pick me up? I'll tell you the rest then." I waited for him to answer. A sigh, even a cough would be nice compared to the awkward silence that filled the phone line. 

"Yeah, of course." The sound of keys dangling in the background made my heart feel lighter. A door slammed in the background before the ding of an elevator bell could be heard. "Where are you?" I looked around, seeing if I could spot a marker point. "Uh, bus stop fourteen." I answered, looking up to the green sign above my head. 

"Damn," Chris mumbled, "That's all the way across town."  I started to shake my head, "I'm sorry, I can find another ride-" 

"No," He interrupted, "It's fine. I'll be there in 20."

I nodded, "Okay. Thankyou-" But before I could finish the loud dial tone sounded, and he had hung up. I could tell he was a little angry, making me feel even more shitty. I sat down on the cold metal bench, not liking the way water droplets were soaking into my jeans. Wrapping my cardigan tighter around my torso, I rested my head on my hand, staring at the cars flying by even in the dark of night. 

Why was everyone against me lately? Flo and I were fighting. Tom had messed everything up by lying to me. Even Chris wasn't the happiest about having to pick me up so late at night. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I sat down on the cold metal bench, waiting. 

Had I really made the best decision choosing to get back with Chris? He had been there for me through a lot. We had known each other for years, taking since we were only 14 and 16. Up until I was 17 when we broke up. 

I knew he had flaws. Everyone did. Hell, I make decisions without fully thinking them through. Flo has no filter. Aaron thinks he's in charge of me even though I'm eighteen, almost nineteen. And then there was Tom. I thought he could do no wrong. We had only been seeing each other for a couple of weeks but those days were the best I had seen in so long. 

He was gentle and kind. He never gave me special attention in class, always giving me the grade I had worked for and nothing more. The way he touched me. His soft hands would caress my skin like I was a piece of china that could crack with a single touch. The way when he kissed me, his velvet lips would travel down until-

"Viv!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Chris pulled up, waving me down. I stood up, walking over and almost being hit with the door as Chris flung it open from the inside. The fall wind left my skin as the heat from his car warmed me within a second. 

I closed the door, instantly pulling the seatbelt over my shoulder and buckling it. An awkward silence filled the air as Chris drove to what I assumed was his apartment. God knows I didn't wanna go back to campus anytime soon. I knew I couldn't be around Flo right now. I loved her. She was like my sister. Which means she knew all the right buttons to push and everything to say. And like I expected, Chris had to ask, "So what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I played dumb, not wanting to talk about it as I continued to rub my hands together to create more warmth. He scoffed. "You know... Why don't you want to be around your roommate? What's her name? Chlo something."

My brow quirked up, "It's Flo, you know that." I mumbled the last part, moving on quickly so he wouldn't notice, "And It's nothing. Just a girl fight thing I guess." I could tell he didn't want to pry anymore, turning the corner and stopping beside the curb. He shifted the car into park, looking over at me with a sincere look in his eyes. "What are you gonna tell Aaron?"

I shrugged, knowing how much my brother hated Chris but maybe if I played it off we didn't have to talk about it. "Tell him about what?" Chris sighed, unlocking the car and stepping out into the road. Okay, so maybe we did need to talk about it. 

He slammed his door, making me get out and follow behind as he walked into the large apartment building. If you could even call it that. It was huge, being almost sixty floors high as far as I could tell. 

Chris had money. He always had, inheriting his father's company and everything that came with it when he died. But this complex was unlike any I had seen. Huge flat screen Tv's covered the walls, a self-serve check-in service, and a pool room right off the elevators. 

"Wow," I breathed out, looking around as he swiped a card over the lift scanner. "This place is so nice." Chris shrugged, and stepped into the elevator, pulling me in as well with a soft tug. "It's not much. Just necessity stuff." I wanted to scoff but he already seemed to be in a bad mood. That's one thing Chris and I never had in common and mostly fought about before we broke up the last time. Money. I didn't have it, he did. 

He always wanted to go out to fancy dinners or go shopping in the middle of the month. But for me, I had been wearing the same shoes for five years. I only got to buy new clothes every once in a while. And my bedsheets I had bought from Walmart, not even knowing what he meant by 'thread count.' So no, to me this was luxury, but I wasn't going to say anything about it. I learned not to poke the beast when angry. 

"It's not decorated or anything." He remarked, closing the apartment, more like a penthouse, door behind us. I looked around, seeing mostly blank walls, yes. But it was Chris' style definitely. Black leather couches, no throw pillows. A huge 80' inch flat screen Tv mounted on the wall above a speaker set. The kitchen which was visible from the living room had stainless steel appliances and plain marble coutnertops. 

Yet even with the high tech look, I felt my stomach drop at how...lonely it looked. Tom's place was warm, inviting. It always smelled like honey and shea butter. The lighting made you want to fall asleep and his couch always had at least ten throw pillows crowding the cushions. A hoard of cozy blankets included. 

"You alright?" I snapped out of my haze, feeling Chris place a hand on my shoulder. Nodding, I let myself melt into his touch as he lazily threw an arm over my shoulder. He pulled me into his side, throwing his keys on a nearby table and turning my body so I was looking up to him. 

"I'm glad I got you back baby." I let a tight smile embrace my lips, hesitantly wrapping my forearms around his neck. "I am too."

"Really?" He coaxed, holding my hips a little tighter as his palms ran down, cupping my ass. I bobbed my head up and down, taking in his strong colonge. "Mhm.."

I yelped, a giggle falling from my lips as Chris picked me up, instantly wrapping my legs around his waist. He walked us through a tall door, dropping me onto his bed without warning. I kept my lazy smile aimed up at him as he crawled between my legs, his thumb softly rubbing over my collarbone. "Well I'm about to show you how much I missed you."


I am so very sorry that I haven't updated sooner!! 

Between graduating high school and moving a whole hour away, plus getting a job and working 40 hours a week. A LOT HAS HAPPENED!!

I promise I'm going to start updating at least once a week, maybe more. I want to be more active and I kinda had writers block with how much stress has been put on me lately. I love writing, and I love that people love the weird shit that comes into my brain. You guys honestly keep me going at times ♡


Also, THOR LOVE AND THUNDER COMES OUT IN TWO DAYS!! I got my tickets for Friday!!

I can officially say he is my favorite dilf. 

Thankyou guys for reading and sticking with me even though I've been inactive. Don't forget to vote as it helps my rating, and comment!! I love to hear your guys' opinions on how the book is going!!

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