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The second day of college came as quickly as the first went. Lizzie and I stayed up talking and watching tv. Flo had come back around eleven and we all chatted until around two. 

Now it was eight in the morning and I was getting ready for Mr. Stan's class. I was not going to be late and embarrass myself.. again. 

"You remember where your going?" Lizzie asked, prompting me and Flo to nod as we strolled across campus. 

"I can't believe I'm in my own sister's class. It makes me wanna cry." I snickered, holding the door open as we all three walked into the building. "At least she didn't make a big deal over you being late. It was my first day and Mr. Stan already has it out for me."

Flo titled her head in understanding, "Is he cute?" I laughed out loud, shaking my head. She chuckled, "You didn't answer my question." Rolling my eyes, I stopped at her first block. 

"Yes, he's cute but he's not my type."

"What? Tall and hot isn't your type?" Lizzie smirked, pulling her bag a little higher on her shoulder so it wouldn't slip. I shook my head, "He's my teacher and-"

"Have eyes for someone else? Who?" Flo smiled, ignoring my attempt to derail the conversation.  

"No," I denied, looking down at my lock screen. "Okay miss suspicious. Who is it?" Lizzie asked, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. "It's no one!" I shouted, walking down the hall and to my class. 

"Being late on the first day and now shouting in the hallway." I looked over to where Mr. Stan was standing, two fingers lifted on his hand. I internally groaned. Why did this man hate me? "Look, Mr. Stan, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I-"

"No." He shook his head. "I don't think we did. I just think you're irresponsible and frankly a bad student." I stood there in shock, hearing the first warning bell ring out through the halls. "E- excuse-"

"Might wanna get to class," He walked to his room, "You don't wanna be late."

I followed behind, carefully walking as if my footsteps would piss him off. Making my way down the aisle, I stopped in the back, sitting at an empty desk. I watched Mr. Stan scroll on his phone as students filed in, sitting down in empty seats. I didn't want to take my eyes off the front of the room, scared he would scold me for that too. 

Eventually the bell rung, everyone was in their seats. Mr. Mackie had come in, sitting down behind Mr. Stan. That's right, Mr. Hiddleston had taken over his class. Meaning I had not one but two semesters in his class. Exciting. 

"Get out a notebook. We're starting unit one." Mr. Stan announced, shoving his phone into his front pants pocket. I reached down, pulling my notebook from my green woven bag. I took a pen out, flipping to the first empty page as I saw him pull up the first slide. 

"Our first lesson will be on memory." I listened intently. "The basics of our unconscious encoding of incidental information such as space, time, and frequency, and of well-learned information." He looked me right in the eyes, "Pay attention. Because I will not be slowing down for anyone."


By the end of first hour, I felt like a part of me had died. The lesson on memory had gone by so fast, I didn't have enough time to write everything down. I really have no idea what Mr. Stan had against me. The rest of the day hadn't gone by too slow. Mr. Downey had been exceptionally sarcastic. And slightly sexist towards some of the girls in the front row. I'm glad I've steered clear of him so far. 

 I was on my way to last block, Mr. Hiddleston's class. walking in the door, I felt a hand smack my ass. I choked, whipping around to see a blonde jock smirking at me. 

"Sorry babe, guess I'm an ass man." 

He walked through the door and into the same classroom, disregarding my general shock. I eventually moved when another student bumped into me.

Then it hit me. That was the same boy who bumped me into the street. With anger, I sped up to him, pulling his backpack so he turned around. 

"Oh, hey babe. You come back for mo-"

Without even thinking, I lifted my arm, slamming my fist into his nose. He was much taller than me but with enough lift, I heard a crack resound through the auditorium. He shouted, falling back as I got on top of him, hitting and punching with everything in me. I could subconsciously hear students around us, cheering. And feel the way my knuckles split open from the hard ridges in his nose. But I was only focused on wiping off the smirk he had. 

Suddenly I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist, pulling me from the blonde's body. "Hey! Hey, let me go!" I screamed, thrashing in the unknown man's arms. "Calm down." He whispered, making my body visibly still. Professor Hiddleston. "It's okay, love. Calm down." 

He let me down softly, squeezing my waist in the process. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I noticed the swarm of students around us. 

"Please get to your seats! I'll be starting class  with a slight delay." They all nodded, moving to sit down. The blonde got up from the ground holding his nose. "My office." Professor Hiddleston motioned to the small room to the right of the auditorium. 

I gulped, picking up my bag and following him. He walked in between me and the boy, sensing the tension. I felt his arm softly being placed on mine as he opened the door, still separating us. 

I walked through the door, seeing the gorgeous wooden office. It was filled with books, some even in stacks on the floor. A desk sat in the middle, two armchairs in front. "Sit." He spoke, walking to the large chair behind the workspace. 

I hesitantly sat, scooting the chair a little farther from the still unknown blonde. It's like Professor Hiddleston could sense this, eyeing the boy harder. He was still holding his bleeding nose. I hope it was broken. 

He brought his attention back to me, sighing, "I would like to know why when I walked into my classroom I found a circle of students watching you beat Mr. Evans here."


AN: Ahhh! So Viv punched someone! Can y'all feel the tension between them yet? I'm so excited. 

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