Chapter 15

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Nazeer and Kai finished cleaning the boat around midday. At first they thought that they would get a little break once they finished but they were wrong.

"Alright Kai what is it that you usually do at this time?"

"I have training with Meilin along with the others."

"Okay then both of you get there."

"Wait what? We just cleaned the entire boat and now you want us to go spar?"

"Afraid that's what Meilin told me. Now unless you don't want get into more trouble from her, then I suggest you go."

The two then ran from the docks all the way to the training room where Meilin had them spar. Kinta and the other girl was there also. They practiced with weapons, bare fists, and everyday items. Nazeer didn't know about Kai, but he could barely stand during the training session. 

When the time was up for training and everyone left, Meilin had Nazeer and Kai stay the rest of the day training with small breaks whenever Meilin saw fit. Nazeer thought that he was going to die until Meilin spoke. 

"Alright that's enough. Go to your rooms and rest for a while." 

The moment those words left her lips, both Kai and Nazeer crashed to the ground in exhaustion. They were panting like mad dogs and their bodies were heavy with sweat. Both of them didn't even try complaining by saying how tired they were. They were just grateful that they had finally stopped fighting. 

By the time Nazeer and Kai were able to get to their room, their bodies were screaming at them. They had expended all of their energy in the training room with Meilin. Making it to the door of the training room was a miracle. 

"I'm so hungry I can eat anything right now" Kai's muffled voice came. 

Meilin had some food brought to them while they were training but it wasn't much. Still Nazeer didn't bother replying. He lived off the land for years, or at least tried to while he was traveling between Amaya and Nilo searching for his brother. He was used to not having anything to eat for days.

"What do you think Meilin will make us do tomorrow?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"I don't know, probably because you've been here longer than me."

"Listen man I haven't been here for a long time.

"Kyle and Hena were both pretty friendly with you" Nazzeer pointed out. "They acted like they knew you for a long time, if they were acting."

 "The two of them are just like that. Friendly people by nature. That's not exactly something I can control. 

"What about all the whispers people do around you?" Kai stiffened at the mention of what Nazeer said. "I've seen the way people look at you, it's like you're some kind of idol or something.

"Listen I don't know why Meilin does what she does. The only thing I know is that she is really strict." Kai said dodging the question. 

"Alright fine, whatever. Im going to sleep." Nazeer said realizing that he wasn't going to answer the question.

"Okay then. Just make sure that you get to Meilin's room at sunrise tomorrow. I am not going to get in trouble again because of your dumb mistakes. 

Nazeer simply nodded his head glad that Kai would stop talking. He turned himself to face the wall so Kai would think that he was trying to sleep. Within a few minutes he heard Kai breathing slowly and he turned to look at him and saw that he was actually sleeping. Nazeer couldn't blame him though, his own eylids felt heavy and he thought they were going to close any second. Still he forced himself to stay awake and slowly opened the door. 

He was going to the library to see what was really behind the brick wall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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