Five|| "deal"

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TW ⚠️: mention of nauseousness.

Hope didn't know why but when they got at the cabin she just wanted to run get bad far away from Caroline and Josie as possible but she couldn't, it was like a spell casted on her that made her unable to do what her mind was telling her.

"Did you guys cast a mimicking spell on me? Because I can undo it." Hope smirked

Josie got out of the car.

"It's so cold." Josie says

"'s like 83 degrees outside, what the fuck you on planet bottom?" Hope asked

"We didn't cast a spell on you." Josie admitted

"Then why can't I leave?" Hope asked

"I have some theories but I don't think you would like to hear just need to stay here until tomorrow, once your family arrive then you could get the hell out of this place and I won't have to owe your father anymore." Caroline says

"What do you mean help my father?" Hope asked

"I can't answer any questions." Caroline says

"You know your way around the place" Caroline added

"I don't want to stay here." Hope says

Hope couldn't fight the urge to leave.

"You have no choice."  Caroline says

"To hell I don't." Hope says as she tried walking off but her feet wouldn't budge.

"Hope...I know we barely know each other, but you can be safe." Josie pledged

Hope didn't have control over the next words that came out of her mouth. "Anything for you."

Was she stupid? Hope didn't even mean to say anything.

Caroline eyes widen and Josie just smiled.

"Can you stay with me?" Hope asked as she slightly put her hand on Josie's shoulder.

"I can't..." Josie says

Hope eyes grew sadder.

Hope was showing emotion and she didn't like this not one bit.

"I have to go...maybe a shower would be good." Hope says before she quickly vamped into the cabin

"I think you should stay." Caroline says

"And what would dad say if he finds out I'm going to be in a house with a mikaelson? Not that I care about his opinion." Josie scoffed

"Listen, just stay here with hope for 2 hours and then once I find out what Hayley and klaus going to do then you don't have to be bothered with Hope anymore." Caroline says

"Deal." Josie says

"Don't forget these French fries in here." Caroline says as she reached into the car to grab the French fries bag.

"Thanks mom, love you." Josie says as she limbed to the house.

Josie didn't know whether she should believe that her mother was actually coming back for her in the next 2 hours or should she be suspicious of why her mom is acting weirder than usual.

When Josie got into the house she could hear the shower was loud.

Her tummy started to ache again.

"HOPE?" She called

"I'M IN THE SHOWER" Hope yelled

"I—okay" Josie groans as she held on to the couch.

Like before Josie didn't see hope as a bad person, she didn't even know hope but she also didn't want to be in a house with a stranger.

Josie couldn't make it to the kitchen or anything with the rate of the pains in her stomach so she just went to the couch and laid down.

Josie had fell asleep

When she woke up she was in a bed, she had no memory of how she got there.

Josie lifted up but and tried to steady her hearing to see

"HOPE?" Josie called

No answer.

"Damn it." Josie says

Josie was feeling a little bit better and her foot wasn't as bad as earlier so she got up and walked towards the door.

"Hope?" Josie couldn't tell as much anymore, she felt weak.

Josie slowly walked over to the stairs.

"HOPE?" Josie yelled which caused her to fall

If Hope hadn't vamped in time josie would have fell down the stairs.

"I got you love...I've got you." Hope says as she held Josie a bit close to her

No matter how much Hope tried to prevent it..her humanity was inches away from coming back.

"I can't be here." Hope says as she made Josie stand her right

"You can't leave, my mom won't allow you to and like you said before it's an urge for you to you have to." Josie says

"I don't have to do a damn thing.." Hope says

"You do!" Josie says

"I don't!" Hope says as she jotted down the stairs

"HOPE MIKAELSON!" Josie yelled as her head ached of more pain

Hope couldn't move, she stood in place no matter how much she tried to leave

"Let me go" Hope says

"What?" Josie asked

"I can't move and it must be you using the some type of spell on me so let me go!" Hope yelled out of anger

"I don't even have magic."Josie says

"What do you mean magic? Aren't you a witch?" Hope asked

"Yes but I have to siphon to get my powers" Josie says

This only confused Hope more.

"So if you aren't casting the spell on me then who is?" Hope asked

"I don't's probably the same reason why you can't leave no matter how hard you try." Josie says

Hope sighed

"This is going to be a long night." Hope says

"Well, I'm hungry." Josie says

"What am I suppose to do?" Hope rolled her eyes

Josie might have been drunk but Hope didn't act like this 3 weeks ago.

"Your humanity" Josie says

Hope smirked "what about it?"

"It's off..that's why you are being a total bitch." Josie put the pieces together.

"Ehh, I'm just living without a care in the world." Hope says

"Is that what you call living?" Josie asked

"Listen, I just want to get the hell out of here, I'm the most powerful being and some how I can't get out of this place, meaning it's something stronger that's holding me dark magic but 10 times more powerful." Hope rolled her eyes.

Before Josie could add on to what Hope was saying Josie felt this load nauseousness overwhelm her.

She ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet.

"Are you okay in there princess?" Hope asked

Josie could hear the sarcasm in hope's voice.

And as if throwing up was a puzzle to Josie's mystery...everything clicked

'Could I be? way' Josie thought to herself in disbelief

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