Chapter 10

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Nazeer scanned the room as soon as he came in. The room was wide and airy and had a vaulted ceiling. There was a weapon rack propped up against one of the walls and was filled with all sorts of weapons. Staves, swords, knives, spears, scimitars, etc. Some of the weapons were on the wall as well.

There was 4 kids in the room including Nazeer and Kai. There was a Zhongese girl with long black hair and had a gold bracelet on both of her wrists. Next to her was a tall Niloan boy with black hair and had a sword strapped to his back. Nazeer couldn't see the sword but the scabbard for the sword was dark black and had designed golden lines on it. He couldn't help but stare at it until a thought hit him.

"You didn't tell me with we had to bring our own weapons!" Nazeer quietly hissed at Kai. 

"Don't bother. Kinta is a showoff. He doesn't use the weap-

"Hold up. What did you say his name was?"

"Uhh, his name is Kinta. Do you know him or something?"

"Nothing. There's nothing wrong." Nazeer said while wondering how horribly wrong everything could go now. Of all the people he had to have, it had to be the one guy who's family was the complete worst to his. Nazeer decided to ignore him and hope for the best. Hopefully he didn't have to partner up with him or anything. 

The door opened and the instructor came in distracting Nazeer from Kinta. Nazeer recognized her immediately, well more like he recognized the animal lumbering behind her. It was a standard panda just like he saw in the pictures and the way his dad described them with the black and white fur. The size caught him off guard since he had never seen one in real life.And if the panda was the womans spirit animal, then the woman had to be. 

"Hello everyone. I'm Meilin, one of the Four Fallen. And I'm sure you all know my spirit animal Jhi the Panda," she said moving so everyone could see the panda behind her clearly. The room was dead quiet and no one wanted to try to break the silence until Meilin decided to break it.

"Alright everyone stop staring." Nazeer got the impression that she was annoyed. "Today we're going to be doing 1v1 combat training. Kai and uh, lets see, Reina, you'll duel each other. Kinta and, what's your name?" Meilin asked looking confused. "Are you new here?" Nazeer panicked not wanting to give his name out because he didn't want Kinta to recognize him. Last thing he wanted was Kinta to find out who he was.

"Uhh, Zhamin! My name is Zhamin." 

"Alright" Meilin said skeptically. "Kinta and Zhamin, you two are up against each other, and you'll be going first. Zhamin get a weapon from the rack." Nazeer went to the rack and looked at the weapons. 

The only weapons his dad trained him in was the knife and the sword. His dad started training him after his mom and brother went to Amaya after the incident. At first Nazeer was delighted by the fact that his dad was spending more time with him since he was a attention hog. He always wanted attention from his dad and he was happy to have it, but slowly he started noticing that his dad wasn't really into it like how he was with Nazfir. Eventually he realized that he was doing so he wouldn't have to focus on the fact that his wife and son weren't with him anymore thanks to his parents.

"Zhamin, your weapon," Nazeer shook himself out of his thoughts and picked two knives that he thought was sharp. He went back to where he was standing and took a fighting stance against Kinta. "Begin" Meilin's voice rang.

The word had barely left her mouth when Kinta raced towards him with his sword drawn. Nazeer was barely able to bring up his two knives to defend when Kinta brought his sword down on him. He tried kicking Kinta while his sword was on his knives, but he easily saw it coming and moved back dodging his kick. He charged at him again bringing his sword down. This happened a few more times and Nazeer thought that he was being kept on the defensive, but he was proved wrong when Kinta pulled the same trick on him causing Nazeer to land on the floor first. The fight had barely lasted 30 seconds and he was already down.

"Stop. The match is over" Meilin said.

"Hmph. Guess I shouldn't have been surprised you'd be weak. Whoever your parents were, they di-"

Kinta was cut of because Nazeer threw one of the two knives he had at him. Kinta was easily able to block it with his sword, but that gave Nazeer an opening to charge him and tackle him to ground. He easily got on top of him and started landing punches, but he was only able to get in 4 or 5 punches on his face before Kai tore him away. He struggled trying to get out of Kai's grip, but he was stronger than he looked.

"Naz- Zhamin calm down!" Nazeer wasn't listening to anything. He had tunnel vision and the only thing he could think about was trying to punch in Kinta's face over and over again. Meilin was crouched down and inspecting Kinta's face while Jhi came over Nazeer. She put her paws on him and let out a low moan. Nazeer immediately felt some kind of weird calming influence. He tried to fight it but he gave in almost immediately. He felt like he was floating on clouds.

Jhi, satisfied that Nazeer calmed down, then went to Kinta and started licking his face. Nazeer recoiled at the sight, but as he observed, the injuries were healing wherever Jhi licked. 

"Jhi was known as the Healthbringer back when she was a Great Beast. So she can heal injuries and stuff like that" Kai explained. Kinta got up after being licked and glared at Nazeer. His face was still wrecked, but most the bleeding had stopped and his skin was mostly parched. Nazeer had to hold his grin in when he saw the black eye he had given him. The pure satisfaction of seeing him disheveled and beaten wasn't like anything he had felt before, and he didn't know if that was bad or good. But for now he basked in it. 

Before he could do anything Meilin stepped in. "Kinta go to the infirmary and get yourself checked. Jhi can heal injuries but not every injury can be healed by Jhi." Kinta took his sword from the ground and left the room. "Kai take him back to your room. I'll talk with him later." Kai nudged his shoulder and beckoned him to come. 

Great, Nazeer thought. He knew he shouldn't have done it, but the moment Kinta mentioned his parents he abandoned any thought of what would happen and wanted to cave in his face. It felt good being able to get back at Kinta after everything he and his family did, but Nazeer couldn't help but start feeling that he was pushing his luck at staying over here. 

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